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60 files

  1. baserace + z_baserfin_scobo

    ts a race, to build your base! Steal Construction Materials from your enemy's base and secure them at the various 'Capture Pads' located in your team's base. Different capture pads correspond to different base constructions and upgrades, so be sure to think about where you secure your Construction Materials. Capture Pads can be used multiple times to upgrade constructions. Also, constructions can be 'synergized' by completing combinations of other constructions. The first team to complete all 40 constructions / upgrades or have the most completed when the timer runs out wins!

    Basic Information
    Designer : CptnTriscuit
    Designer2: TNR360 (MX)
    Made with permission from CptnTriscuit
    Map Information

    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Baserace Winter
    Filename : baserace_b3c_b3.pk3
    Version : Beta 3c
    Release date : 06/05/2007

    Installation : Place the baserace.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
    bring down the console and type: map baserace


       (0 reviews)




    TITLE                   : BIOHAZARD_FINALE 
    AUTHOR                  : Devils Right Hand
    DATE                    : 
    TYPE                    : OBJECTIVE 
    bug report feedback     : discord Devils Right Hand#2240
    Release date beta1        : 5/04/2016
    Release date beta2        : 8/06/2016
    Release date beta3        : 11/02/2019
    Release date beta3.1    : 19/02/2019
    Release date FINALE     : 05/11/2021
     Version     :   FINALE 
     Attacking    :   allies Objective
     Timelimit    :   60
     Spawntimes :   Axis 25 / Allies 15
    changelog fixed beta 3:
    -fixed spawn now alied axis spawn right where it should,thx to kemon for his scriptz help at at those dump spawns
    -complete new lights hole house
    -change some rooms more bigger
    -add new textures
    -change all textures folder+shaders in biohazard to avoid other maps conflict
    -change the house entrace stairs
    -change 16 grid brushes to 8
    -new models
    -new beautiful terrain 
    changelog fixed beta 3.1:
    -replace info_player_intermission to info_player_deathmatch,it makes a error while ingame ERROR: Couldn't find a spawn point
    changelog fixed FINALE :
    -re texture brushes
    -re change the doors height
    -darker skybox 
    -change the elevator
    -change some rooms
    -new lights on some areas
    -change some stairs with clip texture
    -add stairs on fountain
    -new railing
    -new glass
    MAP BASE                : New Map
    EDITOR(S) USED          : NetRadiant 1.5 custom x64
    KNOWN BUGS              : 
    COMPILE MACHINE         : amd ryzen 7 3700x 8x 3.5 ghz ,16 gb ram ddr4,Asus ROG Strix-RX580-O8G,win10 x64
    COMPILE TIME            : light 44 min  - vis 70 sec - bsp 60 sec 
    COMPILE version         : [q3map2] -light -v -samples 3 -samplesize 8 -threads 8 -patchshadows -lightmapsize 256 "[MapFile]"
    BRUSHES                 : 25953
    PATCHES                 : 970
    INGAME ENTITIES         : 699     
    ENTITIES                : 1196
    MISC_MODELS             : 239
    * special thanks *
    twt teuthis for support
    twt mateos for support
    macchute for help with scripting
    kemon for hint support and spawns scriptz
    WuTangH help with scripting at obj 
    twt ray for support
    uje niek for support/feedback and beta test on server
    Loffy for commandpost spawns prefab
    Garux for NetRadiant 1.5 custom 
    Simon O'C for tuts
    Victor Karp for tuts
    ets kate beta test on server
    = Credits =
    kic                     : trees models
    Devils Right Hand       : bushes/grass models
    Avoc @ eft-clan.com     : skybox
    firefly                 : cloud
    Distribution / Copyright / Permissions
    Copyright (c) 2021  Devils Right Hand 
    All rights reserved
    Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
    This level may be electronically distributed not-for-profit only at 
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST 
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN 


       (0 reviews)



  3. Brundlenburg

    [UJE]Niek fixed the missing textures Made by Fritz Chestnut.
    Thanks everyone at
    The map file is included. Any one can modify it or use any part, just give me credit please. :)
    Thanks to http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/4newbies/
    And http://www.sikstrom.nu/rikard/prefabs.htm for some cool shelfs.
     Axis Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Brundlenburg Antenna."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Construct the Antenna Defence."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Depot gate"
    4       "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Bridge"
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command-Post."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Brundlenburg Antenna."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Antenna Defence."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Depot Gate."
    4       "Primary Objective:**Construct the Bridge"
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command-Post."


