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46 files

  1. Frostbite

    Axis Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from transmitting the Supply Documents."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Main Door."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Storage Wall from being breached."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from destroying the Service Door."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the Transmitter Building."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post in the Upper Complex."
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Steal the Supply Documents and transmit them back to Allied Command."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Main Door into the Complex."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Breach the Storage Wall."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Dynamite the Service Door."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Transmitter Building."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Establish a forward Command Post in the Upper Complex."


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  2. footrace_b1

    lil fun map


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  3. ffm_b1 frankfurt -ffm_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    a big thank you to SENTENZA for the map and the waypoints files
    Map Information
    title:          FFM - Frankfurt
    file:           ffm_b1.pk3
    author:         FFM*Sentenza
    co-author:      FFM*r0rK
    email address:  [email protected]
    discord:        Krischan#3949

    release date:   not yet (testing stage)
    editor:         NETradiant 1.5.0, Netradiant Custom 1.5.0n
    tools used:     Photoshop 2020, Audacity, Presonus Studio One, Notepad++
                   Blender, Ultimate Unwrap 3D, Substance Painter, XNview
    ETCC Command Map Tool, Q3 Model Tool, MD3compile
    build time:     started in 2005 with many breaks of many years in between
    compile time:   10 mins on a i7-9700K@8x3,6GHz

    Assets with a known license

    * American vehicle Models (Jeep, Halftrack) by detoni (detoeni.uk)
     License: You may use this file providing it's not for profit.
     Source: unknown

    * Church Bench, Pew and Pulpit Models by http://www.blackrayne.net
     License: You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a
              note indicating you got it from me
     Source:  unknown

    * Coffin by Tamara "Ophelia" Crossley ([email protected])
     License: Include authors name and email address in the credits for there work
     Source:  unknown
    Assets by FFM*SENTENZA
    All Models in the "mapobjects/ffm/" folder are created by FFM*SENTENZA. Most
    of the textures are created by FFM*SENTENZA, but some are reworked from many
    different sources I can't remember.

    License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

    Map Trivia
    - started in 2005, after a real visit to the old city of Frankfurt, Germany
    - the club is actually a hommage to a famous club at Frankfurt Airport
    - the "radio poster" is a hommage to a famous local techno radio show
    - the crypt is a hommage to our second clan [AwB] Attawaybaby
    - the industrial complex "produces" real local food and beverages
    - the old city is a condensed version of the old city of Frankfurt
    - the bridges, the Roemer Townhall and the Cathedral are at their correct
    position like in reality
    - the Roemer Townhall is quite realistic, also the buildings opposite to it
    - the bunker is fictious

    FFM Map Credits

    We've created a lot of assets, but sometimes we've chosen to use ready assets
    from other people. We wish to thank you for your work in this file and respect
    your work. If you read this and want to use assets from our map in your own
    work, please respect the other artists work and license, too like we did.


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  4. z_fueldump-spring

    "The Allies are attacking an Axis fuel depot and must escort their Churchill AVRE Demolition Tank as it blasts through the defences. The Axis can disable and delay the Tank with Panzerfausts, grenades, mines or explosives."


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  5. fa_goldrush_b2

    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the Tank from the Axis Tank Depot."

    2     "Primary Objective:**Disable or obstruct the Allied-held Tank to prevent it reaching the Bank Courtyard."

    3     "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from using the Tank to blow open the Bank Doors."

    4     "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the Gold from the Bank Vault."

    5     "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from escaping with the Gold via a Truck in the Courtyard."

    6     "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Tank Depot."

    7     "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the Tank Depot."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Steal a Tank from the Axis Tank Depot."

    2     "Primary Objective:**Protect the Tank and escort it to the Bank Courtyard, clearing any obstructions along the route."

    3     "Primary Objective:**Escort the Tank into position to blow the Bank Doors open."

    4     "Primary Objective:**Steal two crates of Gold from the Bank Vault."

    5     "Primary Objective:**Escape with the crates of Gold using the Truck in the Courtyard."

    6     "Secondary Objective:**Establish a Command Post inside the Tank Depot"

    7     "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Tank Depot."


