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Posts posted by kate

  1. Jaymod commands


    Name/flag Info Usage
    about Prints info about Jaymod. !about
    admintest Displays your admin level. !admintest [-all]
    ban Bans a player who is on server atm. !ban [name|slot#] [time] [reason]
    baninfo Prints info about a ban. !baninfo [GUID]
    banlist Displays a list of bans. !banlist
    banuser Bans a player who isn't on server atm. !banuser [GUID] [time] [reason]
    cancelvote Cancels a vote. !cancelvote
    chicken Displays that player is 'running like a chicken'. !chicken [name|slot#]
    crazygravity Changes gravity after short time. !crazygravity [on|off]
    crybaby Displays that player is 'crying like a baby'. !crybaby [name|slot#]
    dbload Loads all databases. !dbload
    dbsave Saves all databases. !dbsave
    disorient Disorients someone. !disorient [name|slot#]
    finger Prints info about player who is on server (GUID, IP, MAC, namechanges etc.). !finger [name|slot#]
    fling Flings someone. !fling [name|slot#]
    flinga Flings all players. !flinga
    ftime Displays current time in a funny way. !ftime
    glow Glows all players. !glow [on|off]
    help Prints all available commands or help about one of them. !help (command)
    kick Kicks someone out of server. !kick [name|slot#] [reason]
    launch Launches someone. !launch [name|slot#] [distance]
    launcha Launches all players. !launcha
    levadd Adds a level to database. !levadd [level#]
    levdelete Deletes a level from database. !levdelete [level#]
    levedit Edits level (name, gtext/gaudio, priviledges). !levedit [level#] (-name [name] | -gtext [gtext] | -gaudio [gaudio] | -acl [+|- priviledge])
    levinfo Prints info about level. !levinfo [level#]
    levlist Prints level list. !levlist
    listplayers Prints a list of players who are on server atm. !listplayers
    lock Locks a team. !lock [r|b|s]
    lol Throws grenades near someone. !lol [name|slot#] [nades#]
    lsplayers Same as !listplayers but with another layout. !lsplayers
    mute Mutes someone (he can't talk/vote after that). !mute [name|slot#]
    news Plays news sound from specified map. !news [map]
    nextmap Changes map to next one in maprotation. !nextmap
    orient Orients someone who is disoriented. !orient [name|slot#]
    page Changes the page in commands like !banlist or !userlist. !page [page#]
    pants Strips someone of his pants. !pants [name|slot#]
    panzerwar Starts/ends war with panzer only. !panzerwar [on|off]
    pause Pauses time (noone can move). !pause
    pip Glitters someone. !pip [name|slot#]
    pop Pops someone's helmet. !pop [name|slot#]
    putteam Changes someone's team. !putteam [name|slot#] [r|b|s]
    rename Renames someone. !rename [current name|slot#] [new name]
    reset Restarts map and resets XP of all players gained on this map. !reset
    resetmyxp Resets your own XP. !resetmyxp
    resetxp Resets someone's XP. !resetxp [name|slot#]
    restart Restarts current map. !restart
    revive Revives someone. !revive [name|slot#]
    seen Checks when someone was last time on server. !seen [name]
    setlevel Sets the admin level of a player. !setlevel [name|slot#] [level]
    shake Shakes someone. !shake [name|slot#] [seconds]
    shuffle Shuffles team by XP. !shuffle
    slap Slaps someone. !slap [name|slot#] [damage]
    smite Smites someone. !smite [name|slot#]
    sniperwar Starts/ends war with K43/Garand only. !sniperwar [on|off]
    spec Specs someone (like /follow). !spec [name|slot#]
    spec999 Puts all players with ping around 999 to spec. !spec999
    splat Splats (gibs) someone. !splat [name|slot#]
    splata Splats (gibs) all players. !splata
    status Prints info about server. !status
    swap Switches Allies team with Axis. !swap
    throw Throws someone. !throw [name|slot#] [distance]
    throwa Throws all players. !throwa
    time Prints current time. !time
    unban Unbans a banned player. !unban [GUID]
    unlock Unlocks a locked team. !unlock [r|b|s]
    unmute Unmutes someone who is muted. !unmute [player]
    unpause Unpauses a paused game. !unpause
    uptime Prints server uptime. !uptime
    userdelete Deletes user from database. !userdelete [GUID]
    useredit Edits user in database. !useredit [GUID] (-name [name] | -gtext [gtext] | -gaudio [gaudio] | -acl [+|- priviledge])
    userinfo Prints info about user from database. !userinfo [GUID]
    userlist Prints a list of users by specified criteriums (name, level, since, ip). !userlist (-name [name] | -level [level#] | -since [time] | -ip [IP])