       (0 reviews)



  4. base

    LightRay fixed the missing textures
    dFx's specials thanks goes to :
    _Gray Matters
    dFx's thanks goes to :
    _wolfensteinx and their tutorials.
    _Francesco <Nemo> Bancalà for his software known as easygen.
    _SplashDamage for their mapping documentation and their support in the forum.
    _Thanks to ID Software for their engine and their support in community.
    _whole epona team and satoshi for their support.
    "Axis must keep the decrypted documents until the reinforcement to arrive. First they must save the doors witch are very good protection.
    Secondary, they must keep control of the transmitter witch is the key of salvation."
    allied "Allies have to get back the decrypted documents to their brain trust in order to change the code and change their war plans. They must enforce this axis basement, begining by doors to get decripted documents back home."
    final     :
        _adding some rocks
        _light bug fixing
        _texture bug fixing
    beta 2.2 :
        _adding 1 more axis way to go to the transmitter
        _light bug fixing
    beta 2.1 :
        _adding 1 more way to get back to transmitter
        _adding cameras for objs
        _modificating script file
        _ladder bug fixing
        _light intensity bug fixing
    beta 1.2 :
        _adding a new space in a wall.
        _adding wire on lights
        _adding a new sky texture
        _adding limbo picture
        _adding loading picture
        _adding some green liquid in water
        _modificating shaders
    beta 1.1 :
        _adding green liquid
        _adding barrels
        _adding lights
        _adding crates
        _adding some trickjumps
        _adding metal trim
        _removing glasses
        _changing brick wall texture
        _changing transmitter limbo's picture
        _changing brick wall limbo's picture
        _changing documents name
        _changing objectives texts


       (0 reviews)



  5. beetown_a1

    Author        : |>B<|Mongo
    Email address    : [email protected]
     Map Information
    Game        : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title        : Bee Town A1
    Filename    : beetown_a1.pk3
    Release date    : 2011-11-04
    Description    : This is a object map. Axis and Allies need to get back the Beer / Honey
              and bring it home to their own storage cellar to gain victory.
              You can steel all four object but only leave one at the same time.
              The team that get all four object back or the highest number of object wins.
              If it's a draw at time limit the map ends draw.
    Program        : SD Radiant 1.4.0
    Installation    : Place the map beetown_a1.pk3 to your etmain folder,
              select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
              bring down the console and type: /map beetown_a1.
    New Textures    : 36 (Read the 2 Mongo_info.txt in folder textures/beetown,
              textures/beetown/jecoliah and Texture.txt in textures/beetown/noctua_graphics)
    New Sounds    : 1 (KillerBee sound from [http://www.4uall.net/free-sound-effects
    New Models    : 2 (Beer and Honey made by me)
    New GFX        : Compass-score board from RayBan
    #. Version A1
    Changed many things, some are my own ideas but most of the information I received on the FP1 version. Thanks to everyone for the feedback.
    Two new items 1 / team. The drain grate is not built from the start and you have to build the command post in order to use the secret path.
    I hope the changes will make it faster way to fight but you can still choose the long way and even sneak ways.
    #. Version FP1 First Playable:

    #. Objectives
        : Axis
        1. Steel back the Beer and defend the Honey.
        2. Build Southwest and Southeast assault ramp.
        3. Destroy Allies Maingate, Southwest and Southeast Iron fence.
        4. Build the commandpost.This open the secret way under ground to the Allies Base but you need to destroy the drainage grate to get up.
        5. Defend / Destroy the object that Allies trying to do.
        : Allies
        1. Steel back the Honey and defend the Beer.
        2. Build Northwest and Northeast assault ramp.
        3. Destroy Axis Maingate, Northwest and Northeast Iron fence.
        4. Build the commandpost. This open the secret way under ground to the Axis Base but you need to destroy the drainage grate to get up.
        5. Defend / Destroy the object that Axis trying to do.

    Please report any bugs, suggestions or if you have any ideas on how to improve the map to Email [[email protected]] or PM at
     Special thanks and Credits to:
    2Bit for a great Tutorial.
    RayBan for the stuff that he makes and I have use. (compass-score board).
    Loffy for the information and thing I use and find in map (loffy_ctf_prefab2.pk3).
    |>B<|Peyote for answered questions.
    |>B<|Jecoliah for some textures and answered questions.
    |>B<|Mantex who told me about the Tutorial.
    All the Bunker members who examined and tested the first version (BeeTown_FP1) on there own PCs and gave feedback and suggestions how to improve the map.
    All mappers and players out there ho has given me allot of funny moments while I have been playing the game.
    Some script idea are taken from loffy_ctf_prefab2 and 2Bit-Tutorial
    Script and text explanation made and modified by |>B<|Mongo for the map Bee Town A1.
    Thanks to all author.
     Texture/Shader Notes:
    If authors wish to use textures or models from this level you must ensure you get the permission of the origional author first.
    I changed the name and size of some textures so they work in Radiant. I also change some shader.
    The name of the texture IS NOT a claim by myself as to the creation of the texture.
    Some of the Textures are my own Custom textures or free textures that I modified. Also Some of the scripts and shaders I made myself.
    Request to use any part of the Map or contents of the Pk3 file should be E-Mailed to [email protected].