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  6. fueldump-z2

    Fueldump-z Beta2
    Map made by -)A(-Old-Owl
    Revision November 2014
    b2 version (Dev playable)
    Dark Alchemy gaming community        www.dark-alchemy.com
    Modified Fueldump original map. 
    Summer version
    Few details improved for a better gameplay.
    Thanks for testing: All members of Dark-Alchemy
    Thanks to All who keep this game alive and who I should mention further, too many :-)
    Miramar sky by Necromancer
    Ktrees by Kic
    SSF Sage Fixed Churchill tank
    UJE Niek help for the terrain



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  7. fff_mayhem

    Author        : Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden
    Email address    : [email protected]
    Webpage        : http://www.loffy.tk
     Map Information
    Game        : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title        : FFF Mayhem
    Filename        : fff_mayhem.pk3
    Release date    : March, 2005
    Decription    : A playable capture-the-flag map. This is just a map - not a mod! Specially made for M8D (www.m8d.org).
    Program        : SD Radiant 1.4.0
    Compile time    : 8 hours.
    Compile machine    : Dell Dimension 8200, 2.0 Ghz Pentium 4, 512mb.
    Installation    : Place the fff_mayhem.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu or
                      bring down the console and type: /map fff_mayhem (not fff_mayhem.pk3 or fff_mayhem.map just fff_mayhem).
    Sky: Splash Damage. Additional voices by TaZzMAjazZ.
    Allied and Axis flags as .md3 Models for Enemy Territory created by Topsun.
    Version info:
    This map is a fully functional ctf-style map for matches, primarey made for M8D's Friday Frag Festival.
    Game info:
    fff_mayhem is a capture-the-flag map. It has 2 bases: One Axis and one Allied.
    The bases are identical, with each having 5 flags and a goal-zone.
    fff_mayhem (cette carte) est une carte de capturer-le-drapeau.
    Il a 2 bases : Un axe et un alliés. Les bases sont identiques, à chacun qui a 5 drapeaux et une but-zone.

    fff_mayhem (diese Map) ist eine Capture-the-flag Map. Sie hat 2 Hauptquartiere: Das der Alliierten und das der Achsenmächte.
    Beide Hauptquartiere sind identisch: Sie enthalten 5 Flaggenzonen und eine Zielzone.
     Special thanks:
    Mappers, modders and forum admins at www.splashdamage.com/forums
    Berzerkr, Drakir, futura and w, for ideas and testing. Thanks also to nUllSkillZ.
    Thanks to M8D, especially Nephelim, DrStock and TaZzMAjazZ.
    Maca and all other members of the ET-clan Arduis (Sweden).
    I want to thank all server admins, who constantly support and host custom maps.
    I also want to thank all others who have given their input to me!
    Axis Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:*Run into the Allied Base and steal their stuff. Take the stolen stuff back to your own base, to score 1 point for your team."

    Allied Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:*Run into the Axis Base and steal their stuff. Take the stolen stuff back to your own base, to score 1 point for your team."


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  8. fa_italy_b3_fixed

    Fixed some more stuckages with bots in FA Italy. Also added additional routing so bots will take the rear access to capture the flag (the access route requiring jumping over the crates and barrels).  ciontact us  for any bot issues on this map
    1 "The Marketgate! Dynamite it and drive through!"
    1 "The Marketgate! Defend it in order to stop the Jeep!"
    2 "Don't let them build another Jeep Barrier!"
    2 "Construct another Barrier!"
    3 "Last Barrier! Both stairs need a Ramp!"
    3 "Last Barrier! Prevent them from building both Ramps!"
    4 "Door Gets bombed away when Jeep is in position!*"
                       "Escort the Jeep near to the tower!"
    4 "Door Gets bombed away when Jeep is in position!"
                      "Stop the Jeep before it reaches the tower!"
    5 "A usual neutral Command Post*"
                      "with another Spawnpoint!"
    5 "A usual neutral Command Post*"
                      "with another Spawnpoint!"
    6 "Capturable Spawnpoint!"
    6 "Captureble Spawnpoint!"
    7 "Steal both Goldcrates!"
    7 "Don't let them steal both Goldcrates!"
    8 "Faster escaping would be made possible*"
                        "by a hole in this wall! Destroyable from inside only!"
    8 "Destroyable wall from the inside! Let's escape Allies*"
                     "easier from the Tower!"


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  9. fueldump_reverse_b3

    March 2021 (Yeah, we are still making ET maps )

     Title        : fueldump_reverse_b3      
    file Name    : fueldump_reverse_b3.bsp
    Version    : beta 1 (purely a test map)

    Author    : Teuthis
     email        : [email protected]
    changes from from _b1:
    - Depotfence now needs to be destroyed by dynamite
    - Depotfence construction crates disappear as soon as tank is captured
    - Depotarea where tank uis has now a teamdoor for axis
    - Depot has two new team doors into the tunnel
    - Tank spline issues have been fixed
    - Tank goes now 20% slower in the depot area
    ***tank issue fixed****

