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Everything posted by kate

  1. kate


    Version 1.0.0


    Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Zerstoere den Tuergenerator, um zugang zum Bombendeck zu erhalten.*Destroy the Generator, in order to receive entrance to the bomb deck" 2 "Primary Objective:**Plaziere die vier Bomben im Schiffsrumpf.*Place four bombs in the Shiphull" 3 "Primary Objective:**Baue den Zuender. *Build the Detonator." 4 "Primary Objective:**Baue einen Kommandoposten.*Build the Commandpost" 5 "Primary Objective:**Spiel eine runde Schiffeversenken.....*Play a round ship sinking..." // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Schuetze den Tuergenerator.*Save the Generator!" 2 "Primary Objective:**Hindere die Axen daran, Bomben im Schiff anzubringen.*Prevent the Axen to attach bombs in the ship." 3 "Primary Objective:**Verhindere den Bau des Zuenders.*Prevent build the Detonator." 4 "Primary Objective:**Baue einen Kommandoposten.*Build the Commandpost" 5 "Primary Objective:**Verhindere die versenkung des Schiffes.*Prevent sinking the ship!" HMS Superior Version 1.1 von Sternschubser 09/08 http://home.arcor.de/thorundhammer die pk3 datei in das /etmain verzeichniss legen thanks for great models/prefabs: Seafire Aircraft Pegazus www.hot.ee/smmapping wp_torpedo dt_aa_mm misc models Detoeni www.wolfproject.net http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/detoeni dynamit mlb www.gd-experience.eu/index.php?section=1 danke an: Kernwaffe.de dem einzig wahren et-server :) lever-desinger.de ohne die tollen tutorials hätt ich das wohl nie geschafft id software einfach herrlich, das so ein spiel umsonst ausgegeben wird und dann nach 3 jahren sogar die source freigegeben werden anregungen und kritik an thorundhammer*at*gmx.de
  2. kate


    Version 1.0.0


    Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Build the upper dam Wall and stop the Allies from blowing it up and gaining free access to the upper dam area." 2 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from blowing up the service area garage door." 3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from gaining access to the X-Lab and destroying it." 4 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Service Area spawn point." 5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Allied Command Post in the lower dam." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the upper dam.." // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Wall in the upper dam wall." 2 "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Service Area Garage door." 3 "Primary Objective:**Gain access to the X-Lab and destroy the equipment." 4 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Service Area spawn point." 5 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the lower dam." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis Command Post inside the upper dam."
  3. kate


    Version 1.0.0


    runins23 by William Tyler "neotic" Buser, aka "aka a sound so very loud" vis improvement by Barry "[MML]Gerbil" Swan command map and levelshot by Nick "M Schaffer" Abbot key, dagger, hourglass by Erik "MacGyver" Jacobsen sky by Roger "rgoer" Cordes Thanks to: HeirPie for moral support and hopefully server time! Thanks to: Firefly, MadJack, chavo_one, Mean Mr. Mustard, Drakir, LaggingTom, Mr_Tickles, NOP, and many people at SplashDamage.com forums, Quake3world level editing forums, and Shit Storm Server Forums. Special thanks to yndar, Sock, and the rest of the SplashDamage team.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    ruins23 by William Tyler "neotic" Buser, aka "aka a sound so very loud" vis improvement by Barry "[MML]Gerbil" Swan command map and levelshot by Nick "M Schaffer" Abbot key, dagger, hourglass by Erik "MacGyver" Jacobsen sky by Roger "rgoer" Cordes Thanks to: HeirPie for moral support and hopefully server time! Thanks to: Firefly, MadJack, chavo_one, Mean Mr. Mustard, Drakir, LaggingTom, Mr_Tickles, NOP, and many people at SplashDamage.com forums, Quake3world level editing forums, and Shit Storm Server Forums. Special thanks to yndar, Sock, and the rest of the SplashDamage team. map edited by Heirpie for smaller meg size.
  5. kate


    Version 1.0.0


    Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Big-Gun " 2 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Side-Entrance" 3 "Primary Objective:**Build the Commandpost." 4 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Gold." 5 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Truck and don´t let the Allies drive the truck to House near the Flag." 6 "Primary Objective:**Build the Radarcontrols at the Radarbunker." 7 "Primary Objective:**Don´t let the Allies build the MG." 8 "Primary Objective:**Build the Beach-Fence 1 + 2 ; the Beach-MG and the MG near the Ammodepot ." // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Big-Gun of the Battery Vara. " 2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Side-Entrance " 3 "Primary Objective:**Build the Commandpost." 4 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Gold." 5 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Truck and drive the Gold to the House near the Flag." 6 "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Radarcontrols at the Radarbunker." 7 "Primary Objective:**Build the Beach-MG" 8 "Primary Objective:**Blowup the Beach-Fence 1 + 2, the Beach-MG ; the fence near the Ammodepot and the MG that where there"
  6. kate

    Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  7. kate

    Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  8. kate


    Version 1.0.0


    Not remember at all what mod can have it running .. Round Robin Database Tools It is pretty easy to gather status information from all sorts of things, ranging from the temperature in your office to the number of octets which have passed through the FDDI interface of your router. But it is not so trivial to store this data in a efficient and systematic manner. This is where RRDtool kicks in. It lets you log and analyze the data you gather from all kinds of data-sources (DS). The data analysis part of RRDtool is based on the ability to quickly generate graphical representations of the data values collected over a definable time period. To compile: ----------- sh configure make <------ GNU make make install <------ GNU make This will configure, compile and install RRDtool in /usr/local/rrdtool-VERSION. If you prefer to install RRDtool in some other place, use sh configure --prefix=/some/other/RRDtool-dir If you prefer to live with shared libraries, make sure you add the --enable-shared option to your configure call. sh configure --enable-shared The configure script will try to find your perl installation (5.004 preferred). If it does not find it, you can still build RRDtool but no perl modules will be generated. By default the perl modules will be installed under the RRDtool install directory. This will require you to use a 'use lib' statement in your RRDtool perl programs. If you do not care what happens to your site-perl directory, you can also use make site-perl-install will install the perl modules whereever you keep your local perl modules. Doing this reliefs you from using 'use lib' in your scripts. Configure will also look for an TCL installation on your system. If it finds one it will build a TCL interface for rrdtool. If you keep tcl in a non standard location you can use sh configure --with-tcllib=/sw/tcl-8.3/lib to indicte the right version (note, this must point to the directory where tclConfig.sh is located). Note that install will integrate the tcl bindings into your tcl installation. It will use a separate directory for each version though, so this is not much of a problem. Never the less the TCL module will not get intalled by default as TCL wants its module in the base tcl installation where you might not be able to write to. So if you want the tcl stuff installed, type make site-tcl-install Getting Started: ---------------- Either after compiling or after installing you can try the example RRDtool applications in the examples directory. To learn: --------- Read the documentation in the doc directory. Start of with RRDtool. All documents are available as html and as ASCII text. If you are looking for a more slow paced introduction, make sure to read Alex van den Bogaerdt's rrdtutorial which is also available from the doc directory. Also read his cdeftutorial and Steve Rader's rpntutorial. If you want to know about the format of the log files check src/rrd_format.h there are a lot of comments in there ... How to make Tobi happy: ----------------------- If you want to show your appreciation for RRDtool you could make me happy by going to ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/wish and ordering a CD from my CD wish list ... How to keep in touch: --------------------- There are 3 Mailing lists for RRDtool: rrd-announce LOW volume RRDtool Announcements List (Only Stable Releases) rrd-users For discussion amongst people who use RRDtool in their applications rrd-developers For people who actually HACK RRDtool code To subscribe to <MAILGLIST> send a message with the subject 'subscribe' to <MAILGLIST>[email protected]. Note, that postings to rrd-announce will always be cross-posted to rrd-users and rrd-developers as well. To Contribute: -------------- Contributed feature and bug patches are most welcome. But please send complete patches. A complete patch patches the CODE as well as the CHANGES, CONTRIBUTORS and the POD files. Use GNU diff --unified --recursive olddir newdir to build your patches. The latest Version: ------------------- Is available from http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool/ Tobias Oetiker <[email protected]>
  9. @NyNy you can wear the tag we will give you level as soon we will see you or i will do it manually tomorrow. if problems to add the tag we will help You
  10. Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  11. so nice to have you in ets
  12. kate

    Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  13. Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  14. Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  15. kate

    Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  16. kate

    Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  17. sorry it is in French Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, version multijoueur sortie en 2003, a été discrètement retiré à la vente sur le Steam allemand. Malgré ses 19 printemps, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory jouit encore d’une petite popularité. Fort de sa communauté fidèle, le spin-off multijoueur de Wolfenstein permet de se canarder sur fond de Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Avec la fermeture du launcher Bethesda, le soft a été rapatrié sur Steam. Mais son décor déplaît manifestement aux autorités allemandes. Wolfenstein se fait bouter hors d’Allemagne SteamDB signale que Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory ne peut pas être acheté en Allemagne. Aucune annonce officielle n’a commenté cette interdiction de vente. S’il semble toujours possible de l’obtenir gratuitement sur sa page, puisque c’est un free-to-play, il semble bien y avoir volonté (même maladroitement) d’y restreindre l’accès. Cette histoire de censure n’est que le dernier épisode d’un long bras-de-fer entre l’aïeul du FPS et les autorités germaniques. En effet, les références au nazisme ont longtemps été interdites par la loi outre-Rhin. Une façon, sans doute, de conjurer un éventuel retour de cette idéologie nauséabonde. Cependant, cette loi n’épargne pas les contenus profondément anti-nazis comme Wolfenstein… Ainsi, le reboot de 2014 Wolfenstein : The New Order a du raser la moustache d’Hitler et gommer toutes les swastikas pour accéder au marché allemand. Cependant, le dernier opus Wolfenstein: Youngblood, paru en 2019, a pu esquiver la case censure grâce à une nouvelle loi de 2018. Dans son cadre, les représentations du nazisme dans un but « éducatif ou artistique » sont autorisées. Là où le bât blesse (peut-être) pour Enemy Territory, c’est qu’il permet techniquement de jouer dans le camp nazi, là où les autres jeux se concentrent sur l’exécution de nazillons à la chaîne. On peut comprendre que ce soit sensible vu l’histoire allemande. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory est toujours disponible sur Steam hors-Allemagne. Entièrement gratuit, il propose 6 maps et 5 classes différentes (soldat, médecin, ingénieur, espion, officier). Jusqu’à 32 joueurs peuvent choisir le camp de l’Axe ou des Alliés et se faire des p’tits trous, toujours des p’tits trous à la carabine.
  18. kate


