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  1. Past hour
  2. It started since a week ago, just in the right ear. The only antecedent was that w week ago, I had an ear irrigation since my ears had too much wax but apart from that, nothing more. Idk, at first it stressed me a lot and right now I'm waiting the appointment with the othorhino
  3. I have had one time after using my airpods, one time I was testing a movie and watched maybe 10-15 mins, I was testing the spacial sound that creates a surround like sound, I dont know maybe I played to loud or the sounds from the action movie was causing it. Luckily it went away after a couple of weeks. Today I had slight high frequency sound on my right ear, but seems a little better now. It can come and go. I dont know if you use airpods or something like that, if you do be aware how loud you have the volume.
  4. Today
  5. Sorry to hear that @BEDARIUS, that sounds rough. @Vixda I know it exists, after a quick read up there seems no known treatment for this, but the causes of tinnitus can vary like Bedarius said. So it's hard to say where the problem is rooted. Tinnitus in itself is a very annoying problem, but it won't affect your health much aside from having to deal with annoying ringing. Seconding Bedarius, consult a doctor if it persists if you can. I vaguely recall, but not sure from where, that people with tinnitus like to sleep with a recording of something else to drown out the annoying noise if it affects your sleep. So that might be something in the meantime if you're suffering from it.
  6. I often had tinnitus due to post-traumatic stress and panic attacks... I hope that's not your case. something else it could be pressure... or you listen to music too loud... the sound of your work environment after several years of work. I hope this answers your question. age also could be the case. It is best to consult your doctor if it persists. good luck.. in general it doesn't matter
  7. Have anyone here ever suffered from Tinnitus? (Ear ringing)
  8. Last week
  9. Hello everyone, I am a relatively new player on the server and I normally play with the nickname "SHE GHOSTED ME" On repeated and different occasions, every time I play against the players "MAVERICK" and "YOSSARIAN" they get frustrated and begin to insult me, and not once but several times, which has become repetitive, all this in the presence of other members of STDs. I consider that they are violating the server rules and deserve to be muted In advance, thank you for reading this message, I hope you agree to the sanction that I think you deserve.
  10. Earlier
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Story: In the hidden recesses of an ancient temple lay an extraordinary secret - an ancient anti-gravity generator. Crafted by a civilization long forgotten, the Axis use this device to create a dangerous weapon. ======================================================= Objectives: Allied: Primary Objectives: 1] Destroy the main gate. 2] Grab the tank fuel and steal the tank. 3] Escort the tank to the temple. 4] Destroy the tank barriers. 5] Grab the key and open the secret door inside the temple. 6] Destroy the ancient anti-gravity generator. Secondary Objectives: 7] Once at the old city, capture the forward spawn point. 8] Destroy the side entrance. Axis: Primary Objectives: 1] Protect the main gate. 2] Protect the tank fuel and don't let them steal the tank. 3] Don't let the tank go to the temple. 4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barriers. 5] Protect the key. 6] Protect the ancient anti-gravity generator. Secondary Objectives: 7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point at the old city. 8] Protect the side entrance. ======================================================= Mapname : Oasi BSPname : oasi Released: 04.04.2024 Version : final Map made by: o-0._.0-o Website: www.bunker4fun.com Thanks to Pegazus for making a cactus model. ======================================================= oasi_final_waypointsV2.zip
  12. I have no words that would be up to my pain and my sadness. I will remember all years playing with all of you on * WF * then ETS | , there was also the quick transition to Dirty Bomb ... I still have videos of the time of * WF *, Marianne had sent me a mouse (Asus MX518) I will always keep it with me ... The more we evolve in life, the more the lives disappear. I cry at this moment, but I have that one desire is to think back to the good times all together, so I cry and smile at the same time. I send all my support for the family, I find it hard to write, Marianne was so kind and had this strength to bring a clan for years. RIP Marianne , merci pour toutes ces années de fun ♥ tu as été une vraie amie à des moments durs pour moi ♥ Julien aka PryDpaniK
  13. Lmao @Napoleon Also me ignoring all warnings like a man child.
  14. You were not alone @-Silky.
  15. I‘m very sad to hear this. I don’t know anyone who is/was so dedicated to this game as Kate. Although not playing anymore since many years, I always tried to support this community with my maps. And kate was an integral part that played an essential role in communicating what folks want (or don’t want) to have in the maps I made. Her passing leaves a gap that can’t be filled. My deepest condolences to all who knew her. I have no words….
  16. Good one Nap...lol
  17. hey been haveing lagg and conn, problems last few times been on and now the site is alll wakked...???
  18. Happy birthday our ets|angel 🦋💐

  19. Server has been up all day. Maybe a masterlist fluke not showing the server? 🤷‍♂️
  20. Maybe a fluke on your end or very short. Im currently on the server. Seems alive and well
  21. Words are difficult to let go ... along with you all, I am of course deeply saddened with Kate's passing. She was a genuinely nice person and I wish I had spent more time with her ... makes me regret having been away for quite a while. At first I came for the server and its XP save ... but I (and my buddy Bouliche) stayed for Kate. I'd talk to her in French and even knowing I was also French, she would reply in English for some weird reason haha, but that's the way it was. Repose en paix Marianne, tu seras regrettée, mais jamais oubliée...
  22. Ip and were old game servers Ip is the New server as of February 19th. So you won't be able to connect to or as those server ip's are offline.
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