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Posts posted by 405husky

  1. Botwar(Bots vs Humans) on Enemy Territory server


    Omnibot files must be copied to Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory folder(Use latest:omni-bot_0_85_ET).
    Most Server Providers have Omnibot installed.
    You must have in server.cfg:
    set rconpassword "<your password>"
    set omnibot_enable "1"
    The omnibot_path cvar needs to be set to the absolute path of the omni-bot folder.
    If you are unsure of the absolute path, you will need to ask your server provider.
    set omnibot_path "<path to omnibot folder>" //This may be optional(""), Omnibot may find and load.


    For bots to run around on map, The map must have waypoints in Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\omni-bot\et\nav folder,
    And maxbots set.
    If 10 pubs playing, You would need to set maxbots at 20 because one bot disconnects for each player.
    Wait for bots to start playing, Start botwar...


    In game:/rconpassword <password>
    /rcon bot maxbots 8 //For 8 bots on server.
    Or set maxBots in Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\omni-bot\et\user folder>omni-bot.cfg
    It is required for maxbots to be set and that no bots be added beyond the maxbots setting.
    Disabling botwar will revert back to the regular server manager behavior.


    bot botwar <botTeam> <humanTeam> <botsPerHuman> (1=Allies 2=Axis).
    /rcon bot botwar 2 1 3 // set bots to be on Allies with a 3 to 1 ratio compared to humans
    /rcon bot botwar 1 2 1 // set bots to be on Axis with a 1 to 1 ratio compared to humans

    Botwar just keeps the bots on one team...Humans will not be moved.
    There must be one player at least on Human team for botwar to start.
    If all Humans on 'Human' team stop playing, Bots disconnect...
    If Human starts playing 'Human' team, Botwar will resume.
    Botwar will persist through next maps...
    /rcon bot botwar -1 //Disables it


    Other botwar commands:
    bot botteam <team>
    bot humanteam <team>
    bot botsperhuman <num> // Changes the ratio of bots


    After You stop botwar, You need to remove bots before You can set maxbots again.
    /rcon bot kickall
    Then set maxbots
    /rcon bot maxbots xx //If desired.

    These bot commands can be added to database or shrubbot:



    Jaymod with enhmod_commands.db:


    command = kickall
    desc    = No Bots
    exec    = bot kickall; bot maxbots 0
    levels  = 999


    command = addbot
    desc    = Adds bot to game. Syntax: !addbot <team> <class> <name>. Don't use whitespaces in <name>.
    exec    = bot addbot
    levels  = 999


    command = kickbot
    desc    = Kicks a bot. Syntax: !kickbot <name>.
    exec    = bot kickbot
    levels  = 999


    command = minbots
    desc    = Sets minimum count of bots in game(not for botwar).
    exec    = bot minbots
    levels  =


    command = maxbots
    desc    = Sets maximum count of bots in game.
    exec    = bot maxbots
    levels  =


    command  = botseasy
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 1
    exec     = cp The bots are set to easy ; bot difficulty 1 ; moveskill 1 ;
    levels   =

    command  = botsmed
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 3
    exec     = cp The bots are set to medium ; bot difficulty 3 ; moveskill 2 ;
    levels   =


    command  = botshard
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 6
    exec     = cp The bots are set to hard ; bot difficulty 6 ; moveskill 4 ;
    levels   =


    command  = botwar
    desc     = botwar <botTeam> <humanTeam> <botsPerHuman> (1=Allies 2=Axis Usage: !botwar 1 2 3)
    exec     = bot botwar
    levels   =


    command  = botwaroff
    desc     = botwaroff turns botwar off
    exec     = bot botwar -1
    levels   =