    ETNam commands


    Name Flag Info Usage
    admintest (a) Display player admin level. !admintest [name|slot#]
    balance (S) Run ATB to balance teams. !balance
    ban (b) Ban a player by IP and GUID. !ban [name|slot#] (time) (reason)
    burn (U) Burns a player taking some health. !burn [name|slot#] (reason)
    cancelvote ( c ) Cancel a vote taking place. !cancelvote
    dewarn ( R ) Remove a warning of a player. !dewarn [name|slot#] (warning#)
    disorient (d) Disorient a player. !disorient [name|slot#] (reason)
    fart (j) Let a player fart. !fart [name|slot#]
    fling (l) Fling a player. !fling [name|slot#]
    flinga (L) Fling all players. !flinga
    freeze (F) Freeze a player. !freeze [name|slot#] (reason)
    gib (g) Instantly gib a player. !gib [name|slot#]
    giba (Q) Instantly gib all players. !giba
    help (h) Display available commands. !help (command)
    howfair (I) Display how fair the teams are. !howfair
    kick (k) Kick a player. !kick [name|slot#] (reason)
    launch (l) Launch a player. !launch [name|slot#]
    launcha (L) Launch all players. !launcha
    listplayers (i) Display the list of players (including numbers and level). !listplayers
    listteams (I) Display info about the teams. !listteams
    lock (K) Lock teams from new players joining. !lock [r|b|s|all]
    lol (x) Grenades drop from player. !lol [name|slot#] (nades#)
    mario (o) Enable Super Mario fun mode. !mario
    mute (m) Mute a player. !mute [name|slot#] (time) (reason)
    news (W) Play the map's news voiceover. !news (mapname)
    nextmap (n) Go to the next map in the cycle. !nextmap
    orient (d) Orient a player after a !disorient. !orient [name|slot#]
    passvote (V) Pass a vote currently taking place. !passvote
    pause (Z) Pauses the game for all players. !pause
    pip (z) Sparks around a player. !pip [name|slot#]
    pop (z) Pops the helmets off from a player. !pop [name|slot#]
    putteam (p) Move a player to a specified team. !putteam [name|slot#] [r|b|s]
    predator (J) Become a predator. !predator [name|slot#]
    readconfig (G) Reloads the admin config file. !readconfig
    rename (N) Set a new name for a player. !rename [name|slot#] [new name]
    reset ( r ) Reset the match. !reset
    resetmyxp (M) Reset your own XP. !resetmyxp
    resetxp (X) Reset the XP of a player. !resetxp [name|slot#] (reason)
    restart ( r ) Restart the current map. !restart
    setlevel (s) Set the admin level of a player. !setlevel [name|slot#] [level#]
    showbans (B) Display a (partial) list of active bans. If 'skip#' is provided, that number of bans are skipped. 'skip#' can also be negative, -10 would display the last 10 bans. !showbans (skip#)
    shuffle (S) Shuffle the teams. !shuffle
    slap (A) Slap a player. !slap [name|slot#] (damage#) (reason)
    spec (P) Spec a player. !spec [name|slot#]
    spec999 (P) Move 999 pingers to spectator. !spec999
    spreerecord (E) Display map spreerecord. !spreerecord
    spree (E) Display players current killing spree. !spree
    stats (t) Display players stats. !stats
    swap (w) Swap the teams. !swap
    throw (l) Throw a player. !throw [name|slot#]
    throwa (L) Throw all players. !throwa
    time ( C ) Show the current local server time. !time
    tspree (E) Show the current top killing spree. !tspree (amount)
    unban (b) Unban a player specified by the slot (from !showbans). !unban [banslot#]
    unfreeze (F) Unfreeze a player. !unfreeze [name|slot#] (reason)
    unlock (K) Unlock locked teams. !unlock [r|b|s|all]
    unmute (m) Unmute a muted player. !unmute [name|slot#]
    unpause (Z) Unpause the game. !unpause
    uptime (u) Displays the uptime of the server. !uptime
    userinfo (e) Displays basic user informations (slot, partial GUID, IP, clientversion). !userinfo [name|slot#
    warn ( R ) Warn a player displaying the reason. !warn [name|slot#] [reason]


    ETJump commands


    Name Flag Info
    8ball (8) Answers a question you ask.
    admintest (a) Displays your current admin level.
    ban (b) Bans target player.
    cancelvote ( C ) Cancels the current vote in progress.
    editcmds (A) Edits commands from lvl.
    finger (f) Displays target's admin level.
    help (h) Displays info about commands.
    listcmds (h) Same as above.
    kick (k) Kicks target.
    levadd (A) Adds lvl.
    levedit (A) Edits lvl (name|gtext|cmds).
    levinfo (A) Displays info about lvl.
    listbans (L) Lists all current bans.
    listflags (A) Lists flags.
    listmaps (a) Lists all maps on server.
    listusers (A) Lists users.
    map (M) Changes map.
    mute (m) Mutes target.
    noclip (T) Enables /noclip mode.
    nogoto (T) Changes /nogoto value of player.
    nosave (T) Disables save for player.
    passvote (P) Passes the current vote in progress.
    putteam (p) Puts target to a team.
    readconfig (G) Reads admin config.
    removelevel (A) Removes level.
    removeuser (A) Removes user.
    rename ( R ) Renames target.
    rmsaves (T) Removes players saves.
    restart ( r ) Restarts map.
    setlevel (s) Sets level of the target.
    unban (b) Unbans target.
    unmute (m) Unmutes target.
    useredit (A) Edits user (level|cmds).
    userinfo (A) Displays info about user.


    EnhMod commands


    Name Flag Info Usage
    admintest (a) Displays your current admin level. !admintest [-all]
    antirush (x) Turns on/off antirush system on map. ?
    antirush_add (y) Adds antirush entity. ?
    antirush_del (y) Deletes antirush entity. ?
    country ( C ) Prints player's country. !country [name|slot#]
    crazydisguise (d) Randomly disguises players. !crazydisguise [-on|-off]
    disarm (v) Removes all weapons from player. !disarm [name|slot#]
    dbload (G) Reloads admin database files. !dbload
    freeze (f) Freezes someone (looks like lag). !freeze [name|slot#]
    help (h) Displays available commands or help for certain command. !help (command)
    impact (i) Makes explosion which launches the player. !impact [name|slot#]
    midget (k) Transforms someone into a small midget. !midget [name|slot#]
    mycmds - Prints available custom commands. !mycmds
    pistolwar ( c ) Starts/ends war with pistol only. !pistolwar [-on|-objon|-off]
    pumpgunwar (p) Starts/ends war with shotgun only. !pumpgunwar [-on|-objon|-off]
    riflewar ( r ) Starts/ends war with rifle only. !riflewar [-on|-objon|-off]
    setlevel (s) Set the admin level of a player. !setlevel [name|slot#] [level#]
    unfreeze (f) Unfreezes someone. !unfreeze [name|slot#]
    warn (w) Warns a player by displaying a reason. !warn [name|slot#] [reason]


    Custom commands

    Many mods add a possiblity to create own commands (etpub, ETNam, EnhMod etc.). In some mods they are contained in !help, in others they're under another command (like !mycmds in EnhMod). Examples: !afk (puts yourself in spec), !rules (prints rules)


    How to use commands so noone will see them?