    Thanks to all author.
    Copyright © 2011 |>B<|Mongo all rights reserved
    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


       (0 reviews)



  6. berlin_120

    hunkmegs issues with basic hunkmegs set at 56
    1     "1st Primary Objective:**Capture the Station and Shop and hold them for a total of 90 seconds!**Then secure the buildings by eliminating all defenders in them!"
    2     "2nd Primary Objective:**Capture the Hotel and Depot and hold them for a total of 90 seconds!**Then secure the buildings by eliminating all defenders in them!"
    3     "3rd Primary Objective:**Capture the Axis HQ and hold it for a total of 90 seconds!**Then secure the building by eliminating all defenders in it!"
    4     "Final Primary Objective:**Capture the Library and Bank and hold them for a total of 90 seconds!**Then secure the buildings by eliminating all defenders in them!"
    5     "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post to improve our rate of re-inforcements and to hinder theirs!"
    // Axis Objective Descriptions
    1     "1st Primary Objective:**Defend the Station and Shop!**If they take control (flare turns yellow) we MUST re-occupy the building and defend it to the last man!"
    2     "2nd Primary Objective:**Defend the Hotel and Depot!**If they take control (flare turns yellow) we MUST re-occupy the building and defend it to the last man!"
    3     "3rd Primary Objective:**Defend the Axis HQ!**If they take control (flare turns yellow) we MUST re-occupy the building and defend it to the last man!"
    4     "Final Primary Objective:**Defend the Library and Bank!**If they take control (flare turns yellow) we MUST re-occupy the building and defend it to the last man!"
    5     "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post to improve our rate of re-inforcements and to hinder theirs!"
    A Berlin street, 1945. Allies have to capture the street in house-to-house combat.
    The first buildings to capture are marked by a red flare (which turns blue when Allies capture the flag and red on Axis recapture).
    Flags (which are always on the ground floor) must be held by the Allies for a total of 90 seconds to make the capture permanent.
    At that point the flare turns yellow, indicating that Allies must now eliminate all Axis defenders in the building to secure it. So long as at least one Axis defender remains alive in the building, it remains unsecured. When the flare turns yellow Axis have 20 seconds to re-occupy the building - after that time as soon as no Axis soldiers remain alive in the building it is secured.
    When the first buildings are secured the yellow flares are extinguished and red flares are lit outside the next buildings to be captured. In this way Allies progress up the street, trying to secure a total of 7 buildings to win.
    There are no dummy windows in the map, which means every window opening potentially conceals an enemy soldier: so advancing in the open street is a risky business. Allied cov ops will need to provide smoke cover and seek out enemy snipers to assist the advance of Allied troops.
    The flares are an important element in the game, and are produced using  ET smoke generator entities. Some players will have disabled smoke, perhaps to help performance on low-spec machines or maybe to gain a small visual advantage, and so will not be able to see the flares.
    To see flare smoke you need to set cg_wolfparticles to 1 (on NQ you need cg_smokeparticles set to 1).


       (0 reviews)



  7. byzantine

    large map with great design
    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Seize gold from Allied Operations and return it to the getaway truck."

    2    "Primary Objective:**Disassemble the radar transponder unit at the dock warehouse to gain access to the radar beacon"

    3    "Primary Objective:**Seize the radar beacon from the dock warehouse and return it to the getaway truck."

    4    "Primary Objective:**Protect Axis gold at German Embassy."

    5    "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from disassembling radio intercept unit located at the safehouse."

    6    "Primary Objective:**Protect the radio codes located inside the radio intercept unit."

    7    "Secondary Objective:**Hold the Forward Spawn."

    8    "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1     "Primary Objective:**Protect gold at the Allied Operations building"

    2     "Primary Objective:**Prevent Axis from disassembling radar transponder unit at the dock warehouse."

    3     "Primary Objective:**Protect the radar beacon located inside the radar transponder."

    4     "Primary Objective:**Seize the gold from the German Embassy and return it to Allied Operations."

    5     "Primary Objective:**Disassemble the radio intercept unit at the Axis safehouse to gain access to the radio tapes"

    6     "Primary Objective:**Seize the radio codes from inside the radio intercept unit and return to Allied Operations."

    7     "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Spawn."

    8     "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post."


