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Everything posted by Bier

  1. Should supply some information.... ;-D
  2. Wonders still happen, I see... :-) Welcome Napo!
  3. Put me in the loop too if more funds are needed to keep up the hosting. I got lost about the tally, but if anyone knows if anything is still due, let me know...
  4. I will absolutely support any effort to keep at least one server alive! Indeed @-Silky., She needs to be remembered for as long as we can hold on..! Using your server is a quick and clean way to do so, and I will be happy to back you up financially, or any other way . But we have to take some things into account: - What about the forum... It's hosted at the same place as the main server is now, not? Can we get a backup and self host? - We should get control over the ets-clan.com DNS name. This is something I could easily do, but to do that we need the domain authorization key from the current hoster. There is no need for him to keep a hold on it, but we do need his cooperation for this to happen smooth and quick. - Besides the forum, most discussions we had were on another channel. Up to now Kate, Top and me were always online with Skype for that, so... I really hope we can regroup and get this working! Bier
  5. Dear Kate and Family, Shocked I am... Looking for words... I almost can not believe this.. My heart and my deepest condolences to her family, having to deal with this loss. Her love for the game and the clan will never be forgotten, and you will always have a place in my heart! With great sadness, Bier.
  6. Happy and Healthy 2024 y'all!! 🍻
  7. Isn't this all getting a bit masochistic, hanging on like this to Windows 7? if I had to do this for the 50+ workplaces in my company I'd be living there! :-)
  8. Pappy: Hell no!, and applies the defibrillator pads...
  9. I know Pappy, but I don't want to / am not allowed to run that OS anymore for insurance reasons, because it's not officially supported anymore... My position at the company demands that, so I reluctantly have to comply. Here the company liability extends to the private area because I connect to the company network from my home, and also I don't want to run the risk... Are you fckn kidding me? That Toshiba laptop is still alive??
  10. Been stable all weekend after the swap. RX 420 upgrade to RX 460... Lol! Still old! But i'm convinced I had some local problem only I had. Case closed!
  11. My ET also never crashed like this. I tried everything I can think of... I'll swap my graphics card coming weekend. See if that helps. It's old...
  12. Aaaand, it's not. It crashed again. More digging to do...
  13. Automatically.. Usually that's not a problem.
  14. The game just freezes up, and I get my normal desktop mouse cursor. I then have to close the game by hand to get my desktop back. Indeed I have an AMD graphics card, but no update was installed lately. I seem to have some success now by removing Windows Update KB5028951, which was installed a week ago. Up to now the game is stable again. Fingers crossed...
  15. Since a few days and out of the blue, ET is crashing on me constantly. 6, 7, 8 times per session, and it sucks balls! It suspect some Windows update is ruining the fun again... Anyone running vanilla ET on Windows 10 has the same experience?
  16. Yes for me too for sure! Great player to have on the team!! And congrats with your newborn son! I have 2 sons myself, and the last one is on the verge of leaving the nest to take on the world by himself, so if you ever need a peptalk... :-))
  17. Oh yes! Nice addition to the clan for sure! I say, Welcome Mike!
  18. Bier

    Ets| Meme House

    Let me recall this old thread... We had some fon in the past already! :-) Looking at the Spam section I didn't realize whe accumulated a lot of funny shit already. Most of them I already forgot about...
  19. Good luck with that!! Is that your new view? :-)
  20. Awww... That's a bummer man! I hope you have better luck next week..!
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