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Doink last won the day on February 23

Doink had the most liked content!

About Doink

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Its a no from me - he kills me too often! Welcome aboard sir.
  2. Damn Damn Damn - Only knew Kate since 2021. God rest her soul and may peace be with her family and friends. I agree she worked tirelessly in support of the Ets clan and the community surrounding it. You will be missed every map......... Doink
  3. invitation from :the ets name who invited you - Ghost of ETS Past and Silky In-game name: Doink Previous gaming aliases: LooneyToon, SingleMalt, AgentOrange Previous clans, if any: PX/ABC/Quark/WSS and reason why you left : Inactivity mainly - servers activity died off Age: 56 What country are you from?: USA What languages do you speak?: English Do you use a translator to post in English? Not unless it needs to be in Pig Latin How did you find our community?: Low Ping and real player activity Do you have any admin experience?: yes - part owner of PX Will you be able to help in recruiting new members?: Yes Do you have any special expertise (coding, modding, Photoshop, etc.)?: Yes - Web and server - i would be happy to work small projects but time is limited - life gets in the way Tell us about yourself (optional): Been playing since RTCW Online - so since its release in 2001 - easy going and always ready to jump on the losing side to help with what little skills i have. Do you agree with the rules : Yes Note" Here to stay until i die or the clan retires - agree to stick to the ETS servers - it is where i usually play regardless. If you will have me back. Cheers Doinky
  4. Congrats on ETS membership - dont know how long but they have a quality player in you - good to see the old names around still


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doink


      I do Miss Alzo -or Aslo as that one kid used to call him - made him so mad hahahaha - cant seem to track down the old crew sniper and stealth once in a while guess they are on to new games

    3. Doink


      "dont you fooking know how to say my name......"


    4. -Silky.


      " you fooking coont!"  Good ol' alz0 on ventrilo lol!

  5. Yes Congrats good player
  6. Good player and courteous -big thumbs up from me!
  7. kate

    Welcome to ETS Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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