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latest mod  still active

5 files

  1. ETL 2 77



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  2. legacy_v2.81.0

    2.81.0 - Incoming! (released 27/01/2023)
    Added cJSON 1.7.15 Updated libs to: curl 7.68.0 libpng 1.6.38 SDL 2.24.1 WolfSSL 5.5.3 zlib 1.2.13 Allow loading loose ttf/otf fonts in pure mode Fixed unfinished unicode encoding crashing clients Added entry point for additional system calls without breaking compatbility with other engines (from ETe) Added extension system to flash window Fixed precision in patch collide generation to avoid "MAX_PATCH_PLANES" errors (from q3e/ETe) Fixed net_port range by restricting it to RFC 793 specification Fixed Splash Screen as work around for SDL_GetWindowSurface not working properly Don't allow writeconfig to write configs called default.cfg, default_left.cfg or default_android.cfg Added platforms manifest to the generated mod pk3 Added support for JSON file parsing / writing Added fs_printOpen command to dump a list of all open files Allowed omitting default values from being written with writeconfig by specifying -nd or -no-defaults option Fixed IPV6
    Architecture armeabi-v7a is now completly removed thus old devices with this architecture will not be supported from now on Fixed issue with cutoff camera, app not being able to fill entire screen Raspberry PI
    Change architecture from armv7 to aarch64 and as from now we only support only this one Added building of the packgages/installers into our GitHub pipeline MacOS
    Fixes VM entry point for M1 processors by changing entry point from variadic to fixed parameters due to architecture differences Unix
    Added x64 support Added message about how fix issue with game not being abble to create directories at freshly installed game (etc ...) due to Windows Security has Controlled folder access enabled Client
    Added cl_extrapolationMargin with a default value of 1 and allowed range 0 to 10 to reduce the client latency due to incorrect serverTime values caused by automatic adjustments to serverTimeDelta on the client Fixed escape key not sending a char event which avoid closing UI menu properly Fixed console char set scaling when r_scale is used. (Only for vanilla renderer since it's the only one with r_scale anyway). Added cgame_restart commands for development purpose Added command completion support for cgame command Added the ISO keyboards nonUSBackslash key to the default console keys (for mac user) Made sure we only copy over the vanilla data from the glconfig struct Scaled ui mouse movement to match the window manager mouse movement Fixed [skipnotify] text on console print Added support for ttf ingame console fonts Added a new default console font (JetBrainsMono-SemiBold) and an icon font for the custom ET font icons Audio backend
    Fixed SDL2 sounds were played at incorrect range distance, which lead to heard sound closer or farther than expected. Fixed OpenAl incorrect ambient and entity sounds volume Fixed s_volume and s_alGain were not affecting volume on OpenAl Server
    Fixed sv_ipMaxClients cvar incorrectly limiting the total amount of clients allowed on server instead of max clients per IP Added sv_serverTimeReset cvar for resetting svs.time on map change to avoid various issues related to high server uptime Fixed a typo in an error message printed when client fails a www download Added sv_userInfoFloodProtect cvar to protect against userinfo flooding, so sv_floodProtect can be off and server can still be protected against user info flooding. Blocked connection from IP with engine temp bans (exclude ports to fix issue with clients changing net_port and reconnecting after a kick, circumventing temp ban) Added 2 digits for attacklog timestamps instead of 1 Added sv_protectLogInterval to control time in milliseconds between attack log entires (default 1000). Helps at keeping attack logs at reasonable sizes so they don't get spammed 100+ lines per second when someone runs server scanning Renderer
    Fixed wrong decal projectors being culled Mod
