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PsychoPappy 4

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Status Replies posted by PsychoPappy 4

  1. :yaquelqun:

    1. PsychoPappy 4

      PsychoPappy 4

      i spy a gumpz at teh window! 👀

  2. Well i back . for the ones that care  thay put me in the hosptial  last wed, nte. i was hurting and couldn't breath.                 so short story i got c.o.p.d and azmia... and thay found a 4milimeter cancer tumor on my uper left lung that is growing into my main airway and has done got in my blood spread to my kedneys...  i go back doc this week to see if chemo well stop it from spreading more and kill it or to just give me little more time.... luv ya'll

                                                                                                                                                   frag on                                                                                                                                                                                           Dennis "halfy"

    1. PsychoPappy 4

      PsychoPappy 4

      God damn cancer, it always has to take good people down.

      I wish the best for you and your loved ones, and i hope your health improves.

      hope to see you on the server whenever you can be on.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. Welcome to Invision Community. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    1. PsychoPappy 4

      PsychoPappy 4

      try setting this as ur profile pic :P


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