    You can use either rcon, silent commands (most mods support them, they start with /, for instance /!help) or type them in fireteam chat (U) while you aren't in any. Why need that? For example if there is a cheater and you want to !finger him, it may not end good when he notices it.

    Tutorial written by Destroy666 based on mod documentations. If you want to copy it to your site, please include the author and link to this thread.

    • Like 2
  2. 12 hours ago, Tutox said:

    Hi everyone, today i'm having troubles to log in to the server, theres a message that says this:

    "hunkusage.dat file is corrupt"

    Any thoughts on how can i fix it? 


    Thanks all!

    delete this file and reconnect

    Delete all your hunkusage.dat files (in your main and in seperate mod folders, which you should delete also), then make sure you have allow downloading on, and rejoin the server. It'll create a new hunkusage.dat file for you.



  3. Two Minutes Hate was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 4 points.

    I'll hijack this older thread to introduce myself.

    I go by Two Minutes Hate because it is a phrase from one of my favorite books. '1984' by George Orwell
    I think a lot of what is in that novel is sadly coming true these days but that's all I say about politics. :)

    I played ET way back in its heyday roughly 05 to 07 maybe 2008
    then got on with life for the most part. Jobs, moving, love, loss, etc.. etc..

    Was a member of the <HH> clan and went by Hemlock
    A reference to one of my fav movies The Eiger Sanction.

    Recently got back into ET because I was furloughed for a bit from work 
    because of the beginning of the pandemic. Killing time and wondered if it (ET)
    was still around.
    I've been playing on the FA servers a little. Jaymod - a lot of really aggressive players
    run and gun then heal themselves and no one else.... The usual problems that
    have always plagued this fine game. 

    I live on the East Coast of the US. 
    Sys Admin for a teaching hospital (med school)
    older guy (you'll have to guess my age)
    enjoy concerts - glad they are starting to come back
    enjoy baseball, and soccer - futbol!
    follow Arsenal of the Premiere league
    into hiking and photography.

    enjoy conversations especially those of the international bent..
    will talk about just about anything

    hit me up

    Ohnn and thanks for this unusual and unique server. Silent mod
    really cool. 
    everyone has been very nice so far.


    Hey 2 Min,

    Glad you took the time to show something of yourself, and shine a light on the origins of your name. Makes it a lot more 'appreciable' now.. ;-)
    Most of our regulars did that too in the past, introducing and give something away about them selfs, on an older forum which got lost on a server transition in the past. Real shame, was good reading material.

    But as far as what we could have in common your list seems quite compatible...
    SysAdmin too,
    Old too, 54 atm to be precise,
    Concert lover too, although severe hearing damage made me back down from that,
    None of the soccer, football, or anything else with a ball.. :-) F1 ftw!
    Hiking, oh yes!
    Photography, meh...

    Adding my tastes to this list:
    Kevin Smith/Tarrantino/SciFi/RatM/SOAD/Zappa etc, etc, etc...
    and all things C21H30O2

    But all thing aside, it's nice to have you on this 'odd' server. You seemed to be a decent player, but as i mentioned before, your name ticked me off a bit.. Glad you cleared that up! Im sure we'll have some fun coming...


    PS. Why post in this seemingly unrelated thread? Could use this



    Nice post hate, but, as bier said you are welcome to make your own topic post if you want instead of hijacking this one hehe, I think a lot more would see it then ;)  But nice to hear a little about you, I enjoy playing with you on server, you seem like a really nice guy :)



    @ 2min

    when u used the flame today*



    Luis Enrique

    It would be better to create a new post to write about yourself to get to know you better but this also works.
    Welcome to Mars City.




    Who´s Next?



    Welcome Two Minutes Hate!!! Love to play with you if the timing from both makes it possible.



    On 8/12/2021 at 8:27 PM, Tutox said:

    Welcome Two Minutes Hate!!! Love to play with you if the timing from both makes it possible.

    he is in vacations till monday ,he lives not far from the beach so prolly he is here cuz dont saw him anymore 



    howdy hate,, and welcome,, very nice post  and it has been fun playing with you when i'm on.. i'm in and out any-more for health reason.. but hope ta frag with ya soon.. 



    On 8/15/2021 at 8:11 PM, halfy said:

    howdy hate,, and welcome,, very nice post  and it has been fun playing with you when i'm on.. i'm in and out any-more for health reason.. but hope ta frag with ya soon.. 

    from what he told me he will be back home tomorrow , miss also this nice player


    Two Minutes Hate

    hello all
    Played a little tonight 8/17/2021
    Got a slight sunburn on my shoulders and right arm.

    Had fun at the beach (Wilmington, NC)
    I live in the Triad area - Greensboro

    Hope all are doing well.
    look forward to playing more and chatting with you guys and gals



    nice to see you back dont had the chance to play  so late

    if you have nice photos from the beach you can if you want ofc post them  in the albums section.



    • Like 1

    Container System

    You may have noticed that since a few weeks your main menu looks wonderfully clean. This is due to the container system which was initially introduced in ET: Legacy 2.77 and fixed in the 'Recapture the City!' 2.77.1 hotfix. In short, this system isolates all paks downloaded from an ET server and ensures your client looks clean and most importantly, remains usable on launch.