       (0 reviews)



  8. Bunker_SG1945_3

    large map
    Game : Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
    Titel : StargateCenter 1945
    Filename : SG2.pk3
    ReleaseDate : 19.11.2003
    Revision : Final 1.0
    Technical Infos:
    Editoren : GtkRadiant 1.3.8 - 1.3.12
    Buildtime : arround 4 Weeks (nonstop) *g*
    Kompilierung : BSP -meta,-vis, light -fast -filter -samples 2
    Kompilierungsdauer : Bsp 73 sec, Vis 87 sec, Light 830 sec.
    Kompilierungsrechner : AMD XP 2700 , 512 MB
    Total Brushes : 9048
    Visdatasize : 114608
    Basicscript : Goldrush
    Sounds : ET with some changes
    Texturen : Wolfenstein Enemy-Territory and other
    Models : Wolfenstein Enemy-Territory and other
    If on 1st startup the message :"Hunk - Alloc Faild on XXXXX"
    appears plz type the following command :
    "/set com_hunkmegs 96" or "128"
    For bigger systems about 1/3 of Ram

    Instalation :
    Extract the included *.pk3 into your Wolfenstein-Enemy-territory maindirectory
    ".../etmain/" run the game und select it in the Levellist.
    Thanks and Greetings:
    Thanks to the Level-Designer Forum (www.Level-design.de)
    for the one or other answer and the Tutorials.
    And special thanks to "Wadev" for the real great StargateModel,
    to the Splash-Damage Forum for some real good infos and the Authors
    of the used Prefabs (forgot the names :O ).
    This level and all included Material is freeware or property of theyr owners
    and can be, for non comerciell usage, copied or given away to each other.
    If you plan to use or sell it for profid, the Aggrement of the Developers is required!
    Also if it will made Public in magazines or any other papers.
    * V 2.0 by CatC *
    Removed the depotgate.
    Placed a Truck in front of the Tunnel.
    The COps only Option removed from the Door in the noth
    Allies received a Watchtower to defend theyr startingposition.

    Fixed all know bugs and finished the Teleporter.
    * V 1.0 by CatC *
    Terrain widened
    New Startingposition for Allies
    Underground Tunnel to the base
    changed Shader (removed landmine parameter from roads)
    added a little special :o)
    Some little other changes
    known Bugs:
    Teleporter transports sometimes into the Void
    Konstruktionmaterial doesn't spawn
    Rings of the Teleporter aren't working.
    Some Textures are missing.

    Final 1.0:
    The Depotgate can now ge destroyed by Stachelcharges.
    Setted the Times at the Stargatedoors to 60 sec.
    Added another entrance to the "Airtunnels"
    Fixed the Rockshader.
    Added the missing Textures
    Increased the ambient light
    Fixed some other little misstakes
    Known Bugs:
    Not all sound are playing.
    Script for the doors at the stargateroom executes two times.
    Beta 1.1:
    Setted set Depodoor inside the tunnel to Axis only..
    Removed the 2nd Truckbarrier and replaced it with the Depogate
    Added 2 Doors at the Stragateroom with a timer.
    Added two new rooms.
    Added an "airtunnel from the generatorroom to the Elevators.
    Added a new shader, its now posible to lay mines on roads
    Optimaced the lightning.
    Used nother Sky.
    Added a new Script for the door
    Lghtmapped the Terrain.
    Added some hint portals to increase the performance.
    Added some details.
    Added the Script for the the "refers"
    Fixed some other misstakes and sounds.

    Added a english readme.
    KNown Bugs:
    The Textur of the Radio at the Axis Sopawnpoint dosnt load.
    Rocktextur got a wrong surfaceparm.
    Sound of the Gates at the Stargateroom dosn't play.
    Gates are closing to early and need to be reactivated.


       (0 reviews)



  9. bunker

    no objectivedata file so u will miss the objectives stuffs
    Author        : Capslock trojan
    Email address    : [email protected]
    Webpage        : http://www.toxicfunclan.tk
     Map Information
    Game        : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title        : Bastogne
    Filename    : Bunker.pk3
    Release date    : 2004-12-29
    Decription    : 1945,Nazi scums are bringing the gold back to germany we have just discoverd that there hiding it in bastonge"
    Program        : SD Radiant 1.4.0
    Build time     : 1 week off an on.
    Compile time    : 10 minutes
    Compile machine    : AMD 64Bit 3000, 512mb
    Installation    : Place the bunker.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
                      bring down the console and type: map bunker.
     Special thanks to
    L33t servers and Siteshosting for sponsering us
    Copyright © 2004 Trojan@L33T-servers all rights reserved
    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


       (0 reviews)



  10. bulge_beta1

    increase your hunkmegs
    destroy the church doors. Dynomite the Allies Command HQ to neutralize their fighting capabilites and drive the enemy back from your homeland borders."

    allied "Defend your command headquarters located inside the church. Stop or slow the progress of the Axis from moving the tank across the bridge and into the town to destroy the church defenses."

    neutral "The Axis have begun their last major offensive in the cold snow covered woods of the Ardennes. Striking hard with armored vehicles they quickly push their way into the small Belgian towns. The allies must withstand the offensive and dig in before their lines give way to the Axis assault."


       (0 reviews)



  11. budapest_beta2

    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Don't let them Destroy the Bridge."

