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cathedral_te_treefix 1.0.0

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About This File


So after having to much free time lately the result was me finishing up my mapping project of cathedral. Cathedral was released in 2004 by Blushing_Bride and later in 2006 a SW version was released where this TE version is further based on. The overall map style can be compared to radar and is suitable for 5on5 and 6on6.

 Quote: Objective Axis have captured two experimental radar modules from a top secret listening post and retreated to a nearby cathedral where they await extraction. Allies must get the Radar parts back from the Axis raiding party. The Axis must hold the Radar parts until their extraction team arrives to spirit them to safety.

In general the changes I made are in favour of faster and more intense 5v5/6v6 gameplay.The map is now more compact

Cathedral_Te Treefix
This package fix the small tree errors which had wrong alpha layers.



"Axis have captured two top secret radar modules and retreated to a nearby cathedral where they await extraction. **Allies must get the Radar parts back from the Axis raiding party before they are taken to Germany for analysis.**"

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


noriced a problem but still dont sure if it is cuz silent mod or this map interfering with an other


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