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Everything posted by Adminbis

  1. Version 1.0.0


    As the Allies advance towards Germany, they discover a seemingly abandoned warehouse. However, further investigation reveals that it is actually a secret Axis weapons research lab. While the Allies cannot gain access into the main lab itself, blueprints of the complex pinpoints a weak spot: If the Allies can destroy the generator, they will disable power to the entire complex, rendering it inoperative. --------------------------------------- Objectives: --------------------------------------- AXIS: 1) Defend the generator. ALLIES: 1) Destroy the generator. --------------------------------------- Level technical info: --------------------------------------- Name: MML_CLAUSTROPHOBIA Type: MP / SW / LMS Stage: Alpha Revision: 2 Time taken: 2 months Compile: BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast -filter -samples 2 --------------------------------------- Author info: --------------------------------------- Author: [MML]Gerbil / zero.Gerbil Real name: Barry Swan WwW: http://www.theburrow.com Wolf WWW: http://theburrow.fragland.net Clan WWW: http://www.zerogaming.co.uk E-mail: [email protected] --------------------------------------- Thanks: --------------------------------------- seven_dc - For running this competition, and giving me enough time to finish the bloody map! The people at the SplashDamage forum - for encouragement and ideas. Siliconslick - For LMS information. Clan Groundzero - as ever a top bunch of guys and I just wish I had the connection to play with them again in clan matches :( Anyone else I've missed - there will undoubtedly be some, and for that I'm sorry, but anyone who has offered support, feedback or ideas, it's greatly appreciated! --------------------------------------- Copyright: --------------------------------------- Some textures are the creation of Ydnar: www.shaderlab.com His site was down, so I was unable to locate the exact copyright wording he asks for, but suffice to say you are free to re-use them in non-commercial game applications, on the condition that you state clearly he created them and they are copyright to him. Lots of prefabs used from the rather nice site at: http://www.sikstrom.nu/rikard/prefabs.htm
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