    2 "Don't let them Destroy East Bridge Support."

    3 "Don't let them Destroy West Bridge Support."

    4 "Capture the Forward Bunker."

    5 "Build the Bridge Defences."

    6 "Gain Control of the First Elevator."

    7 "Gain Control of the Second Elevator."

    8 "Build the Command Post."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Destroy the Bridge."

    2 "Destroy the East Bridge Support."

    3 "Destroy the West Bridge Support."

    4 "Capture the Forward Bunker."

    5 "Destroy the Bridge Defences."

    6 "Gain Control of the First Elevator."

    7 "Gain Control of the Second Elevator."

    8 "Build the Command Post."



       (0 reviews)



  12. breakout_371

    with silent mod players might crash times to times
    Title       : The Breakout
    File name   : breakout_371.pk3
    Map name    : breakout
    Version     : 3.7.1   (Created Jun 2007)
    Author      : 2Bit    (www.tibetclan.com)
    Installation: Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.
    NUmber of players: recommend 6-10 per team - above that it gets very hectic
    Other maps  : Glider Assault
                  British Bulldog
                  110 Factory
              Ludendorff Bridge
                  Available from www.tibetclan.com or www.pythononline.co.uk/et
    The Story   : 1944, France, soon after D-Day. A company of Allied soldiers are trapped by superior Axis forces
                  near a french village. They must salvage a tank from the depot, force their way through
                  the village and escape along the railway track.
    Description : This is a compact map, with the action focussed around the railway bridge, but the environment
                  is very open allowing plenty of choice and scope for tactics. All the buildings can be entered.
    Gamemodes   : Objective, Stopwatch.
    Thanks      : Splash Damage and Activision for the best (free!!) game I've ever played.
              Drakir, Iffy and Detoeni for various neat prefabs.
              Amethyst7 for his great skybox.


       (0 reviews)



  13. blackwood_b2

    mail: [email protected]
    twitter: @macchute
    shortname: Castle Blackwood ^1B1
    mapname(/map): blackwood_b1
    current version of Legacy, 2.75 doesn't render the roq flame correctly so the bugged flames in the castle is not on my end.
    ingame entity count: 738 (1024 is the limit for ET so you can have a total of 286 players/mines/rockets/etc)
    offender: axis
    teamsize 6v6-16v16
    spawnpoints per spawn: 32 (just in case (I don't recommend 32v32))
    timelimit: 25 minutes + 10 extra when axis passed the second barrier.
    commandmap area: 13824x13824units (216m x 216m, 46656m^2, 4.6ha (hectare) )

    Licence: Creative Commons Erkännande-IckeKommersiellt 4.0 (swedish)(included in zip) (non commersial only, source and Author should be included and credited)
    Credit Author with:
    Original Author: Macchute
    Contact: [email protected]
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Macchute (@Macchute)

    compilation settings:
    [q3map2] -meta -mv 1024 -mi 6144 "[MapFile]"
    [q3map2] -vis -saveprt "[MapFile]"
    [q3map2] -light -dirt -export -fast -nocollapse -patchshadows -shade -compensate 3 -gamma 1.5 -lightmapsize 512 -thresh 0.25 -samples 3 -lomem "[MapFile]"
    programs used: GTK-Radaint 1.5 / Radiant 1.6.3 / NET-Radiant 1.5.0n / GIMP / Notepad / Audacity 1.3 Beta
    hardware used: Steinberg UR12 USB audio interface / Supreme CU-1 condensor microphone / crappy laptop / Gamdias Demeter E1
    coffee used: roughly a EU pallet...
    *    Story:                    *
    General Kartoffel and his loyal men are still
    fighting for the Vaterland altough it's 1945 and
    the Fürher just committed suicide. Kartoffel and
    some of his fellow men are now trying to clean up
    their records and some salary notes are situated
    in the cellar of castle blackwood. The only
    problem is that the allies control the castle...
    *    Mission:                *
    The axis needs to escort a tank through a forest
    and get inside Castle Blackwood. They will then
    need to siphone diesel from their tank and
    take the diesel to the cellar and set the secret
    documents on fire.
    *    Special Thanks to:            *
    Shargo - for the map idea
    Detoeni - for tiger tank models and prop models
    Rayban - for barrel models
    SimonOC - for excellent textures and models
    FireFly - for "Dead on Arrival" health and ammo crates
    IndyJones - for the flag textures
    WuTang - for awesome conifee tree models
    DevilsRightHand - for providing the Hovel prefab
    Thunder - for awesome l_house1 prefab
    4vector - for free camoflage vector for the tank: https://4vector.com/free-vector/camouflage-pattern-clip-art-103988
    *    Fun Facts :D                *
    The bush near the upper cave in the middle (over the river)
    uses model scale 3.14 as a reference to the famous number of
    The whole maps bsp structure is fitted inside a space that is
    16384 units times 12288 units which gives the diagonal  of 20480
    units this is actually an egyptical triangle with the sides:
    3, 4 and 5 it's just 4096 times bigger ;)
    The tank uses 128 splines :D hihihihihihihihi :P
    All terrain is handmade which gives the map a very organic
    feel, it also makes it possible to reduce the amount of
    running between spawns and objectives
    I was listening to "Four Tops" while making the terrain
    around the first tank barrier.
    The house in the beginning of the map was originally going
    to be a farm house in a fragmap but was later adopted to be
    a part of the trashed map S.C.A.R. (secret cargo at Rhein).
    The house was finally recycled as a prefab after 2 years on
    google drive.
    Half of the terrain was constructed during the spring when my
    gaming computer was down due to messed up setting for the over
    volting (It's overclocked but it did lose the settings due to
    a power outage)(it was down for two weeks btw)... But then I
    was back playing CS and deaging silvers in the face with my
    crimson weeb :) (...)   ...   (.)(.) :P