    This is a major change addressing a long-standing issue, which we probably all are familiar with. After playing on a server the main menu has been tampered with in one form or another. This raises several issues for regular players. For example could it be that the main menu was translated by the previous server (quote6.png below), it also raises security concerns (quote7.png below) as those modifications to the game client happen without permission, but in general, it's probably simple annoyance (quote3.png below) by the constant alterations. Unfortunately, @stealth6 (quote2.png below) put it quite well, as the ET community lost the battle. However, Radegast, our founder, indicated plans to fix this issue (quote4.png below) once and for all and we finally did! 8 years later, but we got you Radegast! Your plans and vision for this project are in good hands. At least we hope so!


    Short backstory

    "Players. Admins. PK3s. Developers. Long ago, the four parties lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Admins discovered the tilde ~. Only Radegast, founder of ET: Legacy, could stop them, but when the Players needed him most, he rightfully took a well-deserved retirement. Eight years passed and the current ET: Legacy dev team developed a new way to protect Players, the dlcache container system. And although our motives were good, we botched the early tilde block attempt in 2.76. But, We believe the dlcache container system can save the Players."

    Long backstory

    When connecting to a server, the pk3 get downloaded to your fs_homepath. Historically, all files from all the servers you connect to, get put either into etmain or the mod directory (e.g. legacy, silent,...), which are the same directories the game pulls the content from when launching the game. This enabled server admins to force players to download pk3 containing the aforementioned custom menu files, which the game then uses to initialise the main menu on launch. Because all the files from all the servers got put into the same respective directory, a war broke out between servers for who can put more Z or tilde ~ characters in front of their custom menu pk3. This was done because the game goes through the respective directory on launch alphabetically and overwrites previously loaded files with whatever comes after it. In other words, the game loads pak0.pk3 and finds a menu file. It then loads z_custom_menu.pk3 and finds a menu file which it uses to overwrite the one from pak0.pk3. Then zz_custom_menu.pk3 comes along and even after all the Zs the tilde (~~custom_menu.pk3) pk3 come along overwriting everything ones again. Hence, in 2.76 we tried to implement an early measure against all of that, by blocking the pk3 with the tilde ~ character from being downloaded. This, however, prompted righful backlash by our community as it also prevented you from joining those servers even if you understood and accepted the risk. Another solution was required and here we are.


    Now, pk3 get downloaded into a new sub-directory called dlcache rather than the base directories (e.g. etmain, legacy,...). This means that for example maps get downloaded into fs_homepath/etmain/dlcache instead of fs_homepath/etmain and server pk3 get downloaded into fs_homepath/legacy/dlcache instead of fs_homepath/legacy. These new sub-directories do not get initialised on game launch, which means that custom paks do not get loaded. This is different to the initial plan of the per-server container system described in the initial proposal here as that would have required players to always download all pk3 when connecting to a new server, because even maps would have been stored in each per-server container separately. That would have presented an immense inefficiency for your required disk space, which is why we are even more happy with the current implementation.

    Things to keep in mind

    • Third-party mods Exception to this are third-party mods (e.g. silent, nq,...) as changing the folder structure is very likely going to break functionality of those mods. Therefore, it is recommended to keep legacy as the default mod on game launch (+set fs_game legacy).

    • Manual work-around The good news is that you can still manually install custom menu files for quick access to your favourite server. Simply check the pk3 from your favourite server or ask your server admins which of them contains the custom menu and move that to fs_homepath/etmain. Ideally, to minimise any risk, that pk3 should only include the necessary menu files, so please double check with your server admins if you have any concerns.

    • Local host When trying to host a game locally or when simply using /map or /devmap the contents of dlcache are not considered. You will have to manually pull those maps that you wish to test/play locally from fs_homepath/etmain/dlcache and put them into fs_homepath/etmain.

    For further questions as well as if you, dear player, server admin, interested follower or else, are interested in contributing to this project, we are always looking for helping hands to speed things up, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us on Discord.


    written by Kemon 4 months ago
  5. 1 minute ago, Wolf Enstein said:

    I don't know about it helping a map in any way, Teuthis, but what I do know is that if you have a lot of maps in your 'etmain' folder the map textures can be changed by the textures contained in other maps that come after yours alphabetically.

    OnkleBob from the ETc Clan named his previous map release in this way in order to avoid that from happening. He wanted to guarantee that none of the textures would be changed by other maps.

    we have this problem also , tits sometimes  looks like players are green..

    plus for somes i have yellow and black textures and no text for textures missing when you open the console, is the mod can interfere also : thats i dont know but maybe custom skins pk3 might interfere also ?

    Wolfie You mean for etmain your et folder or the server ftp and what is  the OnKleBob map name?

    • Like 1
  6. hi kate, 

    here the new map. I think the objectives are quite appealing. curious to hear your thoughts.



    radar_tank_b1.pk3 6.07 MB · 2 downloads

    thanks my friend , i added Cyber to the convoc

    soon we will give you feedbacks, i will test it tomorrow with my local host:rose:


    Thanks. Any ideas on how to change the other vanilla maps:

    - Oasis

    - battery

    - Railgun

    - goldrush


    i would like to modify each of the vanilla maps. Radar was the most simple to modify, since the map is prone for a tank version. Goldrush is the most difficult one but I have some ideas here. I‘m a bit lost with Battery and Railgun. Any ideas on how to change those?



