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1944_cherbourg2 1.0.0

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About This File

Axis Objective Descriptions
1    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from invading Cherbourg by maintaining the Axis Outer Blockade and the Tank.  Protect the Anti-Air Guns at all costs."
2    "Primary Objective:**Axis Anti-Tank Blockade: stand near the artillary firing contols to trigger the anti-tank gun."
3    "Primary Objective:**Axis Tank: standing near the tank will trigger the tank cannon."
4    "Primary Objective:**The Dock Anti-Aircraft Cannon"
5    "Primary Objective:**Anti-Aircraft Cannon."
6    "Primary Objective:**Anti-Aircraft Cannon."
7    "Secondary Objective:**Command Post: construct the command post to gain access to the Forward Spawn."
8    "Secondary Objective:**Axis Bunker Controls."

Allied Objective Descriptions
1    "Primary Objective:**Gain secure entry into Cherbourg by destroying the Axis outer Blockade, the Axis Gate, or the Hotel Gate. Build the command post to ensure safe entry into the city. Destroy the Axis Anti-Aircraft Guns."
2    "Primary Objective:**The Axis Anti-Tank Blockade: beware the anti-tank gun blast as its sights are trained on the entry road."
3    "Primary Objective:**The Axis Tank: beware the tank gun blast as its sights are trained on the entry road."
4    "Primary Objective:**The Dock Anti-Aircraft Cannon: Destroy this to gain access to the Dock Spawn."
5    "Primary Objective:**Anti-Aircraft Cannon."
6    "Primary Objective:**Anti-Aircraft Cannon."
7    "Secondary Objective:**Command Post: construct the command post to gain access to the Forward Spawn"
8    "Secondary Objective:**Axis Bunker Controls: destroy to eliminate the Axis Bunker Spawn and Disable the Axis Bunker Doors."

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