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  14. bonencm_te

    Map:             Bone NCM (True Edition)
    Map type:        OBJ
    Author:         B0n3g1b - [email protected]
    Visit for update:   http://wet.ho.com.ua
    Instructions:         Place "bonencm_te.pk3" into your ET/etmain/
    Tools:             GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET, Q3map2 2.5.7, EasyGen 1.42, Fotoshop 7.0
    Last update:        12.06.05
    .zip Size:        1 MB
    .pk3 Size:        3 MB
    Max players:        6/6
        -Protect the Gate
        -Protect the Cage
        -Protect the Rocket
        -Construct the Defence
        -Construct the Command Post
        -Protect the Radar Part
        -Construct the Assault Ramp
        -Construct the Command Post
        -Construct the Water Pump
        -Destroy the Gate
        -Destroy the Cage
        -Steal the Rocket
        -Steal the Radar Part
    Time Limit:        20 min
    Axis Respawn Time:    15 sec
    Allies Respawn Time:    10 sec


       (0 reviews)



  15. bonencm

    Author:         B0n3g1b - [email protected]
    Visit for update:   http://wet.ho.com.ua
    Instructions:     Place "bonencm.pk3" into your ET/etmain/
    Tools:         GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET, Q3map2 2.5.7, EasyGen 1.42, Fotoshop 7.0
    Build time:      40 days
    Last update:    22.02.05
    .pk3 Size:        4 MB    
        -Protect the Gate
        -Protect the Cage
        -Protect the Rocket
        -Construct the Defence
        -Construct the Command Post
        -Protect the Radar Part
        -Construct the Assault Ramp
        -Construct the Command Post
        -Construct the Water Pump
        -Destroy the Gate
        -Destroy the Cage
        -Steal the Rocket
        -Steal the Radar Part
    Time Limit:        20 min
    Axis Respawn Time:        20 sec
    Allies Respawn Time:        15 sec


       (0 reviews)



  16. BigForest

    created 01/03/2004
    "The allied forces have turned an old mine complex of the Stepenne Forest into their base. The allied team have to defend the three gold crates hinded in his base."

    axis        "The allied forces have turned an old mine complex of the Stepenne Forest into their base. The allied team have to defend the three gold crates hinded in his base. The axis troops are dropped in the Stepenne Forest with the mission of stealing the three gold crates hided in the allied base and returning them to the helicopter landing area."

     neutral           "Allies and axis are fighting in the Stepenne Forest, the axis forces are attempting to steal three gold crates from the allied base build in a old mine complex."


       (0 reviews)



  17. bloody_omaha_b2

    axis "Stop the allies at the shore and for gods sake don't let them take out the Flak88 guns. The last thing we need is for them to have tank support."

    allied "Take the beach by this afternoon and clear any antitank obstacles."

    neutral "The Allies are invading through omaha beach they must destroy two flak88 guns to allow armor onto the beach and gain total control."



       (0 reviews)



  18. blood

    "The axis are gaurding a book that could crack the secrets of the axis enigma code.The Allies must repair the Jagdpanther to blow the base entrances, steal the Book and drive it to safety in a Truck."

    "The Allies are planning to steal a Book that could allow them to Desyfer our most secret of plans. the Allies cannot steal this book or any getaway vehicles."

    neutral "The axis are gaurding a book that could crack the secrets of the axis enigma code.The Allies must repair the Jagdpanther to blow the base entrances, steal the Book and drive it to safety in a Truck."