    Added HUD editor in-game allowing player to fully customize HUD components (more info Customize HUD) Added editcomponent command allowing HUD customization with commands (more info Customize HUD) Fixed collision issues with prone causing players to get stuck on walls and being able to go through certain thin walls Adjusted prone head collision box size to match head size to smooth out crawling on uneven surfaces Fixed prone rotation being severly limited while proning on non-axial surfaces Extended g_pronedelay cvar with value 2 - clients can't prone for 850ms after jumping The cvar now acts as a bitmask value, so you can combine values 1 and 2 Fixed various graphical and camera bugs when rewinding demos Fixed head bbox having no collision when lean key was released, allowing it to clip through solids and use +activate in some scenarios Separated handling for class command on server side so we can have team command flood protected, but allow class commands to bypass flood protection Fixed dead players capturing flag Fixed ref command not working on dedicated server Changed map vote to 1 points for each vote in game type 6 GT_WOLF_MAPVOTE Fixed weapon charge getting reduced when underwater where weapon doesn't fire Added window flashing on game init and match starting Fixed g_corpses value to act as a boolean as it was initializing the body queue but not put any corpses to it by setting it to negative value Added option to visualize spawnpoints in the map with cg_drawSpawnpoints. Displays major spawnpoint name & number, and individual spawnpoints where players spawn Added func_fakebrush drawing with railbox when debugging by setting g_debugHitboxes func_fakebrush Swapped the check for PW_INVULNERABLE to be on the victim (the client getting shoved) rather than on the player doing the shove Moved to JSON format following files : weapon stats huds mapvoteinfo Removed cvar list after HUD rework : cg_althudflags, cg_chatalpha, cg_chatBackgroundAlpha, cg_chatflags, cg_chatLineWidth, cg_chatScale, cg_chatShadow, cg_chatY, cg_chatX, cg_complaintPopUp , cg_crosshairAlphaAlt, cg_crosshairColorAlt , cg_crosshairAlpha, cg_crosshairColor, cg_crosshairHealth, cg_crosshairPulse, cg_crosshairSize, cg_crosshairX, cg_crosshairY, cg_cursorHints, cg_descriptiveText, cg_drawBuddies, cg_drawCompass, cg_drawCompassIcons, cg_drawCrosshairInfo, cg_drawCrosshairNames, cg_drawFireteamOverlay, cg_drawFPS, cg_drawPing, cg_drawReinforcementTime, cg_drawRoundTimer, cg_drawSnapshot, cg_drawSmallPopupIcons, cg_drawSpreadScale, cg_drawspeed, cg_drawTime, cg_drawWeaponIconFlash , cg_fireteamAlpha, cg_fireteamBgAlpha, cg_fireteamlatchedclass, cg_fireteamLocationAlign, cg_fontScaleCN, cg_fontScaleCP, cg_fontScaleTP, cg_graphicObituaries, cg_healthDynamicColor, cg_lagometer, cg_popupBigFilter, cg_popupFilter, cg_popupShadow, cg_shoutcastDrawMinimap Fixed scores command showing followed players xp counts in stopwatch game mode Added missing commands to gamecommand list Added player shove events in server log Shove: <attacker> <victim> Stability & Performance
    Fixed a bug in antiwarp code that caused players to warp when they had no user input but still had velocity Bots are no longer antiwarped Fixed incorrect shader count for blacksmokeanimb causing error upon shader registering Fixed game pause behaviour wasn't consistent on various game elements Reduced LAG_MAX_DELTA from 75 to 25 to smooth out lagging players Fixed stamina prediction Fixed STAT_ANTIWARP_DELAY causing full predictions to run when it's just display information. Fixed STAT_AIRLEFT prediction Fixed grenadeTimeLeft firing prediction Fixed bobcycle not being in sync between client/server in some cases which causes client to miss predict footsteps. Fixed crashland prediction (event EV_FALL*) Fixed artillery prediction (weaponTime and event) Fixed nofatigue prediction Fixed viewheight calculation for other leaning players, which caused leaning to be invisible to others depending on your location in the map Fixed time played being counted during pause Fixed free fireteams initalization producing runtime errors Fixed rotation of smoke particles framerate dependency Fixed potential crash in trigger_multiple activation Fixed pmove_fixed 1 with g_antiwarp 1 and cg_optimizePrediction 1 Audio
    Fixed missing hitsound when players reach lower health than FORCE_LIMBO_HEALTH without getting gibbed, causing the next hit that will gib them to not play the hitsound Graphics
