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PsychoPappy 4

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PsychoPappy 4 last won the day on May 16

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About PsychoPappy 4

  • Birthday 04/03/1996

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  1. i had ear ringing before, sometimes randomly and other times after extended exposure to loud sounds. (e.g. lawnmower). if yours is chronic probably best to see your doctor.
  2. Jesus mighty naeps, i thought you'd never join. Mighty big YES from me!
  3. I can host servers if need be, i have a machine that can do that. I just don't know how to make a redirect server. I'll be around if you need help with anything, including running and configuring servers.
  4. This is..... very heartbreaking... I'm deeply sorry to hear about her passing, please pass along my sincerest condolences to her husband and family. And @kate if you can read this in heaven, this is from me to you:
  5. Rest in Peace bethy... we will miss you so much.

    Thank you for the 17 years we shared together on your servers!

    We will never forget you. 🌹

  6. Standard ET can also be played offline with most mods and bots in a private server via the same methods, and ET doesn't need much power as literally any computer made in the last 18 years can host and play ET games.
  7. Get your ass back in here doink! of course!
  8. @Bier Well, it is just one computer after all. :p i'll reluctantly depart Windows 7 as my main OS when i get a new computer, which may happen soon. if i had to however, i'll be good on security patches until October 2024, for both Windows 7 and Firefox. Firefox ended feature support for Windows 7 through 8.1 with version 115 so i'm now on the ESR Channel, which 115.x esr will be supported until September 2024. As time goes on though, living on Windows 7 will get harder and harder, and harder as software stops supporting it.
  9. I manually download the updates for Windows Embedded POSReady 7 (listed as for Windows Embedded Standard 7) from the Microsoft Update Catalog, and use them to update Windows 7 using the Windows Update Standalone Installer (WUSA) as the updates are fully compatible. This also requires the use of BypassESUv12 since these are Extended security updates, works like a charm!
  10. @Luis Enrique You got better english than whoever made the concept, yes that works. But Windows doesn't actually take long to install, at most about 15 minutes, averaging around 7-10mins. the part that takes the longest in setting up windows is the Windows Updates and Device Drivers (not including uninstalling bloatware).
  11. yeah, i made sure i documented everything too. if i could put how many hours i worked on this menu, i think i spent at least 4 cumulative days working on this menu, through editing and testing.
  12. I still have Windows 7, and still getting security fixes by using BypassESUv12, so i'm good until 8 October, 2024 when Windows Embedded POSReady 7 goes EOL. but i may end up getting a new computer before then. as for this concept for Windows 12, i love it but i still saw the poor english during the install lol. "This is not take a long, just sit relax" it should be spelled like this: "This won't take long, just sit back and relax"
  13. ETS Server Menu Release History Written by Ets|PsycoPappy 4, who is the developer of the menus. // ETS Server Menu 5.x Version History // For Mods: Silent 0.9.0 / NoQuarter / ETLegacy / Nitmod. // 5.1.2 (10D95) - April 16, 2023 // Released for all supported mods // • The Splatterladder URL has been updated because the website's domain name changed from ".com" to ".eu". • Updated the server names in the server links menu. // 5.1.1 (10D70) - March 28, 2022 // Released for all supported mods // • Replace etkey.org with etkey.net as the former site is no-longer active. // 5.1 (10D64) - March 1, 2022 // Released for all supported mods // • New Feature to make Ets|Kate's life easier! • Adds the ability to update the server names and IP addresses using an override file. • Other Changes • Updated the server names in the server links menu. • Minor typo adjustments on the server rules menu. // 5.0.2 (10B411) - September 19, 2021 // Released for all supported mods // • Updated the server names in the ETS Server links menu. • Updated the IP Address of the ETS CLASSIC MAPS server. // 5.0.1 (10A393) - April 7, 2021 // Released for all supported mods // • Updated the server names in the ETS Server links menu. // 5.0 (10A385) - March 1, 2021 // Released for all supported mods // • New "Tweaks" Menu! • You can now customize gameplay-enhancing settings in-menu*. • added the ability to adjust your "rate/maxpackets/snaps" in-menu. • You can bind controls like: Slash kill, Play Dead and Drop Weapon in-menu. • You