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Ets|Probies and Ets|Addicts
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Everything posted by RTCWMavericK

  1. I have suffered Ménière's disease for more than 20 years now. It is like Tinnitus but 2 or 3 levels up, and yes you get used to it, you HAVE to. I have a buzz and a ring in my right ear 24/7. I am dizzy all the time but sometimes it gets worse and you go to an episode. I will suggest you to check it before it gets worse. We tend, when young, to think things will fix by themselves and this does not work all the time. So please go and check your ears. Trust me, you will avoid some suffering. Mav
  2. I know it's not my business replying to this but, I think Nap will be a great asset for ETS. Congrats!
  3. I really don't know what to type here. I also have a very special story that showed me how special Kate was. Like Half said "This really broke my heart" Descanse en paz Mav
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