    Fixed incorrect timings for voice chat sprites staying twice as long as expected Medic and ammo request voice chat sprites are now cleared when client spawns/is revived (medic sprite only) Changed cg_shadows cvar default value from 1 to 0 and changed Normal graphics preset to have shadows disabled, due to unreasonable performance penalty they cause compared to the visual improvement Fixed voice chat icons were not drawn if a player had cg_voiceChats 0 Added back granular bobbing control Changed cg_bobbing cvar from 1 to 0 Allowed changing cg_swingSpeed when cheats are disabled from range 0.1 to 0.3 UI
    Minimap icons in cg_drawCompass 2 are now positioned along the edges of the map following the same viewangle-based logic as regular compass Fixed incorrect levelshot in mapvote menu displaying for maps which client hadn't downloaded Fixed preset_high_ui.cfg automatically executing when entering system settings menu +stats display in Stopwatch mode after 2nd round now shows stats from the match all they way up until a new game is started Fixed drawing of several cursorhints, eliminating unwanted lines due to the texture not being aligned properly Increased (doubled) UI memory pool size for x64 architecture, fixing cases where UI would run out of memory on x64 but run fine on x86 due to different pointer sizes Added cg_customFont1/2 cvars to change fonts Added listfonts command to list available fonts, which includes "documentation" on usage Allowed executing regular binds from UI by holding down left/right shift Fixed env awareness and compass showing enemy item objective Changed bitmask values for cg_drawCompassIcons and cg_drawEnvAwareness cvars: 0 disabled 1 item flags objectives 2 Secondary objectives 4 Primary objectives Fixed crosshairnames showing at the place where respawning teammate died Fixed limbopanel roll animation Changed map vote selection in debriefing with game type 6 GT_WOLF_MAPVOTE by using Checbox side by side with map name Selecting map and click one more time to toogle the map vote Changed voice chat icon for Fire In The Hole from blue color to orange Fixed team chat flag wasn't drawing correct team Added fall down icon for MOD_FALLING obituary Improved text readability by scaling text shadow/outline based off text size Added shadowed text for demo list Prevent unwanted script execution binding by pressing shift key alone (K_LSHIFT and K_RSHIFT) from UI menu Limit the bindings that are allowed to be executed from UI menu and do not allow +/- actions or vstr that can contain those Removed ui_browserOssFilter cvar Added ui_disableOssFilter cvar for filtering server list depending of supported mod by OS Added center print text for letting know medic who they just revived Enhanced map vote windows on map vote game type by adding map popularity and history of last 333 played maps Changed vote points from map vote game type from 1, 2, 3 points to a unique 1 point per vote. Added semitransparent color for fireteam weapon that is not updated Added red font to teamkill cp message to easily identify it and avoid abusing it by changing player color
    Fixed zoom level for FG42 changing to incorrect value when trying to zoom in/out Increased maximum zoom out level for scoped K43/Garand and binoculars from 20 to 32 cg_zoomDefaultSniper cvar is now capped within this range (32-4) Knife backstabs now ignore both target and attacker view pitch, which previously caused backstabs to fail if the target was looking up/down too much Fixed flamethrower flame animation not showing if the animation started in solid Increased FG42 scoped recoil pitch Fixed alt weapon switch bug/exploit by not allowing switch till we have switched to selected weapon Fixed selected weapon at spawn/respawn Fixed explosion hit registration being inconsistent by sorting players depending of distance from the explosion origin in ascending order Fixed corpses blocking flamethrower hit registration Fixed allies riflenade impact sound volume (from 64 to 127) & radius (from 1.5 to 64) Fixed calling artillery was playing gun shot sound in some cases Fixed pliers hint and usage priority near TOI Fixed arty/airstrike bombs potentially spawning indoors Fixed missile collision issues with skyboxes Fixed (reduced) charge time when dropping grenades on death Reduced speed from 127 to 80 (crouch speed) while player use scoped weapon and standing Added back unscoping weapon while in air more than 250 ms, allowing player to walk on slope and stair without getting unscoped