    The Axis are hiding a stolen allied tank in the Fueldump Fortress to get information on the allied tank technology and weapon strenghts. Allied headquarter is planning a massive airstrike to destroy the Fueldump area. Allies must steal the tank and escort it out of the area before the allied airstrike kicks in.
     Story short and punchy:
     Allies are trying to steal their tank back and to escort it out of the area
        1:..Dynamite the Depotgate
        2:..Steal the tank
        3:..Destroy the Tunneldoor
        4:..Escort the tank over the bridge
        5:..Destroy the Escapedoor to leave the area
      Secondary objectives
      - Destroy the Depot side entrance
      - Built the command post
      - Destroy the Axis command post command post
             1:..Prevent the Allies from destrocing the Depotgate
             2:..Prevent the Allies from stealing the tank
             3:..Prevent the Allies from destroying the Tunneldoor
             4:..Prevent the Allies from escort the tank over the bridge
             5:..Prevent the Allies from destroying the Escapedoor
           Secondary objectives
      - Prevent the Allies from destroying the side entrance   
      - Built the command post
      - Destroy Allied command post command post

         :..build time   : a bit more than 3 weeks

             :..most importantly teh folks making fueldump. great map!    
            :..Simonoc for great tutorials on alpha blending and for shaders and textures (please check his website for license agreement when using his textures)
            :..for technical support Niger, Aciz, Kemon, Thunder, Mateos
            :..Motörhead from Wolffiles for the idea with stealing the tank (lovely idea)

       :..There are some models in the map that carry TheWolfTeam (TWT) logo. It is important to understand that TWT is not a clan and that I'm not advertising a clan here. The reason I put the TWT logo in is because I want to encourage every person mapping for ET to join this team and to benefit from the help that is offered here. Without the help from TWT this map would not exist the way it is. So more mapper at TWT means more great maps for you all.

    Copyright  :..
               :..Copyright (c) 2021 by id software
              :..all laws from ID software and splash damage / activation that apply for enemy territory also apply to this map.

     Permissions:..You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product.
                :..distribution is only allowed without any charge for the recipient. This map is for non-commercial use only. Nobody is allowed to make profit from this map.

    Last note from Teuthis
            :..as with all maps from me, this map is free of Nazi symbols. The world is a better place without those symbols.
    so now fire it up and have fun. And giving me feedback is very welcome. Also if you have ideas for future maps, let me know


       (1 review)



  10. falcon3_fixed + falcon2_texfix

    silent mod players crash a lot with that map ...

    axis_desc        1    "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the UFO radar component."
    allied_desc    1    "Primary Objective:**Steal the UFO radar component and bring it back to your HQ"
    axis_desc        2    "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the UFO radar command system."
    allied_desc    2    "Primary Objective:**Steal the UFO radar command system and bring it back to your HQ"


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  11. fun_beach_final

    Map by Marko   before to be with the name MLB Beach (the Marko's maps been named Mlb as soon Marko created the secret rooms for his maps
        map            "fun_beach_final"
        longname        "^6FUN ^5Beach ^1Final"
        type            "wolfmp"
        timelimit        30
        axisRespawnTime    14
        alliedRespawnTime    12
        briefing        "The main assault on FUN Beach has started! Go With God! Allies have to breach the ventilation system in order to infiltrate a base where the latest wurzburg radar prototype lies...                                                                                 Command map by Cedox                            Custom Textures by FUN Clan & Sproily     
     Main Testing & bug reporting:   [FuN]Scott  & [FuN]Svarsven"
        axiswintext        "Major Defeat for Allies"    
        alliedwintext    "Major Defeat for Axis"
        mapposition_x    625
        mapposition_y    685
    Axis Objective Descriptions
    1    "Secondary Objective:**Don't let allies breach the front bunker door."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Don't let allies breach the lower bunker door."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Defend the beach bunkers' flag."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Don't let allies build the assault ramp."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Protect the axis base wall breach."
    6    "Primary Objective:**Defend ventilation the power generator."
    7    "Secondary Objective:**Defend the back base secrity door."
    8    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Radar."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1    "Secondary Objective:**Breach the front bunker door."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Breach the lower bunker door."
    3    "Secondary Objective:***Capture the beach bunkers' flag."
    4    "Secondary Objective:***Construct the assault ramp."
    5    "Secondary Objective:***Invade the axis base by breaching the base wall."
    6    "Primary Objective:***Destroy the ventilation power generator."
    7    "Secondary Objective:***Breach the security door to access the back base."
    8    "Primary Objective:***Destroy the axis Radar."


