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Everything posted by Napoleon

  1. You will have to reword your question. So I understand you want to pusblish a map that you made, so thats your first sentence. whats your question about alphabetical order ? Which download (folder) the one from windows or ET? To better help you its also best if we can understand why you want this.
  2. No, not really. Just geolocked really not style or anything, wiki: "Anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. In Japan and in Japanese, anime describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin.However, outside of Japan and in English, anime is colloquial for Japanese animation and refers specifically to animation produced in Japan. Animation produced outside of Japan with similar style to Japanese animation is referred to as anime-influenced animation "
  3. Yes Dragon ball is also anime. Even moomin(s) is anime, I mention moomins because it was broadcast throughout Europe in the 90s. Just any cartoon produced in Japan is called anime, but in general it refers more to their animation style. It should be noted that anime can have much more adult themes and is also targeted towards older audiences, not just kids. It enjoys a higher standing than cartoons do here. Yeah anime fan here. Your list doesn't seem to have a trend in it. Only comedy recommendation (check out: Gintama) maybe that is to your liking. General recommendation would be: Space brothers Planetes full metal alchemist (brotherhood) The first two are two animes about space, I picked these because they have very little anime tropes in there. Perhaps therefore more accessible to first time anime viewers. The third is just a very good anime. Check out MAL (myanimelist.net) for currently airing anime: https://myanimelist.net/anime/season and all time rankings: https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php?limit=0 Will definitely help you find new anime. The way I judge the grades: below 5,5 probably very poor, you should defintely really like the premise. 5,5-7 you should like the premise and it can be nice 7-8 very nice worth checking premise and in doubt might be worth checking >8 if premise is really not to your liking probably not worth watching. Otherwise it's probably great
  4. Likewise Cartur and happy holidays to the lot of you too :)
  5. Yesterday they(Dutch government) launched a new lockdown going into full effect tomorrow. -non essential shop/service closing -closing education institutions -work from home similar to march -urged to limit travels -max of 3 visitors/day In what stage is your country now?
  6. I did not know that. I looked stuff up but its just too much to figure it out. :( What was new for me is that some vaccines are apparently so-called adjuvunated, additives that should enhance the performance.
  7. Thanks, yes it was. Not at all. Using batch file was a breakthrough for an otherwise dead end
  8. Cleaned it up and did some input sanitation. If you want to check feel free the files. Thanks for your input Bier! :) the_future_is_now.zip
  10. It indeed calls the directory cmd.exe is in for its execution, this the directory that sticks. With this in mind I have rewritten a couple of things and booked preliminary success of getting it to work for C:/. testing a copy I have on a different drive and it still fails.
  11. Hmm the cmd.exe, you might be on to something there. cmd.exe proved to be somewhat problematic in the past. I ran it from the powershell. Yes, that was quite the surprise. Yeah...
  12. used dps0 now, s to include shortening. It will now write to the registry. Not sure what happens if a space is very early in the directory name, but I think (fully aware assumption is the mother of all fuck ups) that most have Wolfenstein Enemy Territory as directory name for vanilla et. So the problem should be rare if it arises at all. Edit: will see if i can get it to work combined now.
