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In loving memory of Kate

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It is with saddened heart that I must tell that on January 19 following breast and lung cancer, Kate passed away. I got the message from her husband today.

I dunno what to say, im so sad, I been here since around 2004-2005 and talked with Kate for god knows how many hours, through all the years through the ups and down, the good times and the bad times. I knew she had back pain problems but it came as a shock to all of us when she told us she had breast cancer and was going through chemo. We all hoped she would get through it but as time went on without any news I think I can say for all that we all got more and more worried.

I really don't know what to say, i'm still in schock and very sad. Kate my friend we will all miss you, thank you for all you did for us and for the server throughout the years, I will miss our daily chats and having you around. May you rest in peace.

My deepest condolosence goes out to her husband, kid, and to her family.

As for the server and forum I dont know what will happen, if someone wants to help and pay to keep it running, in memory of Kate. I dont know what Kate would have wanted but she often expressed that she would like to close the server so if that is her wish I will respect that. I will talk to our server hoster and see what we will do and then I wait for her husband to reply.

Everyone please leave a kind message for Kate and her family.

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Dear Kate and Family,

Shocked I am... Looking for words... I almost can not believe this..
My heart and my deepest condolences to her family, having to deal with this loss.

Her love for the game and the clan will never be forgotten, and you will always have a place in my heart!

With great sadness,


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Can  not find words fined what go true my mind  .

My Codolance go at first place to her husband and son who she love so match .

My condolences to her family, friends and clan members for this great loss.
With great respect what you have always done for your servers.
A real hope it stays at the air as respect to YOU.
1 hour ago, Topcat said:

As for the server and forum I dont know what will happen, if someone wants to help and pay to keep it running, in memory of Kate. I dont know what Kate would have wanted but she often expressed that she would like to close the server so if that is her wish I will respect that. I will talk to our server hoster and see what we will do and then I wait for her husband to reply.


I can't stop crying, what a great loss this is.


Edited by kyrbj
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I am so saddened by this news.  My deepest sympathies go out to Kate and her family.  Kate endless work and concern for the clan and the servers was evident in all the hours she invested in them.  One of Kate's biggest concerns was that the servers were doing well and that people were visiting often.  I hope we can keep it going in memory of Kate.  Kate will always be our thoughts and prayers.

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Dear Kate and family,

I am shocked and saddened to read that you passed. We've known eachother for the better part of half my life, going back to late 2006. You embraced me as a teenager and gave me a place to feel at home. Years ago I read back some of our conversations we had. Apparently I would say the stupidest shit and you were always nice. While reading those conversations I felt deeply embarrassed about my behavior and it gave me even more respect to you. From the start, you have shown me a lot of kindness and it was always nice talking to you. I've seen you show that same kindness to others, for not only small things, but also the bigger things. Where I would have held a lifelong grudge, you were forgiving to people throughout the years. There is a lot of stuff I can only say I have the utmost respect for how you handled things.

You've upheld the clan in it's various names and forms for longer than I ever thought possible. It's always been a pleasure to find the clan time and again still existing after not playing for a couple of years. I know you had many doubts throughout the years about the clan's future. I've always been reluctant to help you make a decision and I always said it was yours to make and I would support it no matter what. In the end you have always kept the clan alive and for that I will forever be grateful. You managed to keep the clan alive for your entire life, Kate. That is a great achievement, in doing so you brought together countless nationalities through the years and and gave them a seoond home.

I am sorry I haven't been more vocal about my gratitude towards you. I hope despite that, that you've known this to be the case.
My sincerest and deepest thanks to you for providing a place of refuge and a second family through through close to 2 decades.

Bye Kate, I will miss you and remember you fondly.

My sincere condolences to your husband, son and other family. Thank you for sharing her with us.

With sad regards,
Nick, aka Napoleon.