    I have a question. For the final version of this map, I would like to let a small video play in the limbo Menue. I would like to have a movie which shows firing of the guns to the tank. Unfortunately, I can‘t do this alone since I need to make first a video as spectator and record firing of the guns while someone else sits on the tank and get blown away. So long story short, when you have tested this map, can we arrange to meet with 2 people on this map to let me record the video? I can then create a special Roq file that then plays in the limbo, just like in the original vanilla maps.


    i just tested the map

    1 rst / i did wrong cuz i dont destroyed first the boths radars ( but two heavily secured anti-tank guns are protecting the area. Allies must first destroy the guns to escort their tank to blow the radar.)  so i destoyed the main door and moved the tank : boom tank desappears and i never  could finish the map

    and i died ; when i died i been almost out the map

    so guys who dont speak englist at all might be lost for the objectives order



    4 hours ago, Teuthis said:

    I have a question. For the final version of this map, I would like to let a small video play in the limbo Menue. I would like to have a movie which shows firing of the guns to the tank. Unfortunately, I can‘t do this alone since I need to make first a video as spectator and record firing of the guns while someone else sits on the tank and get blown away. So long story short, when you have tested this map, can we arrange to meet with 2 people on this map to let me record the video? I can then create a special Roq file that then plays in the limbo, just like in the original vanilla maps.

    yes we can do that



    Engineers can not enter using the Main Entrance or go in front of the anti tank guns until the guns are destroyed.

    Engineers MUST use the side entrance and NEVER go in front of the guns until the antitank guns are destroyed.

    This has NOTHING to do with the tank being repaired. I did NEVER repaired the tank, the tank IS in DEFAULT location UNREPAIRED, I destroyed the side entrance then walked in front of a anti tank gun as a engineer. BOOM Im dead !

    All other classes can use the Main Entrance and CAN go in front of the guns as long as they are NOT ESCORTING the tank.

    These bot files are NOT RELEASED !!!!

    They are for TESTING the MAP ONLY !!!

    These bots still need MUCH work, MANY conditionals MUST be added.

    A NEW vehicle trigger MUST be created and added, these bot files are using a vehicle trigger created for radar_phx_b_3 to speed up creating these files for testing the map.

    n a side note, the bot files do work.

    BUT they are not Finished.


    yes but we will do a test all together on  our other silent server

  7. 29.06.2010 : 00:56


    First of all we would like to thank the whole ETPub Community for their support and testing our frequently builds. Secondly we want to thank the NoQuarter Team, especially IRATA and core, for their great help and bugfixes.

    Thank you everyone! All this would not have been possible without you!

    ETPub 0.9.1 is another major new server version.

    Download & Info:

    --> ETpub 0.9.1
    --> ETpub Website

    Here is an overview of the new features:

    • GeoIP country flags
    • Panzer/Sniper/Rifle war (+ shrubbot commands)
    • Shoutcasting (only with installed etpub client)
    • Partial support for ETTV
    • Lua API support (choose between qagame with or without Lua API support)
    • Improved security (g_spoofOptions, g_maxConnsPerIP, ...)
    • Additional font characters
    • Reviving Sprees
    • Reworked team_max* restrictions
    • Added some new shrubbot commands (!freeze, !unfreeze, ...)
    • Cointoss callvote command
    • ETPro's delete mapscript command
    • Headshot Mode (+ instagib damage)
    • Configurable first and last blood message
    • Reworked inactivity code
    • Unlocked Weapons, No Damage, Adrenaline and Instant Spawn modes
    • etpub_version console command
    • Referee logout command
    • Omni-bot 0.8 support
    • Many bugfixes
    • ...

    To see a complete list of all the changes see the ETPub server changelog for details.

    ETPub Client 20100628 is another major new client version.

    Here is an overview of the new features:

    • Shoutcasting (controlled server side)
    • Custom Voicechats
    • GeoIP country flags (controlled server side)
    • dropweapon command
    • Enemy spawntimer
    • Location Names
    • Reworked client side team_max* restrictions
    • Additional font characters
    • Reactivated Gib Models
    • Ready Icons
    • Auto select fireteam members (cg_autoSelectFTMembers)
    • etpub_version console command
    • Many bugfixes
    • ...

    To see a complete list of all the changes see the ETPub client changelog for details.ETpub Website

  8. Présentation des bots.

    http://s2.e-monsite.com/2010/05/07/10/logo.jpgLes Bobots sont des robots, (bots), des joueurs virtuels pilotés par ordinateur.
    Les bots ne remplaceront jamais les joueurs humains, mais vous pouvez vous entraîner contre eux ou avec eux ou en ajouter sur votre serveur.

    Spécificités des bots.

     Navigation par réseau de neurones entraîné à l'évitement d'obstacles grâce à un algorithme génétique. Nombre limité de waypoints dans une map (150 en moyenne).

    Prise de décision intelligente (système de règles, calcul des priorités par logique floue...).

    Constamment les bobots ont une dizaine de décisions à prendre. Doivent-ils aller se soigner, chercher des munitions, ramasser ou donner un pack, riposter à une attaque ou "reviver" un équipier ? Doivent-ils aller sur le tank plutôt que sur l'objectif pricipal ? Ils évaluent toutes ces possibilités plusieures fois par secondes et prendront la décision prioritaire sur le moment. Si un bot est blessé et se trouve proche de l'objectif, il ira sur l'objectif mais s'il est loin de l'objectif et proche d'un cabinet de soin alors il préfèrera aller se soigner. Si pendant qu'il "revive" un équipier il se fait tirer dessus, alors il abandonnera l'action pour riposter et la reprendra plus tard, s'il est encore en vie.

    La gestion complète des véhicules. Les bots sont capables d'escorter tous types de véhicules, de monter dans les tanks et de se servir de leur mitrailleuse. Ils sont aussi capables d'attendre leur équipiers, ils savent poursuivre un ennemi quelques instants, ils peuvent aussi protéger leurs équipiers.


    http://s1.e-monsite.com/2010/07/05/07/ET-BB.jpgNavigation grâce à leur réseau de neurones.