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  19. blitz_final

    Blitz  map created by :  =BO= Ganjaman.  07-dec-2009
    The Allies captured a small town but the Axis base is resisting heavily.
    Axis forces are ready to attack the Allies to re-capture the V1-Launch Keycard.
    Allies have to defend the Keycard but can also attack and try to drown the Axis forces by blowing
    up the Water Control Pipes behind the Pumphouse.
    Thanks to  =BO= Stealth' for the scripting assistance.
    I have used several prefab brushes in this map.
    Thanks to :
    FireFly for the V1 rocket model + accompanied textures.
    Dersaidin for the keycard model .
    Forresthut prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).
    Hovel also prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).
    A very nice skybox by  Necrom@ncer FR.( from skybox_pack )
    And I have made use of some original items from several of the original maps :
    from Siwa/Oasis map a broken house/bunker, Thanks to their creator(/s).
    from Goldrush map 3 houses which are now the village Thanks to their creator(/s) too.

    Special Thanks to ID-software and Splash-Damage for creating Enemy Territory.

    This map is only for testing final map will come soon.
    contact e-mail : [email protected].
    This map was made with GTKRadiant 1.4 & 1.5 on win XP
    compile pc info : AMD Phenom X4 Q9750 ( 2.4 GHz ) 4 GB ddr2 and a geforce GTX 260 with 896 MB.    


       (0 reviews)



  20. breakout_et_b2 ( from RTCW )

    - Original map for RTCW by Menzel
    - Custom sounds by DetPak
    - ET Conversion by Ifurita
    - Scripting assistance from Mean Mr. Mustard
    - ~20 textures from RTCW (by Grey Matter) used
    - Remaining textures custom or from Splash Damage
    NOTE:  This conversion does use some of the original RTCW texture assets, ~20 textures.  They may or may not be replaced in the future, but ET does not have a very extensive town texture set.
    OBJECTIVES:  Destroy (dyno) your primary objective and capture 3 of the 4 flags , which represent control of key parts of the town.
    - Primary objectives (88 mm gun for the Allies, Field Operations fo the Axis)
    - Capturable areas:
      = Cafe (flag)
      = Sewers (flag)
      = Hotel De Ville (CP) - CP also controls the forward spawn point
      = Rue d'Isigny Tunnel (flag)
    AMMO/HEALTH RACKS:  2 sets exist.  One in the Hotel De Ville, one in the sewers
    Original - Beta1
    - Moved MG from Rue d'Isigny to balcony on Rue de Bayoux
    - Replaced halftrack to PW222 and moved MG42 to grassy spot
    - Added window and exit hallway to Axis spawn
    - Made camo net over 88mm clipmissile
    - Added clipmissile brush over top of Allied spawn
    - Added 2 exit hallways to Allied spawn
    - Replaced all terrain patches with brushwork
    - Made sewer gate and back wall satchelable and rebuildable
    - Added CP flags
    - Added Command Post to Hotel
    - Added health and ammo racks to Hotel and sewers
    - Created sewer alcove for flag and ammo racks
    - Made damaged storefront accessible
    - Replaced tons of textures and models


       (0 reviews)



  21. bloody_hill + waypoints

    bloody_hill release
    Author: thunderpwn
    well, i will relese this map now.. lost source and everything.. so it's final from me..
    if anybody else wanna do another version please do
    This map is ETNAM mod related
    with waypoint for this map


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  22. BIOHAZARD_beta3.1

    TITLE                   : BIOHAZARD
    AUTHOR                  : Devils Right Hand
    DATE                    : beta1 04.03.2011 started , pause 1 jear
    TYPE                    : OBJECTIVE
    bug report feedback     : discord Devils Right Hand#2240
    Release date beta2    : 8/06/2016
    Release date beta3    : 11/02/2019
    Release date beta3.1    : 19/02/2019
    last version of the map it is the final,but when are bugs, i fix them
     Version     :   beta3
     Attacking    :   allies Objective
     Timelimit    :   60
     Spawntimes     :   Axis   25 / Allies 15
    "July 24th 1998 Raccoon City A series of bizarre murders have occurred on the outskirts of Raccoon City Each victim is attacked by a group with signs of cannibalism on the victims remains The Raccoon Police Departments,Special Tactics And Rescue Service,are assigned to investigate the murders,Special Tactics And Rescue Service,is divided into two teams Alpha and Bravo,Bravo Team is sent first but after contact with them is lost Alpha Team is sent to investigate both the grisly murders and find their disappearance of Bravo Team."
    changelog fixed beta 3:
    -fixed spawn now alied axis spawn right where it should,thx to kemon for his scriptz help at at those dump spawns
    -complete new lights hole house
    -change some rooms more bigger
    -add new textures
    -change all textures folder+shaders in biohazard to avoid other maps conflict
    -change the house entrace stairs
    -change 16 grid brushes to 8
    -new models
    -new shit terrain
    changelog fixed beta 3.1:
    -replace info_player_intermission to info_player_deathmatch,it makes a error while ingame ERROR: Couldn't find a spawn point
    MAP BASE                : New Map
    EDITOR(S) USED          : NetRadiant 1.5 custom x64
    KNOWN BUGS              :
    COMPILE MACHINE         : amd 6300 6x 3.5 ghz ,12 gb ram ddr3 ,Asus ROG Strix-RX580-O8G,win7 x64
    COMPILE TIME            : 30 min
    COMPILE version         : [q3map2] -light -fast -samples 2 -filter -dirtscale 2 -dirtdepth 512 -patchshadows -bounce 2 -external -lightmapsize 512 "[MapFile]"
    brushes                 : 26988
    entities                : 1466
    * special thanks *
    twt thunder for support
    twt teuthis for support
    twt mateos for support
    macchute for help with scripting
    kemon for hint support and spawns scriptz
    WuTangH help with scripting at obj
    TomTom7777 help with scripting at flagspawn change respawn time
    native12 for making botz waypoint
    twt ray for support
    uje niek for support/feedback and beta test on server
    Loffy for commandpost spawns prefab
    http://www.alientrap.org for NetRadiant 1.5 custom
    Simon O'C for tuts
    Victor Karp for tuts
    ets kate beta test on server