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  12. fun_fortress

    [FUN] Clan Map by Marko & Svarvsven

    - Map Objectives & description:
    Fortress is the biggest map I ever made & will probably remain the biggest. All objectives are fully functionnal. Axis are attacking in this map & have to repair & ecort a tank to blow an entrance in the allied base. After that, their final goal is to rob secret rocket prototype documents & transmit them form the radio station which is in the dam area

    FuN Fortress - the making of:
    We'd like to thank MacBeth (http://ase.doomtech.net/forum/?act=home) and Shazman (http://www.yepteam.com) for setting up ***LadyMacBeth server with the map on it and helping us for all the testing on the map.
    [FuN] Clan testing team: SvarvSven, Mazza, BrainBug, Scott, Cedox, Senecawolf, Compuwolf, nOObdak (Hordak's new nick), Shadow, DanDaily, Klaus, Fragsey... (www.clan-fun.com)
    We'd also like to thank all the following guys for coming on the beta testing: Gwain, HK, YourLeftTesticle, Chris, Wakka, JimBOB, M8D DrStock, M8D Nephelim, CsC Bouncer, CsC Kobayashi, Siffer, Inc, Lowlife, Crazy-Nutter, =FF=im2weak4u, =SWAT= Kenny, Heirpie, BigBadWolf, Bomanfromkoc, 78500, pandantageul, loyolas, Dumak, carlsen, Wauyeah, Maiden, Wariorde, CriPpLe, bumeu, h3r3Sy, Alcapone, An0nYm3, F4nTA, chewawa, Daf, Kriterium, Dumak, Led, LNA_Gary, Asy, snake99, Bebar, SQLMAlfa...
    ****must say been the best ET moments during this times with Marko >> Ets Kate


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  13. fueldump_uvf

    WF Mew aka Girfixed some textures
    "Axis and Allies clash in the previously peaceful surroundings of a winter woodland fuel depot. The snowy wooded hills and valleys will be the scene of a mortal battle. Face to face, it's a fight to the death, only the victor will survive."
        briefing        "The Allies are attacking an Axis fuel depot and must escort their Churchill AVRE Demolition Tank as it blasts through the defenses. The Axis can disable and delay the Tank with Panzerfausts, grenades, mines or explosives.\n\nFueldump Desert modification by .Ninja#\nMap (Fixed by ^nGir)"
        axis       "Skilful victories such as this prove that it will take much more than just numbers to defeat the Axis. Their troops demonstrated a heroic determination and skill that leaves them masters of the battlefield and the Allied forces a shambolic defeated rabble. For the Allies to have any hope of eventual victory they cannot let their resolve falter so pathetically."
        allied       "Stylish victories like this indicate that the tide appears to be turning in the Allies' favour. Superior Allied valour, aggression and expertise have left the Axis forces deservedly demoralised and defeated after their own meagre effort. The Axis must acquire the habit of repelling Allied attacks on their own doorstep or the doorstep may no longer be their own."


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  14. falkenstein_b3

    version:second beta
    date: 27.09.2010
    email:[email protected]
    by orange

        -The Allies are trying to infiltrate a secret base inside a mountain. They are attempting to steal a secret prototype which could be decisive for the          success in this war.
        -timelimit: 20 minutes
        allies (attacking side):
          1. Capture the checkpoint
          2. Blow up the generator to gain access to the base
          3. Set up a command post inside the base to spawn there
          4. Blast the entrances
          5. Steal the prototype and bring it to the train
          6. Secondary Obj. - Prevent Axis from building a Command Post
          7. Construct the access. It will open the door to the prototype. Construction is the console beside the door.
        axis (defending side):
          1. Defend the checkpoint
          2. Defend the generator
          3. Prevent the Allies from building a command post
          4. Defend the entrances
          5. Defend the prototype. Allies will be attemptting to escape with it by train
          6. Secondary Obj. - Build a Command Post
          7. Secure the access. It will open the door to the prototype . Construction is the console beside the door. Axis can destroy it with a satchel charge.
    update beta 3:
        noteworthy fixes/changes/additions:
        -another way added to the catchable flag in the first part of the map
        -more obstacles added or modified in the outside part
        -the base inside the mountai totally remapped (except the cave part)
        -objective is now caged and the door to it can either be opened by a disguised cov op or by an engineer
        -allies spawn exit at the cp was changed
    update beta 2:
        noteworthy fixes/changes/additions:
        -cp allied spawns (only one spawn was working before) fixed
        -trucks got new clip
        -command map icon and toi for the place of delivery added
        -another exit for the station spawn room added
        -office room next to the axis spawn in the base stretched
        -minable cave ground
        -cp for axis
        -doors altered
        -signs inside the basse for orientation
        -gameplay enhancement
        -rewrite arena and objdata
        -resize doors, they're unrealisticly big
        -change objective: instead of destroying the generator by a dynamite, allies have to escort repair a tank at the second spawn and escort it to the mountain.
        at first, all thanks to splash damage and id for this great game
        -some brushwork from stock maps by splash damage
        -trains by ifurita
        -Cantina Set by chris
        -Wallshelf ny puRp0se II
        -banner from frostbite by moonkey