     Les  bots se déplacent à l'intérieur d'une aire de jeu la plupart du temps grâce à leur réseau de neurones entraîné à l'évitement d'obstacles. C'est pour cette raison qu'ils ne se déplacent jamais en file indienne mais utilisent toute la largeur de la map. Le réseau de neurones agit un peu comme un sonar et informe le bot de la direction qu'il doit prendre (tourner à droite, à gauche) ou l'action qu'il doit avoir (sauter un muret…). Ce type de navigation donne des situations très drôles, les bobots se baladent sur les rampes d'escalier, sautent sur une caisse ou sur un véhicule qui obstrue le passage. Ils ne sont jamais réellement coincés longtemps et finissent toujours par se dégager. De temps en temps ils tournent en rond, comme nous…
    Les bots n'ont pas besoin de nodes (waypoints) pour se déplacer dans une map. Il est facile de s'en rendre compte, ajoutez un bot dans une map ou il n'y ni node ni script, présentez vous devant lui dans la team adverse à la sienne et vous verrez qu'il vous tirera dessus et commencera à se balader dans map, ou encore mieux, lorsque la gravité change, qu'importe l'endroit ou le bot retombe, que ce soit sur un node ou pas il reprendra sa direction comme si rien n'était. Alors à quoi servent les nodes et les connexions ? Tout simplement à faire gagner du temps aux bobots en leur indiquant ou se trouve le but (c'est le node) et la direction qu'ils doivent prendre (c'est la connexion). On a toujours tendance à trop mettre de nodes, en fait 150 suffisent largement pour les plus grosses map. En savoir plus sur la conception de Bobot


    http://s1.e-monsite.com/2010/07/05/07/ET-BB.jpgQue savent faire les bots ?

    Tous les bots savent escorter les véhicules, monter dans un tank et se servir de sa mitrailleuse. Ils savent aussi s'emparer des MG42 fixes, ouvrir les portes, actionner les manettes, aller sur les objectifs ou les défendre. Ils ont connaissance des cabinets de soin et de munitions et y vont régulièrement selon leurs besoins. Ils savent tous aller prendre (comme dans radar) les kits radar et les amener au camion, ou s'emparer de l'or de goldrush, le déposer dans le camion et l'escorter jusqu'au bout. En combat, les bobots choisissent la meilleure position de défense / attaque (debout, couché, à genoux) en fonction du tir de l'adversaire. Il se servent de leur couteau pour le corps à corps.  ils sont polis, ils disent merci quand ils sont "reviver" par un medecin. Ils demandent des munitions quand ils sont à court. Ils ont toute une panoplie de messages audios et chat qu'ils disent en fonction des événements. Quand les bots et leurs ennemis sont sous l'eau, ils prennent leur couteau pour se battre. Les bots  soldats qui ont des armes lourdes prennent leur pisolet pour aller plus vite durant leur déplacement. Les bots poursuivent leurs ennemis dans leur cachette tant qu'ils les voient.


    http://s1.e-monsite.com/2010/07/05/07/ET-BB.jpgLes Classes.

    Les ingénieurs savent construire et détruire à peu près tout ce qui existe dans les maps (postes de commandement, les barrières, les ponts, les MG42 fixes, les véhicules tanks et camions, les canons, les murs, les portes et portails... ). Ils se concentrent surtout sur les objectifs prioritaires et secondaires. Viennent après les postes de commandement, barrières à construire mur à détruire, etc. Ils se servent de la grenade de leur fusil, il faut pour ça qu'ils soient à distance raisonnable (ni trop près ni trop loin). Ils savent planter et désamorcer les mines. Ils sont informés qu'une dynamite adverse est "plantée", ils foncent pour la désarmorcer.

    Les médecins n'ont pas un réel rôle de combattant même s'ils participent activement à la défense ou la prise des objectifs. Leur préoccupation majeure est la santé de leurs équipiers à qui ils apportent des pack de médicaments et les "revivent" grâce à leur seringue d'adrénaline.

    Les fieldops distribuent les packs de munitions et en apportent à leurs équipiers. Ils se servent aussi de l'airstrike et des jumelles pour le support aérien.

    Les covertops se servent de la lunette de leur fusil ou FG42 quand l'ennemi est très loin (distance >= 1000). Ils utilisent aussi les fumigénes (smoke bombe). Ils s'empare des habits de ses ennemis pour ne pas se faire repérer chez l'ennemi. Ils utilise leur satchel pour faire sauter des portes, postes de commandement et autres...

    Les soldats savent attaquer ou défendre une position.

    Les Cyborgs (résistance accrue, déplacement lent) :

    • Les Biomecaniks se positionnent à des endroits stratégiques marqués par les  nodes BIOMECANIK s'ils existent dans la map, sinon il feront comme les autres classes.
    • Le proto soldat se comporte comme des soldats.

    L'Elite Guard  (résistance accrue) se comporte comme des soldats


    http://s1.e-monsite.com/2010/07/05/07/ET-BB.jpgArmes Bobot.


    ALLIES :

    • Soldat : Mitralleuse Browning, Bazooka, Lance-Flammes, Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun).
    • Médecin : Bar, Garand (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Seringue empoisonnée.
    • Ingénieur : Bar, Garand (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun).
    • Field ops : Bar, Garand (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), AirStrick.
    • Covert ops : Bar, Garand (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,Sten, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Fumigène.
    • Biomecanik : Venom et akimbo colt.
    • Proto soldat : Proto gun et akimbo colt.