    = Credits =
    kic                     : trees models
    Devils Right Hand       : bushes/grass models
    Avoc @ eft-clan.com     : skybox
    firefly                 : cloud

    Distribution / Copyright / Permissions
    Copyright (c) 2019  Devils Right Hand
    All rights reserved
    Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
    This level may be electronically distributed not-for-profit only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


       (0 reviews)



  23. Blackops House Of Payn ( bhop )

    frag map
    "Blackops House of Payn**Allies just have to kick axis asses and make as many frags as possible."

    axis "Blackops House of Payn**Allies just have to kick axis asses and make as many frags as possible."

    neutral "Blackops House of Payn**Allies and Axis just have to kick eachothers asses and make as many frags as possible."


       (0 reviews)



  24. beta2_mlb_temple

    this previous mlb version is fun :You can use the rock  trying to jump in the temple
    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Don't let allied tank get across the canyon bridge."

    2     "Primary Objective:**Build the first tank barrier."

    3     "Primary Objective:**Build the second tank barrier."

    4     "Primary Objective:**Don't let the tank blow the temple entrance."

    5     "Primary Objective:**Protect the Gold crate in the sarcophage room."

    6     "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from escaping with the Gold."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1     "Primary Objective:**Build the tank bridge and escort the tank across the canyon."

    2     "Primary Objective:**Don't let axis build the first tank barrier."

    3     "Primary Objective:**Don't let axis build the second tank barrier."

    4     "Primary Objective:**Take the tank to the temple in order to destroy the temple doors."

    5     "Primary Objective:**Steal the Gold crate."

    6     "Primary Objective:**Return the Gold crate to the tank."


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  25. beta_low_mount_ass

    Map Conversion    : Leif  "LowLife" Hansen
    Email address    : [email protected]
    Web Site         : http://lowlife.homepage.dk/
    -This conversion was made by request from the [AE] Clan - http://www.american-elite.com
     Map Information
    Game        : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title        : Mountain Assault ET
    Filename        : beta_low_mount_ass.pk3
    Version            : Beta1
    Release date    : 03/18/2005
    Decription        : A small radar relay station located in the Norway is used by the Axis to transmit intelligence info about
              Allied troop movements. It is imperative that the Allies destroy this installation before any operations
                 in this area can start! This is a small map designed for 4 -16 players on each side.
    Installation    : Place the beta_low_mount_ass.pk3 to your etmain folder

    # The Allies needs todynamite the radio controls, dynamite the radio tower, dynamite the radar controls
    # The Axis need to prevent the Allies from destroying any of the mountain installations electronics.
    1     "Primary Objective: Destroy the Radio Tower."

    2     "Primary Objective: Destroy the Radio Equipment."

    3     "Primary Objective: Destroy the Radar Equipment."

    4     "Secondary Objective: Destroy the Sewer Entrance."

    5     "Secondary Objective: Open the garage door."

    6     "Secondary Objective: Blow the garage door switch."

    7     "Secondary Objective: Capture the Forward Deployment Zone."

    1     "Primary Objective: Defend the Radio Tower."

    2     "Primary Objective: Defend the Radio Room."

    3     "Primary Objective: Defend the Radar Equipment."

    4     "Secondary Objective: Defend the Sewer Entrance."

    5     "Secondary Objective: Close the garage door."

    6     "Secondary Objective: Defend the garage door switch."

    7     "Secondary Objective: Defend the Forward Deployment Zone."

     Additional Map Information/Credits

    Thanks           : Special thanks goes to Nib for his original map and allowing us to
              convert this great map over for Enemy Territory!
    Original Map Maker    : Nib
    Email address    : [email protected]
    Web Site        : http://www.nibsworld.com/rtcw  
    # This is a Beta version and any bugs should be reported to [email protected]
    Copyright © 2005
    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


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