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vara 1.0.0

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About This File

 Axis Objective Descriptions
1    "Primary Objective:**Protect the Big-Gun   "
2    "Primary Objective:**Protect the Side-Entrance"
3    "Primary Objective:**Build the Commandpost."
4    "Primary Objective:**Protect the Gold."
5    "Primary Objective:**Protect the Truck and don´t let the Allies drive the truck to House near the Flag."
6    "Primary Objective:**Build the Radarcontrols at the Radarbunker."
7    "Primary Objective:**Don´t let the Allies build the MG."
8    "Primary Objective:**Build the Beach-Fence 1 + 2 ; the Beach-MG and the MG near the Ammodepot ."

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Big-Gun of the Battery Vara. "
2    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Side-Entrance "
3    "Primary Objective:**Build the Commandpost."
4    "Primary Objective:**Steal the Gold."
5    "Primary Objective:**Steal the Truck and drive the Gold to the House near the Flag."
6    "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Radarcontrols at the Radarbunker."
7    "Primary Objective:**Build the Beach-MG"
8    "Primary Objective:**Blowup the Beach-Fence 1 + 2, the Beach-MG ; the fence near the Ammodepot and the MG that where there"

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