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  15. fueldump_uv

     Title : Fueldump Desert Beta 1
    FileName : fueldump_uv.bsp
    Version : Beta 1
     Author : Paul "Ninja" vd Knaap
    | url : http://activegamer.net
     email : [email protected]

     Type : Objective, Campaign, Stopwatch
     Spawn Points : supports up to 64 players, 32 per side
    | How To Play:..
    | :..Unzip fueldump_uv.pk3 into your etmain folder.
    | :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)
    | :..Find a server running fueldump_uv
    | :..Enjoy responsibly.

    | Objectives:..
    | :..Blow up the antenna
    | :..Escort the Tank
    | :.. .. Blow up the tunnel Grate
    | :.. .. Build the Bridge
    | :.. .. Reinforce the Bridge
    | :.. .. Destroy the Tunnel Doors
    | :..Blow up the Antenna
    | :..Blow up the Fuel Dump

    | Miscellania:..
    | :..editor : GtkRadiant 1.5.0
    | :..compiler : q3map2 2.5.13
    | :..build time : 2 months
    | :..PC specs : Q8200 - 4GB
    | :..light compile: [q3map2] -light -fast -samples 2 -filter -bounce 8 -external -lightmapsize 256
    | :..compile stats: bsp : 1min
    | : vis : 68min
    | : light : 32min
    | :..Base : Fueldump official map file
    | :..Textures : Some new textures, some modified from stock-ET

    | This is BETA 1 so not the final version yet, check for updates on activegamer.net
    | Final version will appear as soon as possible as the first results of testplay are
    | available. For suggestion you can go to activegamer.net and post or pm your suggestions.
    | The map was made to improve the idea of fueldump, and to get rid of the overlight
    | and create an unique style. The snow has been changed to the desert and some new features
    | are updated and baked in the map, in the final version there will be more!
    | Major changes:
    |- Changed snow to desert
    |- Removed spawnhouse from allied 1st spawn to prevent being blocked
    |- New tunnel from allied 1st spawn (overside of the road) to river
    |- Allied footbridge replaced for dynatable antenna
    |- Axis last base changed exit way
    |- Axis last base new tunnel

    | Credits :..
    | :..Kevin "chavo one" Ferree for using his readme set-up
    | :..SplashDamage for there original map
    | :..{SSF} Sage for the fixed churchhill tank
    | :..Kic for his Ktrees
    | :..q3map for his telepoles

    | Copyright :..
    | :..Copyright (c) 2010 Paul van der Knaap

    | Permissions:..You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass
    | :..distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks. You may not
    | :..Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.


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  16. fueldump_revenge

    Title : Fueldump Revenge
    FileName : fueldump_revenge.bsp
    Version : Beta 1
     Author : Rod "Zer0"
     url : http://www.te666.com
     email : [email protected]
    Type : Objective, Campaign, Stopwatch
    Spawn Points : supports up to 50, 25 per side

    put fueldump_revenge.pk3 into your etmain folder.

     Escort the Tank
     Blow up the tunnel Grate
     Build the Bridge
     Reinforce the Bridge
     Destroy the Tunnel Doors
     Destroy the Fuel Dump Base Doors
     Destroy the Fuel Dump

    Programs used:
    editor : GtkRadiant 1.4.0
    compiler : q3map2 2.5.16
    build time : 1 week
    PC specs : Phenom II - 8GB
    light compile: [q3map2] -light -samples 2 -filter -bounce 8 -external -lightmapsize 256
    compile time: bsp : 20min
    Based in the Fueldump official map file
    Textures : Some new textures, some modified from stock-ET, some from tiger_dump_b7 map

    Changes from the original Fueldump map:
     Changed objectives from Allies to Axis
    Changed snow to summer
     Removed MG Nest and added a new Tower MG
    Allied Have an extra Spawn In The Fuel Dump Bunker
    Axis Command Post enable an Axis Spawn in the garage
    Axis MG Tower (near at axis command post changed position)
    New stuffs added

    The models of the summer trees, and the grass and river textures was created by ischbinz.de
    Endless sky created by Avoc
    Tank textures created by Sage
    Thanks to Daniel also knowed by "Tardis for his great help" with spawn points/textures and script.