    AXIS :

    • Soldat : Mitralleuse MG42, Panzerfaust, Lance-Flammes, MP40, Venom, Shotgun.
    • Médecin : STG44, K43 (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,MP40, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Seringue empoisonnée.
    • Ingénieur : STG44, K43 (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,MP40, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun).
    • Field ops : STG44, K43 (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,MP40, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun). AirStrick.
    • Covert ops : MP34, K43 (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades) ,STG44, Venom, Shotgun, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Fumigène.
    • Biomecanik : venom akimbo luger.
    • Elite guard : MP34 et akimbo silencer luger.
    • Proto soldat : Proto gun et akimbo luger.




    Bobot Zombies Mod.

    Le mod Zombies est le mod bobot modifié. Les axis sont des zombis, les Alliés eux n'ont pas changés. l'IA des zombis a été modifiée afin que leur préoccupation principale soit de poursuivre les Alliés pour les tuer. Ils courent plus vite que les Alliés et sont extrèmement résistants aux armes classiques, c'est pour cette raison que de nouvelles armes sont rajoutées comme le venom, le BAR et le shotgun, seules armes capables d'en venir à bout. Réussir une mission en territoire zombis sera particulièrement difficile pour les Alliés.



    Squelette casqué

    Elite Guard

    http://bobots.e-monsite.com/medias/images/et-2014-08-29-06-35-40-17.png?fx=r_640_400 http://bobots.e-monsite.com/medias/images/et-2014-08-29-06-35-57-96.png?fx=r_640_400 http://bobots.e-monsite.com/medias/images/et-2014-08-29-06-36-16-44.png?fx=r_640_400  


    Armes Bobot Zombies Mod.



    • Soldat : Mitralleuse Browning, Bazooka, Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun).
    • Médecin : Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Bar, Seringue empoisonnée.
    • Ingénieur : Thompson, Venom, Bar, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Garand (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades).
    • Field ops : Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Bar, AirStrick.
    • Covert ops : Sten, Bar, Thompson, Venom, Fusil à pompe (Shotgun), Garand (fusil à lunette/Lance-grenades), Fumigène.


    AXIS :

    Version 5.5

    • Soldat : Hache.
    • Ingénieur : Hache.
    • Field ops : Hache, AirStrick.
    • Covert ops : Hache, Fumigène.
    • Médecin : Hache, Seringue empoisonné.

    Version 5.5.1 trois nouvelles classes.

    • Elite guard : Hache
    • Squelette : Hache
    • Helga : Hache
  9. 1) Intro/Setup

    Fixing missing textures will take some time to learn.

    Thankfully, it's not V1 rocket surgery. 🙃

    To start, you will need to unzip the map pk3.

    To unzip (decompress) pk3 files, you can use WinRAR, WinZip, 7-zip etc.

    I have found that Search Everything is a must-have tool for cataloging your hard drives, and can really help in this process.

    Prepare the following pk3's unzipped in your hard drive:

    • The main ET pk3's: pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3, pak2.pk3
    • The RTCW paks: mp_pak0.pk3 and pak0.pk3

      I will be working with the original ouessant.pk3 map.

      You can find my fixed version here in ETS downloads.

      For this tute, please follow these steps:

      1. Unzip ouessant.pk3 into a new working space on your hard drive.

      Unzipping the map will create these folders:


      Looking at these folders, it is very strange because there is no textures folder in here at all! This is the first map I've seen without a textures folder. 😖 But it certainly explains why there are so many missing textures. I believe the map author simply forgot to include it when he created and published the map.

      2. Copy ouessant.pk3 into your ET/main folder.

      That's all for setup. Next we take a look at the map in ET.

    2) Load up the map

    Start ET and load the map by opening the console and typing:

    \devmap ouessant [enter]

    3) Identify the Missing Textures

    Join the allied team and you will see the missing textures as yellow/dark brown patches:

    missing textures visible

    Open the console and scroll up to find the texture load warnings:


    There are many more warnings but we will just look at this one.

    Open the scripts folder:

    scripts folder

    We are only interested in the ouessant.shader file.

    This is it; let's see if it can tell us anything about the missing textures:

    	surfaceparm landmine
    	qer_editorimage textures/temperate_sd/grass_path1.tga
    		map textures/temperate_sd/grass_path1.tga
    		rgbgen identity
    		lightmap $lightmap
    		blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		rgbgen identity
    	qer_editorimage textures/temperate_sd/grass_path1.tga
    		map textures/temperate_sd/grass_path1.tga
    		rgbgen identity
    		lightmap $lightmap
    		blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		rgbgen identity
    	surfaceparm landmine
    	qer_editorimage textures/stone/mxrock1aa.tga
    		map textures/stone/mxrock1aa.tga
    		rgbgen identity
    		lightmap $lightmap
    		blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		rgbgen identity
    	qer_editorimage textures/frozendusk/frozendusk_view.tga
    	surfaceparm noimpact
    	surfaceparm nolightmap
    	q3map_lightsubdivide 256
    	q3map_surfacelight 50
    	surfaceparm sky
    	q3map_sun 0.894 0.933 1.00 200 250 15
    	skyparms env/frozendusk/frozendusk - -

    There are 4 shaders defined in this file; 3 terrain and 1 skybox. The warning message indicated that the metal_m04dg2.jpg image is missing, but it was not includedt in this file.

    We will assume that metal_m04dg2.jpg did not have a shader, and was in the textures/metal_misc folder when the map was designed. The important point is that the image was probably located in some other texture set, like RTCW pak0.

    We saw that the textures folder was missing from the map pk3, so create it now:

    new folder

    Also create a new folder named metal_misc inside the textures folder.

    4) Find Replacement Images

    Enter the texture name in Everything and cross your fingers.

