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Everything posted by Doink

  1. Its a no from me - he kills me too often! Welcome aboard sir.
  2. Damn Damn Damn - Only knew Kate since 2021. God rest her soul and may peace be with her family and friends. I agree she worked tirelessly in support of the Ets clan and the community surrounding it. You will be missed every map......... Doink
  3. invitation from :the ets name who invited you - Ghost of ETS Past and Silky In-game name: Doink Previous gaming aliases: LooneyToon, SingleMalt, AgentOrange Previous clans, if any: PX/ABC/Quark/WSS and reason why you left : Inactivity mainly - servers activity died off Age: 56 What country are you from?: USA What languages do you speak?: English Do you use a translator to post in English? Not unless it needs to be in Pig Latin How did you find our community?: Low Ping and real player activity Do you have any admin experience?: yes - part owner of PX Will you be able to help in recruiting new members?: Yes Do you have any special expertise (coding, modding, Photoshop, etc.)?: Yes - Web and server - i would be happy to work small projects but time is limited - life gets in the way Tell us about yourself (optional): Been playing since RTCW Online - so since its release in 2001 - easy going and always ready to jump on the losing side to help with what little skills i have. Do you agree with the rules : Yes Note" Here to stay until i die or the clan retires - agree to stick to the ETS servers - it is where i usually play regardless. If you will have me back. Cheers Doinky
  4. Congrats on ETS membership - dont know how long but they have a quality player in you - good to see the old names around still


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doink


      I do Miss Alzo -or Aslo as that one kid used to call him - made him so mad hahahaha - cant seem to track down the old crew sniper and stealth once in a while guess they are on to new games

    3. Doink


      "dont you fooking know how to say my name......"


    4. -Silky.


      " you fooking coont!"  Good ol' alz0 on ventrilo lol!

  5. Yes Congrats good player
  6. Good player and courteous -big thumbs up from me!
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