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  17. fueldump_nam

    Fueldump in vietnam was created for EuropeanFunTeam and ETNam mod by Niek, Mephisto & Messiah.
    Skybox by avoc
    Tree models by Kic
    and everyone who keeps the game alive.
    "Axis and Allies clash in the previously peaceful surroundings of a winter woodland fuel depot. The snowy wooded hills and valleys will be the scene of a mortal battle. Face to face, it's a fight to the death, only the victor will survive."
        briefing        "The Allies are attacking an Axis fuel depot and must escort their Churchill AVRE Demolition Tank as it blasts through the defenses. The Axis can disable and delay the Tank with Panzerfausts, grenades, mines or explosives."
        axis       "Skilful victories such as this prove that it will take much more than just numbers to defeat the Axis. Their troops demonstrated a heroic determination and skill that leaves them masters of the battlefield and the Allied forces a shambolic defeated rabble. For the Allies to have any hope of eventual victory they cannot let their resolve falter so pathetically."
        allied        "Stylish victories like this indicate that the tide appears to be turning in the Allies' favour. Superior Allied valour, aggression and expertise have left the Axis forces deservedly demoralised and defeated after their own meagre effort. The Axis must acquire the habit of repelling Allied attacks on their own doorstep or the doorstep may no longer be their own."


       (0 reviews)



  18. fueldump_mod

    Originally created by ID software.
    Modified by: Jecoliah
    Made a few Minor changes to the original map using the Released Map Source File.
    Moved the East Barricade to the side of the building where the half open gate was.
    This was done due to Newbies would build the East Barricade making it dificult for Axis to defend the Depot
    Now it can be built and not hamper the Axis from defending it, which makes for Better Game Play.
    Added a ladder to the backside of that wall so the Axis can exit the area.
    Added spawns to the Garage for the Allies to Spawn in.
    Allies will autospawn in the Garage once the Side Wall at the Rear of the Depot is Destroyed.
    Allies CAN spawn at the CP anytime it is built by picking that spawn in the Limbo Menu.
    I made it where Newbies would be forced to Auto Spawn in the Garage once the Side Wall was Blown.
    Deleted all the LMS stuff AND a few models to reduce the hunkmegs_used to lessen the chance of getting the Max_Gamestate_Chars Error.
    Made bulletin boards non-destructible to save on entity count.
    Made the door to the generator room functional.
    "Axis and Allies clash in the previously peaceful surroundings of a winter woodland fuel depot. The snowy wooded hills and valleys will be the scene of a mortal battle. Face to face, it's a fight to the death, only the victor will survive."
        briefing        "The Allies are attacking an Axis fuel depot and must escort their Churchill AVRE Demolition Tank as it blasts through the defenses. The Axis can disable and delay the Tank with Panzerfausts, grenades, mines or explosives.**^3Modified Version**^3By Jecoliah."
        axis win       "Skilful victories such as this prove that it will take much more than just numbers to defeat the Axis. Their troops demonstrated a heroic determination and skill that leaves them masters of the battlefield and the Allied forces a shambolic defeated rabble. For the Allies to have any hope of eventual victory they cannot let their resolve falter so pathetically."
        allied win        "Stylish victories like this indicate that the tide appears to be turning in the Allies' favour. Superior Allied valour, aggression and expertise have left the Axis forces deservedly demoralised and defeated after their own meagre effort. The Axis must acquire the habit of repelling Allied attacks on their own doorstep or the doorstep may no longer be their own."


       (0 reviews)



  19. fueldump_ext_01 + fueldump_ext_01_sound_fix

    Modified by StoerFaktoR
    Regards to Splashdamage and ID Software Inc.
    Special Thanx to the [NRW] Funclan for beta testing. ;)             
    Also greetings to all Mappers ,Developers,Editors and Modifiers.
    Fueldump Extended Edition
    Falling snow added.
    Strong Fog added (snipering will be hard and difficult :P )
    Skybox taken out of Railgun
    Ammo/Health Cabinet added in Fueldump Garage
    Walljumps to Fueldump are nearly impossible bcs. high damage barbed wire
    0 ->> 0.1
    Allied Forwardspawn Fixed.
    If u find bugs pls contact me : [email protected]
    Best Regards
    StoerFaktoR aka Chris
     Axis Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from constructing and reinforcing a Bridge over the frozen river."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allied Tank from destroying the Tunnel Doors."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Disable the Allied Tank before it can blow open the Depot Gates."
    4    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Depot Fuel Dump."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Defend the damaged Side Wall."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Build your Command Post for improved charge times."
    7    "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post."
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Construct and reinforce a Bridge over the frozen river."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Escort the Tank over the Bridge to destroy the Tunnel Doors."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Cover the Tank as it destroys the Axis Depot Gates."
    4    "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Axis Fuel Dump."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Escort the Tank to destroy the Side Wall to the rear of the Depot."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post."
    7    "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post for faster charge times."