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oh no it is so much worse then we knew.  im sad this day has come . i can say i have a  love for marianne she was always here. always kind and caring. you will live on in my thoughts . until we meet again.  xoxoxo RICO

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To Kate and her family,
I didn't know you much but I knew you were a person full of kindness and good will.                                                                                                     My most sincere condolences to all your family,  Kate rest in peace
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Never knew that it was this bad…deeply saddened by the news of her passing. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family. Very sad of hearing that another person has been lost to this horrible disease. Kate you will be sorely missed by the many people that have known you personally and the ET community.

Even though I’ve only been with ETS since 2020 I have played this game for a very long time and have enjoyed being part of the ETS family.

Lots of admiration and respect for her keeping the clan going, if it’s a donation that is needed in keeping the site going let me know and I would like to contribute.


Rest in Peace Kate flower-heart-4645-400x600.jpg.2ad3da956bc842a16b2d80e08c00a682.jpg

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My deepest condolences to Kate's family and friends.

Even though I am very new here and only talked to Kate a few times. I've always felt like a part of the family here. She will be greatly missed by a lot of people. This is such a shock and I had no idea.

Kate, you will be truly missed. This server has been so much fun to play and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be a part of it. May you rest in peace!!

Let me know if there is anything I can help with to keep this server running. This game has brought so much joy to a life that has had its up and downs. My cousin (Thom Cruise) and I talk to each other on a regular basis about all the games we've played and always look forward to the next one. 

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I am very sad that such a kind and loving person has passed prematurely from this world.  I have no words to express the loss.  I have been donating to this server since I first became a member and I would like to continue if we can keep it running in her memory.  I know I have been silent most of the time, with very little to comment on.  It's because I'm dealing with a loss of my own.  These things knock the wind out of our sails.  One of our own has fallen and we are diminished.  But we must carry on the good fight in their absence.  Let me know if there is a plan to continue the server - I will gladly be a part of that effort.

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I'm at a total loss of words at the moment. 😭

Don't weep at my grave,
For I am not there,
I have a date with a butterfly
To dance in the air.
I'll be singing in the sunshine,
Wild and free,
Playing tag with the wind,
While I'm waiting for thee.
The Comfort and Sweetness of Peace
After the clouds, the sunshine,
after the winter, the spring,
after the shower, the rainbow,
for life is a changeable thing.
After the night, the morning,
bidding all darkness cease,
after life's cares and sorrows,
the comfort and sweetness of peace.

You'll always be with us kate ❤️ 

Much love:


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  • Ets|Members

I'm genuinely devastated to hear this.

Kate was such a kind, genuine person and i'm really struggling to come up with the words to say about all of this its honestly caught me soo off guard.

I hope Kate's family can find some sort of peace in this sad time.

Thinking about all of you guys.


Tommy - syK

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A Great Person Has Gone

I will not forget the one who left us on this sad day.
You can be proud of Kate
His death is only a final journey towards another existence: beautiful and peaceful.
Receive the testimony of my sincere affection.
My sincere and fraternal condolences.

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This is..... very heartbreaking...

I'm deeply sorry to hear about her passing, please pass along my sincerest condolences to her husband and family.


And @kate if you can read this in heaven, this is from me to you:



Rest in Peace bethy... we will miss you so much.

Thank you for the 17 years we shared together on your servers!

We will never forget you. 🌹 


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  • Ets|Members

Damn Damn Damn - Only knew Kate since 2021.  God rest her soul and may peace be with her family and friends.  I agree she worked tirelessly in support of the Ets clan and the community surrounding it. 

You will be missed every map.........


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So I just spent over a hour looking through our conversations on discord my friend 😢. I'm soooo sorry I didn't get a chance to answer your call on discord Jan 17th. 

This was my last message to you kate on discord  Jan 18th: Hope you're doing alright. We're all thinking of you and sending you good vibes



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Got Return To Castle Wolfenstein from my wife for Christmas in 2002. First video game I ever owned. It must have taken me two months to beat it as I crept around every corner so I wouldn’t get shot. Had absolutely no idea what I was doing.