    If Everything does not find the missing texture in your pc, try google.

    My search found metal_m04dg2.jpg in my RTCW pak0/textures/metal_misc folder.

    Sometimes you just have to be creative if you cannot find the exact texture you need.

    For example, rock textures are easy to replace if they look similar, and even better if the name is almost the same.

    Go through the warnings and search for each of the missing textures. This is where you will spend most of your time...


    5) Add the Textures to the Map

    Now we are ready to place the textures we found into the unzipped pk3.

    Refer to the console warnings to see the path where the missing textures need to be placed.

    So, the metal_m04dg2.jpg found in the RTCW pak0 needs to be placed in the metal_misc folder you created earlier.


    Repeat adding further textures to the map according to the warnings in the console.

    6) Re-package the Map

    After adding all the textures into the pk3, select all the folders, right-click > Send To... and create a zip file:


    If you don't have this menu option, just create a standard zip file with 7-zip, WinRAR, etc.

    After zipping, rename the file (in this case ouessant.zip) to ouessant.pk3 or ouessant_fix.zip, as you like.

    Close ET, if it's running, move or delete ouessant.pk3 in your ET/main folder, and copy your new fixed map into ET/main.

    Restart ET and load the map and test it for warning messages.

    Rinse and repeat the whole process if there are any more warning messages.

    That's it! I hope this helps you to get started! 😎


    [1] - Texture Names

    ET maps use 3 image types: TGA, PNG and JPG. When you are looking through shaders to get hints on the missing image, ET can use any of these 3 types even if it specifically says the image type is .tga in the shader's header.

  10. will be easier to post here instead in the shoutbox  mine friends:rose:

    • Teuthis Today 7:32 AM
      Can you tell the bots to avoid walking in this trigger? I can let the trigger disappear after the guns are broken. They are currently still there even when the guns are intact but don’t fire if the guns are broken
    • Teuthis Today 7:18 AM
      There is a trigger_multiple surrounding the tank that gets only activated when an engineer enters the trigger and which activates firing of the guns
    • Teuthis Today 7:06 AM
      Guns are dynamitable obj and fire 1) automatically at the tank and 2) to the broken tank when the engi comes too close to prevent repairing
    • CYBER4WOLF Today 12:07 AM
      An Entity trigger is a trigger that is activated by the presence of any specified ENTITY: Entering, staying, exiting the trigger zone. Entities are bots, humans, vehicles, etc.
    • CYBER4WOLF Today 12:02 AM
      Vara_Battery bot files fighting0048.gif stupid game triggers are not unique, so a vehicle trigger will be required and possibly an entity trigger may be required.
    • CYBER4WOLF 14 June 11:55 PM
      @Teuthis is your anti-tank gun automatic? Original Venice has a anti-tank gun which destroys the tank and anybody near it. But the gun must be fired manually, it is not automatic.
    • CYBER4WOLF 14 June 10:37 PM
      I can make the bots fix & Escort the tank after the guns are destroyed. I can have all or just the allied bots ignore the tank until the guns are destroyed. This is only possible if there is a unique game trigger for the guns being destroyed.
    • Teuthis 14 June 6:23 PM
      Otherwise it’s like Stalingrad for the bots.
    • Teuthis 14 June 6:22 PM
      @cyberwolf. Are you able to design bots that purposely avoid escorting the tank? I have 2 anti tank guns that fire at the tank (and the engineer specifically when he comes close to the tank). The tank is only escortable after the anti tank guns are destroyed. But can the bots be made so that they don’t get close to the tank unless the guns are destroyed?
    • Kate 9 June 10:51 AM
    • thanks Teuthis hope soon we can play your map rose.gif
    • Tutox 8 June 8:24 PM
      That sounds like a very fun map to play @Teuthis. I'm looking forward to enjoy it
    • Teuthis 8 June 5:38 PM
      :) this one is funny. I changed literally nothing other than the objectives, which makes a huge difference and gives the map a new spin. Allies need to steal the tank close to the axis spawn bunker, which then switches the spawns. Then allies have to escort the tank which gets destroyed by the 2 anti tank guns. So allies have to destroy the guns to get the tank through the area. Pretty different, yet cool gameplay. I think it’ll be liked :classic_biggrin:o
    • Teuthis 7 June 9:46 PM
      Next is a tank version of Würzburg Radar. This one is fast because it’s easy scripting. Instead of the two radar pieces there are two anti tank guns that will kill the tank on it’s ride. Allies have to destroy both guns to enable the tank to drive through
    • Teuthis 7 June 9:43 PM
      I was quite busy the last weeks with applying for a new job. But I have some cool new stuff cooking.
    • kate 7 June 11:20 AM
      hi Teuthis yes all is fine here and for You? soon a new map ?
    • Teuthis 6 June 5:41 PM
      Hey folks. Hope you’re doing well though.


  11. with ETL the xps is not saved 

    but myself i like a lot this mod

    i will look for the  etl settings for the weapons but for a snipers servers usually you can have only fo, medics and co

    will add more snipers maps tomorrow

  12. 28 minutes ago, MoeDawg said:

    Its entirely possible. I started out in /XR/extreme rednecks then kinda branched off with a few friends. Ended up being /MB/ and then just =MoE=. we ran a couple servers but the main was a N!tmod. Back when i first started i was Kermit and when we transferred to /MB/ i became Moedawg. SmokinJoe, Bloodlust, Bigfoot, Bigskitty they were all Good friends

    All these names don’t ring a bell at all🤔

  13. 1 hour ago, MoeDawg said:

    Hi!!  Im an older player returning to ET after....6 or 7 years? Please be patient with me as i relearn how to play :p.  was pretty excited to see folks still playing. Hope to see yall in game!

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