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  20. fa_bremen_final

    Remake by =F|A=Smiley.
    Allied spies discovered details of an Axis plan to transport a fortune in gold to a more secure location. The Allies have planned an attack to intercept the gold during its stopover in Bremen
    Change Log (b1)
    Major Changes:
    - Added extra exit out of 1st Axis Spawn to reduce blocking.
    - Made building South of 1st Axis Spawn accessible.
    - Made balcony East of 1st Axis Spawn easily accessible with small corridor.
    - Made house accessible to help both allied in first stage and axis in last stage.
    - With that, I made exit out of house easier.
    - Added area to help axis during last stage.
    - Added room with ladder to first floor in house opposite to CP room.
    - Extended house opposite to CP room to come out next to keyroom.
    - Added room West to CP room.
    - Made stairs wider and created hole.
    - Added second door frame to CP again for less blocking. Also made North Western door frame wider.
    - Made courtyard easier to go about.
    - Re-did lower level of house North East of keyroom.
    - Lightened up corridor East to Truck and removed weird shape of it.
    - Removed gate South to Truck and added back alley that comes out in Axis 2nd Spawn.
    - Made truck room more balanced.
    - Added stairs all around keyroom to create a "more open feel".

    Minor Changes:
    - Removed clip from rooftop of middle house.
    - Removed hole from floor of middle house.
    - Added low wall to second floor middle house.
    - Raised wall looking over garage a bit in middle house.
    - Made balconies accessible.
    - Added Wooden Cover to arch.
    - Removed useless background effects for improved performance.
    - Replaced some spawns for both allied and axis.
    - Added clipping to stairs and unregular surfaces.
    - Added window to crossover above Main Gate.
    - Lowered table and moved rubbel for statisfying jump.
    - Moved wall a bit next to stair CP room.
    - Re-textured roofs, doors and some walls.
    - Lowered wall in hole to generator to not get stuck.
    - Removed useless clutter in keyroom.
    - Moved 1st Truck Barrier a bit.
    - Removed door in Western Wall of truck room.
    - Smoothened truck route.
    - Added small detail.
    - Caulked invisible faces of brushes for better performance.
    - Made door under bridge team door for axis.
    - Removed useless entities for better performance.
    - Re-textured CP room.
    - Changed loading picture.
    Change Log (b2)
    Major Changes:
    - Added corridor connection house North East of keyroom to corridor East of truckroom.
    - Bot waypoints added.
    Minor Changes:
    - Small bug fixes.
    - Changed clipping.
    - Added extra clipping to irregular surfaces.
    - Moved box in garage a tiny bit.
    - Tweaked mine spots all around the map.
    - Fixed texture load errors.
    - Readme file added.


       (0 reviews)



  21. fragmaze_fixed + Bucks waypoints

    "Allies and axis have to proove their skills in a maze!**They can choose between the regular maze and box area.**Have fun!!!**Made by sl0wr0ck"


       (0 reviews)



  22. fu_caen

    playing it in the past : thie colors features might interfer with  other maps
    All the work belongs to original owners. I only take credit for the graphics changes
    All graphic mods with FU belong to the Family United Clan only. You cannot edit this
    map without permission via email or through our forum at www.familyunitedclan.com
    Leavea a message for ProjectX if you have any comments or ideas for any other maps you
    have or making.

    "The Allies have occupied the town of Caen and have set up a Battalion headquarters. The Axis must push the Allies back across the river, get a tank across to break into the battalion headquarters, and steal their maps."


       (0 reviews)



  23. frosty

    Author: Prototype
    Released on 05.01.04
    Designed for 7 vs 7 but has spawn points for 16 vs 16 :o
    Description:    2 entry points at the door and side gate. Just inside the door is a flag which
                can be captured by the Allies to secure a new spawn point. However, the flag
                can be recaptured at any time by the Axis team. The objective is a book located
                in a room on the 2nd level of the axis base. It then has to be taken to the opposite
                side of the map to the radio room.

    Credits:         Hummer for his crate models and great advice on the Splash Damage forums and irc.
                Menzel for releasing the source to tundra where I got many ideas and used the 2 snow textures for the terrain.
                Gerbil for his mml_church map where I learned a lot about scripting.
                Sock for his insane amount of help to the ET mapping community.
                Activision for releasing ET for free giving mappers a larger audience to (attempt to) please.
                Server admins like Goat and ND80 for providing servers which play only custom maps giving mappers a place to showcase their hard work.
                My cat for always being there for me when I got a compile error.
    Axis Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from blowing the front bunker door."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from blowing the side gate."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from stealing the secret code book."
    4    "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from transmitting the secret codes."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Hold flag to prevent Allied reinforcements."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Build a command post."
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the front bunker door."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the side gate."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Steal the secret code book."
    4    "Primary Objective:**Transmit the secret codes."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Capture the flag to allow for Allied reinforcements."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Build a command post."