can also configure the Kills Display, Lag-O-Meter, Speedometer, Clock and FPS counter in-menu. • "Weblinks" is now named "Site Links" • New confirmation dialog that supports all weblinks. • New GameTracker button added. • Organized the Site links buttons into three categories (Website and Forums, Server Info and Stats, and getting an etkey). • Other Changes • the header descriptions for the About, Servers, Site Links, and Server Rules menus have been changed. • ets_rulesweb.menu has been renamed to ets_rlnk.menu • there is now a confirmation dialog for the server links. • the Optimize menu was replaced with the new Tweaks menu. • Tweaks and About are now half-sized buttons to make the ingame menu more compact, (this change fixes the unix clipping bug completely, so there is no-longer a need to mitigate it.) • support dropped for ETPub, ETJump, ETNam and Jaymod. -> NOTE: *Not all features will be available on all mods, as some vars are mod specific. // ETS Server Menu 4.x Version History // For Mods: Silent 0.9.0 / NoQuarter / ETLegacy / ETpub / ETJump / ETnam / Nitmod / Jaymod. // 4.3.5 (9G45) - February 15, 2021 // Released for all supported mods // • Update all of the server names inside of the server submenu. • Change the etkey.org link back to the real link since the website is now online again. // 4.3.4 (9G35) - August 24, 2020 // Released for all supported mods // • Update the main server ip address. • Removed the Nitmod Server button. // 4.3.3 (9G29) - August 1, 2020 // Released for all supported mods // • Update all server IP addresses and names. • Update website forums and server rules links. • Change the etkey.org link to the archived version on the internet archive as etkey.org is no-longer online. // 4.3.2 (9F168) - May 27, 2020 // Released for all supported mods // • Remove both the EURO Server buttons, as the servers are no-longer online. // 4.3.1 (9F156) - April 13, 2020 // Released for all supported mods // • Update Server descriptions for the jaymod snipers server and the USA ETLegacy server. // 4.3 (9E213) - October 28, 2019 // Released for all supported mods // • Add 2 new buttons to link the new Silent EURO server and the new ETLegacy USA Server. • Slightly move the serverlinks and weblinks buttons and their related descriptions downwards by 3 pixels for a minor aesthetic improvement. // 4.2 (9C101) - September 20, 2019 // Released for all supported mods // • Updated all the server ip addresses for the new servers. • Updated all the weblinks for the new domain name. • Updated the ETS Servers Page UI. • Updated all of the URL's within the weblinks menu and it's confirm submenus. • Removed the Ets|ETLegacy USA Server Button. • The server links no longer use DNS addresses. • Some aesthetic improvements in the About Us Page. //etnam specific changes: • Corrected the color of the "CONFIRM" title on the confirm subwindows within the menu. // 4.1 (9B116) - August 4, 2019 // Released for all supported mods // • The weblink URL's are tweaked slightly to use https instead of http, except for etkey.org. • Each weblink button now has its own subwindow when clicked. • The menu window sizes and styles have been fine-tuned. • There is now an Edition for ETLegacy! //silent specific changes: • The Menu windows clipping seen on unix-based OS's with MINIMIZER ON is now fixed. // 4.0.2 (9A422) - March 12, 2019 // Released for all supported mods // • Updated the DNS and IP address for the "Ets|ETLegacy USA Server" button. // 4.0.1 (9A404) - February 15, 2019 // Released for all supported mods // • Replaced the IP addresses of the server link buttons for DNS URL's. • Added ETLegacy recommended settings in the optimize menu. //etnam specific changes: • Corrected the color of the "YES/NO" and "Close Window" text on the buttons across the menus. // 4.0 (9A366) - February 1, 2019 // Released for all supported mods // • The Entire menu has been massively redesigned! • The Menu is now a triple-window ingame menu. • Everything is now Easier than ever to access. • Website Links and Server Links now have their own submenus. • Added a "Back To Game" button to close the menus easily. • Added the "About Us" page, giving a brief description of Ets. • Menu version is now written at the bottom of the "About Us" page. • New TGA Headers for all of the main submenus. • The Menu is no-longer accessable from startup, it is now ingame only. • Server Rules are no longer in 3 pages, it's now just 1 page with Basic Rules. • There is now an Edition for ETJump! • There is no-longer an Edition for Vanilla ETmain, support's dropped. // ETS Server Menu 3.x Version History // For Mods: Silent 0.9.0 / NoQuarter / ETpub / ETnam / Nitmod / Jaymod / Vanilla ETmain. // 3.2.1 (7C525) - March 12, 2019 // *Released for ETmain only // ***Final release supported on