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File Reviews posted by CYBER4WOLF

  1. Initial Script & waypoints - Bot files created by: rand0m#

    Bot files Edited by: Native12    22.02.2017    Adapted from Mountain pass beta 3 to Mountain pass beta 4 (waypoints, moved goals....)


    Allies must Steal axis documents, Destroy a wooden fence Gate and secure the documents on a truck stored inside the wooden fence.

    Christmas map, decorated with little colored lights everywhere.


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  2. It is a good map. It has 3 flags that are crucial to winning. It is not just about capturing the flag and keeping it or not keeping the flag. It is all about the flag locations, spawning at the wrong flag or spawn at the wrong time makes you walk a long way to battle. Plus along the way the allies must steal and secure an objective on the truck. The truck must be escorted past 2  barriers and across 3 bridges to reach its final destination.

    I did create working bot files for this map. But they are not for public use.

    This is a large map with large distances between each flag spawn and the first spawns. There are only 3 flags so The team that has none or only 1 flag will spawn at their first spawn back at the beginning of the map.

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