    Version 1.0.0


    Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Take control of the town." 2 "Primary Objective:**Repair the tank." 3 "Primary Objective:**Escort the tank to the river where axis pilots can see the tank." 4 "Primary Objective:**This is the Allied Battalion Headquarters." 5 "Primary Objective:**Steal the maps." 6 "Primary Objective:**Escape with the maps." 7 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post." 8 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the town hall." Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the town." 2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from repairing the tank." 3 "Primary Objective:**Stop the tank." 4 "Primary Objective:**This is the Allied Battalion Headquarters." 5 "Primary Objective:**Protect the maps." 6 "Primary Objective:**Do not let the Axis get away with our maps." 7 "Secondary Objective:**Establish a Command Post inside the town hall." 8 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post."
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them steal the keycard.**If they can open the main gate and you will lose the forward bunker." Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the keycard and open the main gate.**This will capture the forward bunker and give you access to the antenna generator."
  20. kate

    Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  21. Version 1.0.0


    Two weeks ago we released the first hotfix 2.80.1 'Path Cleared!' for the initial ET: Legacy 2.80 'Clear the Path!' release another two weeks earlier. Backed by an absolutely amazing increase in activity following the recent Steam release of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, we are happy to bring another hotfix your way. Given the age of the game, user-friendliness is not on the level of modern games. Given the recent influx in players, we improved the quality of error messages for debugging. On the other hand, we also fixed an issue crashing the game on start-up for some of you. Improving debugging is only a small part as we are also actively looking into UI customisations and improvements. (Again. But like for real this time!) Some improvements to the mod UI have already been included in this release with others still being ironed out. PRIMARY CHANGES Fixed double sound issue Fixed voice chats on steam 2.60b client Fixed game not running on Wayland on Linux Prevented unintentional pushing by holding down +activate -> full changelog OTHER NEWS ET: Legacy on Steam? We are still reaching out to the right people regarding the possibility of releasing ET: Legacy on Steam. Some progress has been made, but unfortunately we have no official news regarding this just yet. ET: Legacy being flagged by Anti-Virus We have acquired an official license for a new Windows installer, which allows us to digitally sign the binaries. This will make antivirus software less trigger happy in the future. Unfortunately, migrating to the new installer is still a work in progress, so this hotfix is still using the old installer without signed binaries. The new installer should be available starting with release 2.81. written by Kemon 3 weeks ago
  22. Version 1.0.0


    objectivedata filemissing so ets kate fixed Original RTCW Level Design by Richard Casson Conversion by +Kommando+. Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the First Allied Supply Stash." 2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Second Allied Supply Stash." 3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from destroying the First Axis Secret Weapon." 4 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from destroying the Second Axis Secret Weapon." 5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Spawn flag." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Axis Main Hatch." 7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Allied Main Hatch to gain another route into the Allied base." 8 "Secondary Objective:**Construct a Command Post." Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from destroying the First Supply Stash." 2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from destroying the Second Supply Stash." 3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the First Axis Secret Weapon." 4 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Second Axis Secret Weapon." 5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Spawn flag." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis Main Hatch to gain another route into the Axis base." 7 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Allied Main Hatch." 8 "Secondary Objective:**Construct a Command Post."
  23. kate


    Version 1.0.0


    Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from transmitting the Supply Documents." 2 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Main Door." 3 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Storage Wall from being breached." 4 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from destroying the Service Door." 5 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the Transmitter Building." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post in the Upper Complex." // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Supply Documents and transmit them back to Allied Command." 2 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Main Door into the Complex." 3 "Secondary Objective:**Breach the Storage Wall." 4 "Secondary Objective:**Dynamite the Service Door." 5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Transmitter Building." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Establish a forward Command Post in the Upper Complex."
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