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nitmod_2.3.4-b4 1.0.0

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1 Screenshot

About This File

+ = Added
* = Fixed
~ = Modified
- = Removed

[ N!tmod 2.3.4 Beta 4 ]

* g_fixedPhysics was broken (since version 2.2)
* UI_Alloc crash on Linux/MacOS x86_64
* Empty awards during intermission
* Empty crashlogs on Linux x86_64
~ Separate server crash logs (crash_mapname_date_time.log)
~ MAX_CUSTOM_COMMANDS from 64 to 96 (on request for a server that had too many, but I don't recommend it)
~ Optimized ClientUserInfoChanged checks and log messages when dropping a client
~ SQLite errors are now logged to g_log
~ NxAC version 2.2 - Improved stability
+ EXPERIMENTAL - Compatibility with ET:Legacy server demos (some crashes are still to be fixed)

[ N!tmod 2.3.4 Beta 3 ]

* Fixed a remaining crash/freeze issue reported right after 2.3.4-b2 release

[ N!tmod 2.3.4 Beta 2 -- !!DEPRECATED / NOT RECOMMENDED!!

* Increased MAX_MENUS and MAX_MENUITEMS to fix some server's custom menus not loading
* Don't activate triggers (escort vehicles for example) when playing dead
* First blood and First headshot announces (broken in 2.3.4-b1)
* Vote message sometimes staying on screen (untested, very tricky to reproduce, but should no longer happen)
* Crash/freeze on Windows after vid_restart/map change due to NxAC
* Faster SQLite queries
+ Re-enabled MacOS 32 bit support (untested)
+ MacOS server library (qagame_mac) AKA it is now possible to host a N!tmod server on MacOS !
+ It is now possible to find users by IP address or MAC address with !userlist
+ Players muted through votes will be muted for g_defaultMute seconds
+ /csinfo 'dumpall' argument (server side, for debugging purposes)
+ Server's NxAC status icon on map loading screen
~ Modified some N!tmod specific menus
~ Enabled "configstrings" command again (client side, for debugging purposes)
~ Nicer shoutcaster/spectator names above players
~ Modified MacOS Minimum version to 10.8 (was 10.12 in 2.3.4-b1)
~ More code cleanup and compiler warnings fixed
~ Some critical parts of the NxAC code on Windows have been rewritten from scratch
- Server's Punkbuster status icon on map loading screen

[ N!tmod 2.3.4 Beta 1 ]

+ Linux 64 bit support (client + server)
+ MacOS 64 bit support (client)
+ Support for Omni-Bot 64 bit (if server is running x86_64)
+ Missing class menus files
+ "mod_build" serverinfo cvar
+ Build CPU type in !about output, crashlogs, G_InitGame
+ Don't use "screenshotJPEG" when using ET:Legacy and cg_useScreenshotJPEG = 1
+ !about now shows buil-in SQLite API version
+ "humans" statusResponse key (used by UI serverlist)
+ Ingame serverlist will now hide serverfacades and server returning no or invalid statusResponse
+ cg_pmSounds: 0 - Disable sound notification for PM/Adminchat | 1 - Enable
+ Ingame serverlist now displays real human counts based on statusResponse "humans" key (also compatible with ET:Legacy "humans" infoResponse key, if server and client are running ET:Legacy. Otherwise based on ping)
+ Experimental widescreen support for UI and modified menu files accordingly
- MacOS PPC support
- MacOS 32 bit support
- Ingame serverlist "TR" column
~ Built-in SQLite Interface updated to version 3.35.5 (previously 3.8.5)
~ g_hitboxes now doesn't uses any extra entities
~ Code cleanup and fixed many compiler warnings
~ Code optimizations for faster game frame processing
* cg_autoaction demo recording, for good
* "Wounded names" were sometimes drawn for current player when dying
* Potential bug where CG_RegisterClients would fail on connect/vid_restart/map_restart, resulting in missing players info until their userinfo was changed
* Potential (unconfirmed) client crash/freeze when connecting/switching maps
* "EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL" on players bbox with g_hitboxes enabled
* cg_autoaction stats dump generating bad file/folder names
* g_GUIDChecks could potentially allow players with an invalid/spoofed NGUID
* First poison hit had no effect on teammates if g_friendlyFire flag 2 (half damage) was set
* Revive hitbox height was sometimes wrong, revives should be easier now
* revive/knife/poison hitbox height was too small with g_hitboxes enabled
* Self poisoning with g_hitboxes enabled
* Flackjecket powerup didn't reduce tripmine damage taken
* some commands feedback typos
* Players sometimes respawning in enemy spawnpoints when none were available (on servers with a lot of players)
* Loading 'levels.db' instead of 'votes.db' after automatically creating default 'votes.db' if it didn't exist
* Potential server crash with error message "nitrox_CSIndex: overflow" due to alternative configstrings system introduced in version 2.2 (never reported, but happened on the test server a few times)
* et_ClientUserinfoChanged LUA callback was sometimes not called
* LUA et.gentity_get "sess.muted" field was always returning -1
* NxAC Faster screenshot file transfer
* NxAC Fixed empty/black/corrupted screenshots
* NxAC bug where it could ban bots/players connecting after another player was automatically banned
* NxAC bug where a player could escape an automatic ban if the server was still waiting for the auto screenshot