Like many here, I’ve been playing this game since it first came online in 2003. Originally Wolfenstein, Enemy Territory; now just Enemy Territory. Only ever joined one clan; Xodus. Still carry the “X” from it in my game name. I decided back then that I was not “a clan guy.” Have only ever played under the one game name, too; anotherwhiner. Never changed it.

I don’t know how many servers I’ve played on in twenty years. A lot. Enough to know the good ones are few. When I finally found the ETS server many years ago, I remember frequently getting in-game private messages from Kate asking if all was good. I often told her I kept returning because it was the best-administered server I’d encountered. In the beginning, she asked if I’d join the clan. When I declined, she asked that I at least join the forum. I did, but she soon discovered I wasn’t into posting on it. I always liked that she didn’t keep bugging me to join but settled into being happy just seeing me playing on the server.

It surprised me at first, but I came to like, too, that I couldn’t go two days without playing before I’d get an email from her asking if everything was okay. At first, thinking I was special enough for her to be reaching out to, I soon realized I was not unique. It was she who was the special one. She often asked if I thought the game was “going away.” I reassured her it would be here forever.

Over the past two years, her playing time on the server diminished. She complained often of “back problems.” Said she couldn’t sit long and would have to go lie down. On the 11th of January, I emailed her because it was the first time I’d ever not seen “Kate” listed as present on the server. This time, it was me asking if everything was okay. She replied the next day,

“Hi yes prolly my et crashed. I am at a private clinic at PARIS cuz healthies problems. Thanks to send me an email.”

She included a link to the forum about her health problems, but I couldn’t access it because, apparently, it’s been years since I created the account, and my sign-in doesn’t work any longer. So, I thought she was finally getting her “back problems” fixed. Seven days later… she was gone.

I didn’t know Marianne beyond the scant details above. I know she had a caring heart. …Caring enough to take to the streets in protest. …Caring enough to fret about the fate of this game we play. …Caring enough to check in on a too-long absent player. I can’t imagine the depth of the loss her family must feel. We’ve lost a mate. A mate in cyberspace who embraced everyone who loved this game, stuck around, and played by the rules.

Prolly my et will crash one day too. Until then, I will think of KATE whenever …wherever I play. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I hope the server continues. Willing to help.

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* I'm cross posting this from schnoog's topic/post over at spladderladder. Hope you don't mind schnoog *

It is with sadness that I have to inform you today that macbeth (also known as ETS-Kate or Marianne ) has passed away.

She put her heart and soul into helping us hour after hour and became not only the administrator but also the soul of Splatterladder.

I will always remember her as a friendly, dedicated and kind-hearted grande dame of the Enemy Territory community.

My thoughts are with her family.


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     I been trying my best to put words on here,but every time i try the tears start!!! My sweet Bethy was more then a friend she was family!!! 

                    Bethy i know you can hear us .. i well miss  our talks  and the kind words you always had to say to me, you are home now and not 

                    in pain.. Bethy you kept me going in life when i was very sick and didn't want to go on ,but now i have too try harder now  to get well,

                     not for me but for you ..damn  this is hard bethy... my love gose out to your husband and son and the rest of your family..

                                                                                                                    till me meet agian my sweet friend 

                                                                                                                                             love you with all


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Hi all, zugzwang here. I don't really do much gaming these days, since I'm so busy with other stuff, but I saw this incredibly sad news pop up in my email. I did not really know Kate all that well or for that long, but she was always such a lovely person whenever I was around her back in the day. It was also obvious that she cared very much about the server and genuinely wanted other people to enjoy themselves. Her passing is a reminder that we're playing with real people with real lives in these games. I also like to think that Kate wouldn't have wanted everyone sobbing too much, so try to stay positive and remember the good times! My deepest sympathies to her family and friends.

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I am so saddened by this news. My condolences go out to Kate and her family.

I knew you but I knew that you were a very kind person and above all you brought our favorite games to life.



Merci Kate pour tous se que tu a fais pour nous , pour ta Team  et serveur  pour tous le  temps que tu a passés a nous apportés du  bonheur .

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