    Nitmod commands.db:



    name   = minbots
    exec   = bot minbots [1]
    desc   = Sets the minimum number of bots on the server
    levels =



    name   = maxbots
    exec   = bot maxbots [1]
    desc   = Sets the maximum number of bots on the server
    levels =



    name   = kickall
    exec   = bot kickall; bot maxbots 0
    desc   = No Bots
    levels =



    name   = addbot
    exec   = bot addbot [1] [2] [3]
    desc   = Adds bot to game. Syntax: !addbot <team> <class> <name>. Don't use whitespaces in <name>.
    levels =



    name   = kickbot
    exec   = bot kickbot [1]
    desc   = Kicks a bot. Syntax: !kickbot <name>.
    levels = 



    name   = botseasy
    exec   = cp The bots are set to easy ; bot difficulty 1 ; moveskill 1 ;
    desc   = Sets bot difficulty to 1
    levels =



    name   = botsmed
    exec   = cp The bots are set to medium ; bot difficulty 3 ; moveskill 2 ;
    desc   = Sets bot difficulty to 3
    levels =



    name   = botshard
    exec   = cp The bots are set to hard ; bot difficulty 6 ; moveskill 4 ;
    desc   = Sets bot difficulty to 6
    levels =



    name   = botwar
    exec   = bot botwar [1] [2] [3]
    desc   = botwar <botTeam> <humanTeam> <botsPerHuman> (1=Allies 2=Axis Usage: !botwar 1 2 3)
    levels =



    name   = botwaroff
    exec   = bot botwar -1
    desc   = botwaroff turns botwar off
    levels =



    Silent with shrubbot.cfg


    command  = addbot
    exec     = bot addbot [1] [2] [3]
    desc     = Adds bot to game. Syntax: !addbot <team> <class> <name>. Don't use whitespaces in <name>.
    syntax   =
    levels   =


    command  = kickbot
    exec     = bot kickbot [1] [2] [3]
    desc     = Kicks a bot. Syntax: !kickbot <name>.
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = minbots
    exec     = bot minbots [1]
    desc     = Sets minimum count of bots in game.
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = maxbots
    exec     = bot maxbots [1]
    desc     = Sets maximum count of bots in game.
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = kickall
    exec     = bot minbots 0; bot maxbots 0; bot kickall
    desc     = Cleans server of bots.
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = botseasy
    exec     = cp The bots are set to easy ; bot difficulty 1 ; moveskill 1 ;
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 1
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = botsmed
    exec     = cp The bots are set to medium ; bot difficulty 3 ; moveskill 2 ;
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 3
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = botshard
    exec     = cp The bots are set to hard ; bot difficulty 6 ; moveskill 4 ;
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 6
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = botwar
    exec     = bot botwar [1] [2] [3]
    desc     = botwar <botTeam> <humanTeam> <botsPerHuman> (1=Allies 2=Axis Usage: !botwar 1 2 3)
    syntax   =
    levels   = 


    command  = botwaroff
    exec     = bot botwar -1
    desc     = Turns botwar off
    syntax   =
    levels   = 



    Shrubbot: This works in NQ, ETPUB


    command  = addbot
    exec     = bot addbot [1] [2] [3]
    desc     = Adds bot to game. Syntax: !addbot <team> <class> <name>. Don't use whitespaces in <name>.
    levels   =


    command  = kickbot
    exec     = bot kickbot [1] [2] [3]
    desc     = Kicks a bot. Syntax: !kickbot <name>.
    levels   = 


    command  = minbots
    exec     = bot minbots [1]
    desc     = Sets minimum count of bots in game.
    levels   = 


    command  = maxbots
    exec     = bot maxbots [1]
    desc     = Sets maximum count of bots in game.
    levels   = 


    command  = kickall
    exec     = bot minbots 0; bot maxbots 0; bot kickall
    desc     = Cleans server of bots.
    levels   = 


    command  = botseasy
    exec     = cp The bots are set to easy ; bot difficulty 1 ; moveskill 1 ;
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 1
    levels   = 


    command  = botsmed
    exec     = cp The bots are set to medium ; bot difficulty 3 ; moveskill 2 ;
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 3
    levels   = 


    command  = botshard
    exec     = cp The bots are set to hard ; bot difficulty 6 ; moveskill 4 ;
    desc     = Sets bot difficulty to 6
    levels   = 


    command  = botwar
    exec     = bot botwar [1] [2] [3]
    desc     = botwar <botTeam> <humanTeam> <botsPerHuman> (1=Allies 2=Axis Usage: !botwar 1 2 3)
    levels   = 


    command  = botwaroff
    exec     = bot botwar -1
    desc     = Turns botwar off
    levels   =

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