  13. yeah... switching to fs0 is already promising. dp0 on stackoverflow
  14. Edit1: I think the ~dp0 might have an underlying issue with spaces. I'll put my current code here: @echo off setlocal enableextensions enableDelayedExpansion set cur_path="%~dp0" set cur_path_et="%~dp0vanilla_stripper.bat" set variable0="+set" set variable1="fs_basepath" set variable2="+connect" set stringedtogether="%cur_path_et% %variable% \%cur_path% %variable2% " rem \"%1\""" echo %cur_path% echo %cur_path_et% echo %variable0% echo %variable1% reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\etj" /t REG_SZ /d "URL: Enemy Territory Stripper Protocol" /f reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\etj" /t REG_SZ /v "URL Protocol" /f reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\etj\DefaultIcon" /t REG_SZ /d "%cur_path_et%" /f reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\etj\shell\open\command" /t REG_SZ /d "%cur_path_et% %variable0% %variable1% "%cur_path%"
  15. Yes. I can write spaces to registry without issue from a spaced directory, e.g. w ow I can write C:\Users\[napo]\Desktop\et.exe +set base_path "C:\Users\[napo]\Desktop\" to registry from desktop directory I can write w ow from "C:\Games\Wolfenstein ET2\" to registry I can't write C:\Users\[napo]\Desktop\night mare\et.exe +set base_path "C:\Users\[napo]\Desktop\night mare\" to registry from desktop directory I can't write C:\Games\Wolfenstein ET2\et.exe +set base_path "C:\Games\Wolfenstein ET2" from the ET directory Edit1: Perhaps the issue is how I write the path. Statically I can write C:\w ow\ to registry, but current path with ~dp0 gives problems
  16. I wondered about that. I moved the batch file into a new folder on desktop with a space in the file name. Failed. edit1: Also the reason for update 2, thats how I tested it :) By the way thanks for the input, is appreciated! :)
  17. From what I can see it works now, not really sure how or why. Am currently working on batch file that writes to registry. again problems... probably related to spaces again update1 it works in desktop directory and not in the et.exe directory. windows update2: its a space that causes the issue
  18. That seems like a good solution! I can use a batch file file to split off the et:// part now. Apparently having spaces in directory names is an issue on its own for batch files. The batch file can also start the program now. The plan is to have an additional batch file that can add the needed registry keys to allow the URI scheme to point to the batch file. This will probably save some headaches. To be continued...
  19. The code snippet I mentioned is in lines 887-915 in src/client/cl_main.c in et legacy source code. In The cl_main.c from et vanilla this part is non existent // Game started as a custom protocol handler for et://<ip>[:port][/password][?session] if (!Q_stricmpn(server, "et://", 5)) { char *address = strlen(server) > 5 ? &server[5] : NULL; char *password = address ? strstr(address, "/") : NULL; if (password > address) { *password++ = '\0'; } else { password = NULL; } if (address) { server = address; } if (password) { if (strlen(password) + 1 > MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_Connect_f: MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING exceeded"); } Cvar_Set("password", password); } }
  20. Apparently the whole URI et:// is passed to the progam. ETL can process this, but ET vanilla can't handle this. The two options I see is: -the register should delete the first part if someone knows how. I'm open to suggestions. -ET should be modified to accomdate the whole link. I found the part in the ETL code where they strip the et:// part, this might be altered/copied for ET. Then the entire code would have to be recompiled. Not too unfamiliar with this, but also seems unlikely to be used by many.
  21. Important to note that the method is called: custom URI schemes The actual problem is at this stage that the ip argument is not passed to ET vanilla. Where ET legacy is succesful, the vanilla fix doesnt work. Both ET vanilla and legacy can directly connect to an ip using a modified shortcut. See this topic. So the question is where does the argument get dropped.
  22. These should be the magic four registry keys added during installation of ET legacy. Exporting these from my registry and readding them with a different name and altered key has so far resulted in a boot of et vanilla, only no direct serverconnection. WriteRegStr HKCR "et" "URL Protocol" "" WriteRegStr HKCR "et" "" "URL: Enemy Territory Protocol" WriteRegStr HKCR "et\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\etl.exe" WriteRegStr HKCR "et\shell\open\command" "" "$INSTDIR\etl.exe +set fs_basepath $\"$INSTDIR$\" +connect $\"%1$\"" Apparently HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is abbreviated as HKCR. et is the name of the key INSTDIR is abbreviated installation directory, which is a variable depending on your choice here +connect should make sure that the ip in the browser is send to the application Added exported regedit keys: Not sure if the HKCR/Applications/et_x contribute but I found the legacy entry and made an et vanilla one, on the off chance that it also contributes HKCR_etL.reg HKCRapplication_etL.reg HKCRapplication_etvanilla.reg HKCRetvanilla.reg
  23. Oh Warpath you're so humble, giving yourself a gold metal and all. Wish I was as humble as you.
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