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Posts posted by Topcat

  1. 11 hours ago, PsychoPappy 4 said:

    If that happens, I'll have to make significant changes to the server menus.

    but we'd sure as hell have a better clan name rather than an improperly defined one, plus the recognizable name for any returning old members.

    if we also had noquarter back it would be just like the old days, but i can keep dreaming...

    We had way to many problems with NQ, and most people know us by ETS now, WF is so long ago that most of those from back then probably stopped to play lol.

  2. Some of our none ETS players actually do even up sometimes so that is good. One thing I know people dislike is when teams are shuffled, this often ends up with people leaving or going back to the team they were on before. So just be aware that some people might leave. Also for shuffle I think our old rules was to not do it in middle of a map, only in warmup before map start. But maybe ask guys first to even up. Another thing is sometimes a team is dominating really hard even though they have less players, so then I do !howfair to see how fair the teams are, I dont feel like joining the team with less players if they are already dominating, but it depends how long time there is left and if the other team still have a a good chance to win.

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  3. Same I dont mind good players, makes me try to play even better, was just very annoyed on that map winterbase when he was domination to much, and was almost impossible to kill him. So unless you are a skilled player I would say he is not very kill able. Unless you are lucky or shoots him in the back lol.

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  4. I was just told to ban so did not set a specific time, also what good is one month if he can just come back after that, he will not change. And he will most likely be back before that anyways like he did last time we banned him. He will just change a few things, et key / ip and he will be back in.

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  5. 7 hours ago, kate said:

    LC banned.. but i still think he does not cheat but just an ETpro player.

    Topcat told me he makes  the guys leaving the server.

    Is just what I heard but also see sometimes, last nigth we played map winterbase and LC was completely dominating with no chance for axis to advance and secure the keycard. Bedarius was on my team against LC and 2 other players. Was several times where I was like no way he just got me, I played the best I could but was pretty much impossible. Bedarius wrote me and said we have no chance, and all because of LC. I dont mind good players but LC always dominating with 120-140 kills or more is not so fun.

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  6. On 9/1/2022 at 10:29 PM, Bier said:

    They have been playing together for a long time. George is credited a lot in Zappa's work.
    You can see him on keyboard and vocals in the Inca Roads clip in my earlier post.

    Yes I saw him in the clip :)

  7. 14 hours ago, Bier said:

    George Duke was one of the best keyboard players in Zappa's band, I think.
    Or was it Bobby Martin, or Alan Zavod?
    Just to say there's a lot of great keyboard passages and solo's in Franks music too...
    Check them on youtube, when you're bored... :-)

    Thx didnt know George played with him, love George Duke he made many great songs. Reach out, Brazillian love affair and others.

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  8. 46 minutes ago, Two Minutes Hate said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if all of the Brazilians that played on ETS knew one another in some way... 

    I do think we need to address LC on his / her camping though...



    How exactly is he camping ? From what I see he is just defending, and he is not spawnkilling or  anything. And Darkshot is getting more and more annoying, always have to play a certain way according to him, no rushing just frag for minutes before can go for object, complains people camp when infact they just defend the obj. area. He accused odin for camping also a while back, when all he did was defending gold in bank. People are free to play however they want as long as they follow our rules and dont spawnkill and things like that.

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  9. The new spectrum theme is the default theme for our site, if you prefer one of the others you can change the theme by clicking where it says theme at the bottom left side of the page, and then change it to whatever you like.


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