       (0 reviews)



  24. frost_comp_b4

    Mapname: frost_comp_b4
    Status: beta 4
    Mapper: CyburK
    released: 21.03.2007
    contact: [email protected]
    website: www.cyburk.net
    frost_comp_b4 is the competition Version of frost_final.
    suggestions made by iTG`TosspoT, SPU9, Ronner
    mandatory info
    this beta is public cause people didnt really test the map.
    have fun PLAYING the map
    greets cyburk
    beta4 Changes:
    - Command Post is now back in the Ground Floor in the North Tower
    - Terrain Texture and other Terrain changes
    - Yard Doors are now closed until the Allies destroy the Door Controls by Satchel Charge.
    - Door Controls can be rebuild by Axis Team
    - other more ore less small Changes to the Rooms/Lightning
    - Castle Gate doesnt get stuck half way down. (people not discovering the bug shows they really havent played the map)
    beta3 Changes:
    - Allies Spawn behind the Hills
    - Axis Spawn in the Library
    - When the Allies have built their Command Post they Spawn in the Towers. North by default, South as an alternative.
    - Axis have a second Spawn near their back Spawn.
    ** Objectives
    - There are now 2 !!!! Radar Prototypes that have to be stolen.
    - Second Radar Prototype is located under the Radar Station.
    ** Other
    - Axis have a team Door near the South Tower
    - The Castle Gate can be closed and opend now. Allies can only open it Axis only close.
    - The Command Post is now in the first Floor of the North Tower.
    - Truck is much faster now.
    - Changed the Sky to Nightsky.
    ** Fixes
    - Roofs in the Second Stage cant be accessed any more.
    - Engis dont get crushed when fixing the Truck on the loading Area.
    - Swastika Poster removed.
    beta2 Changes where:
    - Stair Bug fixed
    - Allies can stand on the Roof of the Truck and it will still drive
    beta 1 Changes where:
    - North Tower destructible Wall is moved to the Front and some of the Rocks have been removed
    - Allies Spawn closer to the Castle and have two different Spawns on the Hills
    - Ladders at the Bridge Tower are now at the Back. More Cover for the Allies on the Bridge.
    - Extra Walls in front of the Main Gate are removed less Cover for the Axis
    - All 2 MG´s where removed
    - Axis Spawn closer to the Command Post and Spawn at the Back if the Allies construct the Command POst.
    - The Door at the Radar can now be opened by everyone. (teamdoor removed)
    - The Truck is moved more left so the Objective Run takes little bit longer.
    - Its now impossible to climb the hills and jump over the Roof into the Castleyard.
    - It doesnt Snow anymore. ( 1337 PG´s will disable it anyway :P)
    - Windows in both Towers are bigger so Axis can stop Allies from planting Dyno. ( yes its a small pro-Axis change but i honestly
    think its good cause the Allies now Spawn really close to the Castle.)
    put the frost_comp_b4.pk3 in your Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain folder and play.
    If you have a ton of maps in your etmain folder its possible you cant run the map with the
    ingame "host-game" option. In this case open the console and type "/g_gametype 2"
    hit enter and then type "/map frost_comp_b4" hit enter again and check it out.
    The Allies must steal 2 Radar Prototypes out of an Axis Castle and Escape with a Truck.
    Objectives for Allies
    - Destroy the North Tower Wall!
    - Destroy the South Tower Wall!
    - Open the Castle Gate!
    - Destroy the Door Controls!
    - Construct your Command Post! CP enables a forward Spawn in the Towers.
    - Steal the Prototypes!
    - Get away with the Truck!
    Objectives for Axis
    - Defend the North Tower Wall!
    - Defend the South Tower Wall!
    - Keep the Castle Gate closed!
    - Dont let the Allies destroy the Door Controls / build the Door Controls!
    - Construct your Command Post! CP secures the forward Spawn in the Library.
    - Defend the Prototypes!.
    - Dont let the Allies get away with the Truck
    thanks and greetings
    all people at level-designer.de / etmaps.de / M8D Nephilm / M8D clan /Northerner /Shazam /Pitsbrgparatrpr
    / Berserker from wolfmap.de / splash-damage / macbeth / MerCuryRisIng /nullskillz /Sonyfan
    oak for the crucified model in the church http://www.planetquake.com/oakshiro/objects.htm

    also check out
    www.consolex.de / everthing for your x-box
    www.stocket.biz / clothing for da fresh player


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  25. fragmaze_eiw

    "Allies and axis have to proove their skills in a maze!**They can choose between the regular maze and box area.**Have fun!!!**Made by sl0wr0ck"


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