[ N!tmod 2.3.2 (Build 20210131) ]

+ g_disableComplaints flag 8 (Disable complaints for tripmines teamkills)
+ Some global awards
+ g_artilleryHints (0 - Disable | 1 - Enable team artillery zone hints)
+ cg_artilleryHints (0 - Disable | 1 - Display team artillery zone hints, if enabled on server)
+ 'nopm' admin flag - Disable private messages for levels or users with this flag
* Global Backstabs stats were incremented when backstabing a teammate
* Bug with mortar cam frame staying on screen during whole map
* /team exploit allowing players to spawn with other classes weapons if g_pickAnyWeapon was enabled
* HUD XP was no longer flashing yellow after increasing since recent builds
* Players could walk with scoped weapons if global stats were displayed on screen
* cg_autoaction demo recording sometimes not working
~ HUD BS/HS stats now flash green for a short time when they increase
~ Renamed some global awards
~ Notifications popups (top right of the screen for awards, private messages...)
~ Global stats window size and opacity
~ Code optimizations
~ Loading screen progress bar
- "globalstats" command is no longer bound to N key by default

[ N!tmod 2.3.2 (Build 20201231) ]

* Mod couldn't load on Linux/MacOS (MacOS Remains untested because I don't have a Mac at home...)
* Something was wrong with shuffle by K/D Ratio

[ N!tmod 2.3.2 (Build 20201228-1) ]
* Self-stab bug with g_hitboxes enabled (Thanks to eG clan for help with debugging).
* Announcer ("prepare to fight", etc) was sometimes corrupted
~ Announcer font (kill assistance, etc...)
+ Objectives announces on screen (when planting, destroying, damaging, etc...)
* Typo when tripmine was set
+ Intermission Awards 'emojis'
+ LUA et_obituary can now replace the default obituaries with it's return value (Request #54)
* Typo when tripmine was set
* BUG #73 Satchel bug where satchel would only damage players but not objectives around
* Satchel bug where satchel wouldnt drop (related to BUG #73)
* BUG #70 Medics couldn't pick Sten at all when g_pickAnyWeapon was enabled (except if g_weapons 512 flag was set)
~ Avoid flooding client with server commands when arming/disarming dyna/mines
+ Objective hints, makes it easier to find objectives to construct/destroy (experimental)
+ cg_objectiveHints client cvar
+ 'cg_drawHUDStats' cvar (0/1): toggle drawing N!tmod's HUD stats
~ Reworked some HUD text elements to make them easier to read on bright maps
+ 'cg_woundedNames' cvar (0/1): Draw names above wounded players when playing as a medic. Wounded players will also see nearby medics names.
+ 'cg_drawBanners' cvar (0/1): Allow disabling drawing of server banners (requested on Facebook and bug tracker).
+ !seen output now displas UserID (NGUID last 8 chars)


What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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