ETmain*** • Updated the DNS and IP address for the "Ets|ETLegacy USA Server" button. // 3.2 (7C500) - February 12, 2019 // *Released for ETmain only // • Replaced the IP addresses of the server link buttons for DNS URL's. • Added ETLegacy recommended settings in the optimize menu. • Now once again accessable from game startup. // 3.1 (7B450) - September 1, 2018 // Released for all supported mods // • Updated Server buttons and descriptions for the ET Legacy Servers. • Updated all the link confirmations with URL's now displayed inside them. • Added a button to the custom_main menu for quicker access to the rules. • Moved the Ets Optimize button to the custom_main menu for faster access. • Moved the Get an ETkey button to the ets_main menu. • General aesthetic improvements were made to the overall UI of the menu. • Removed the ets_more menu. // 3.0.4 (7A431) - July 15, 2018 // *Released for ETNAM Only // • New Edition for ETNAM // 3.0.3 (7A421) - July 12, 2018 // Released for all supported mods // • Changed the "Ets|Snipers USA Server" link button to "Ets|ETL Fun USA Server" and the corresponding button's label was also changed as well. • Minor code changes in the non-silent versions. // 3.0.2 (7A413) - March 21, 2018 // Released for all supported mods // • The recommended settings on the Ets optimize page was changed a little. // 3.0.1 (7A401) - February 25, 2018 // *Released for Silent 0.9.0 Only // • Corrected the Colors of the word "Clan" in "Ets|Clan" in the custom_main menu* *The color of the word "Clan" was white instead of red, left-over from the beta stage was fixed with this update, it only affected the silent edition. // 3.0 (7A392) - January 1, 2018 // Released for all supported mods // • Redesigned Ets|Main and Server Rules Menus. • Buttons are now rearranged to look a lot better. • New TGA Headers on the top center of the main Ets menus. • Rules Menu is now 3 Pages, containing all the rules on the Ets website. • Overall improvement of the aesthetics of the text on the menus and submenus. • New "Optimize Gameplay" page for displaying some recommended ET settings. • New Edition for Vanilla ETmain! • Removed the ets_ingame_disconnect and ets_quit menus from the etpub edition, because of a limit within etpub with how many .menu files the game can load. // ETS Server Menu 2.x Version History // For Mods: Silent 0.9.0 / NoQuarter / ETpub / Nitmod / Jaymod. // 2.2.1 (5D35) - November 28, 2017 // Released for all supported mods // • Updated ET TrackBase URL Link. // 2.2 (5C72) - October 23, 2017 // Released for all supported mods // • Bug fixes and minor aesthetic improvements • Fixed Company Logos clipping on startup main menu. • About Menu now displays the Menu Edition under the menu name. • Optimization of the menu's code. • Added Ets ET TrackBase URL Link Button. • Changed the Ets Snipers Server Button to Ets ETLegacy USA Server The Button's Server IP was also changed to // 2.1.6 (5B223) - October 19, 2017 // Released for all supported mods // • Removed ET GameTracker URL Link Button* *this button was removed by request from Ets|Kate. // 2.1.5 (5B221) - October 18, 2017 // Released for all supported mods // • Lowered custom_main so it isn't up against ingame_main. • Changed the Ets|Silent EURO Server Button to Ets|ETLegacy EURO Server The Button's Server IP was also changed to • Optimization of the menu's code. // 2.1.4 (5B217) - October 2, 2017 // *Released for Silent 0.9.0 Only // • 2.1.x support extended to Silent 0.9.0 // 2.1.3 (5B183) - October 1, 2017 // *Released for Nitmod Only // • Initial release for Nitmod. (support added for nitmod!) // 2.1.2 (5B177) - September 26, 2017 // *Released for ETpub, Jaymod, and NoQuarter. // • Initial release for NoQuarter. (support added for noquarter!) • Renamed buttons "Go Back" to "Close". • Fixed and adjusted subwindow titlebars. • Fixed "Ets|Clan" color in the ingame_disconnect.menu (same for ets_quit.menu). //Jaymod specific changes: • Fixed ingame_main not opening the ets_ingame_disconnect and ets_quit menus when you click "DISCONNECT" or "EXIT GAME" while in-game (instead opening defaults). // 2.1.1 (5B166) - September 20, 2017 // *Released for Jaymod Only // • Initial release for Jaymod. (support added for jaymod!) // 2.1 (5B133) - September 18, 2017 // *Released for ETpub Only // • Initial release for ETpub. (support added for etpub!) // 2.0.1 (5A416) - September 14, 2017 // *Released for Silent 0.9.0 Only // • Fixed a bug when you press ESC to exit the ets_main menu and the custom_main menu would not appear under the ingame_main menu. // 2.0 (5A409) - September 10, 2017 // *Released for Silent 0.9.0 Only // • Initial release for Silent 0.9.0. (support added for silent 0.9.0) • Adapted to work with the Silent 0.9.0 menu restrictions.
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