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Everything posted by DirkPitt

  1. Good one Nap...lol
  2. My only issue was when playing along with Nap on Capuzzo today ... as soon as the dyno exploded at the first barrier (standing next to it mind you) my screen blacked out and found myself having to reconnect to the game. One and only time something like this has happened. I have been playing and get kicked out, but not like this.
  3. Absolutely Yes ... enjoy playing with/against you. Hope to see you online soon with the ETS tag on.
  4. Well hopefully my donation has gone through...ETS $100.00 Canadian( $72.00? US ).
  5. I'd like to know where to send in money...just don't want it stuck somewhere else. send me a link or a message on how to donate.
  6. Anything to keep the server going, I would like to contribute to as well. Just let me know what you need from me financially. Jim (Dirkpitt)
  7. Never knew that it was this bad…deeply saddened by the news of her passing. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family. Very sad of hearing that another person has been lost to this horrible disease. Kate you will be sorely missed by the many people that have known you personally and the ET community. Even though I’ve only been with ETS since 2020 I have played this game for a very long time and have enjoyed being part of the ETS family. Lots of admiration and respect for her keeping the clan going, if it’s a donation that is needed in keeping the site going let me know and I would like to contribute. Rest in Peace Kate
  8. Happy New Year to everyone...and all the best.
  9. Merry Christmas everyone...have a good day and we'll see you on the Battlefield soon.
  10. Hi syK, Always good to get new people into the clan and I'm sure you'll fit in. Sounds like you understand all the technical stuff that I have absolutely NO idea what the rest of the ETS members talk about...lost in space. A big yes from me.
  11. Funny thing is I have had absolutely no problems with crashes at all. I have done all the Windows updates that I get and nothing bad has happened. Knock on wood...as the saying goes.
  12. Happy Birthday BEDARIUS. Hope you had a great day .
  13. Welcome aboard Mike...had fun playing against you last night. Yes from me as well.
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