       (1 review)



  3. etlegacy-v2.80.2-x86_64

    Two weeks ago we released the first hotfix 2.80.1 'Path Cleared!' for the initial ET: Legacy 2.80 'Clear the Path!' release another two weeks earlier. Backed by an absolutely amazing increase in activity following the recent Steam release of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, we are happy to bring another hotfix your way.

    Given the age of the game, user-friendliness is not on the level of modern games. Given the recent influx in players, we improved the quality of error messages for debugging. On the other hand, we also fixed an issue crashing the game on start-up for some of you. Improving debugging is only a small part as we are also actively looking into UI customisations and improvements. (Again. But like for real this time!) Some improvements to the mod UI have already been included in this release with others still being ironed out.
    Fixed double sound issue Fixed voice chats on steam 2.60b client Fixed game not running on Wayland on Linux Prevented unintentional pushing by holding down +activate -> full changelog
    ET: Legacy on Steam? We are still reaching out to the right people regarding the possibility of releasing ET: Legacy on Steam. Some progress has been made, but unfortunately we have no official news regarding this just yet.
    ET: Legacy being flagged by Anti-Virus We have acquired an official license for a new Windows installer, which allows us to digitally sign the binaries. This will make antivirus software less trigger happy in the future. Unfortunately, migrating to the new installer is still a work in progress, so this hotfix is still using the old installer without signed binaries. The new installer should be available starting with release 2.81.

    written by Kemon 3 weeks ago


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  4. ETL 2.79 all os versions

    2.79.0 (realeased 23/12/2021)
    Thank you for installing ET: Legacy stable release 2.79.0 - Yule log
    Revive the old fps and have fun!
    Added cvar_trim command Fixed Q_ColorizeString overflowing Fixed pk3 locations loading from filesystem Fixed the mounting of the dlcache folder instead of the files inside of it
    Fixed directional sound issue with SDL2 backend Fixed demo folder deletion Fixed defaultprofile.dat file not properly created Moved the local directories to the top of the search path
    Enhanced server demo record Removed server side GUID check (moved to mod side) Allowed large amount of pk3 files on the server without breaking sv_pure
    Fixed bit shifting bug causing a black map Fixed screenshot filaname with duplicate extension Fixed screenshot command wasn't using correct format
    Enhanced shoutcaster mod Fixed knockback for dead framerate independent Added reset stats and stop recording on map restart / match reset Changed cg_skybox from CVAR_CHEAT to CVAR_ARCHIVE Fixed missing map_restart reset when loading config Fixed dynamite/landmines/satchel hitbox for pliers (missing link entity) Added g_guidCheck for mod side GUID check Fixed wounded players collision issues Fixed losing keyboard and mouse input after intermission Allowed shoutcasters to use setviewpos Added cg_popupShadow Fixed client crash when dynamite explodes Fixed vote timeout logic Fixed client crash due to name length Added automatic vertical scrolling Added map description on map vote debriefing page Fixed 'Details' map description in 'Host Hame' menu exceeds its box Fixed spread bar not draw while firing with scoped weapon Added custom map location editor Added prone animation transitions through crouching Added cancel start match vote if countdown starts Removed g_playerHitBoxHeight Fixed losing mouse input after intermission on demo playback Added selection of minor spawnpoint per major spawnpoint Fixed constructions decaying after pause Fixed gib stats from explosions when player was still alive Allowed moving when using scoped weapon but cap speed to walking 128u speed Increased FG 42 scoped fire rate from 400ms to 200ms Decreased scoped Garand/K43 spread scale from 10 to 5 (half the spread recovery time) Fixed speakereditor axis picking not supporting widescreen Fixed wounded players not dropping down when on ladders Added usage of square minimap for compass (merge from shoutcaster minimap) Fixed voice chat position and drawing outside of command map Fixed objective icons being affected by picmip Added camera editor Fixed demo freecam Fixed rotate player's view only when ON rotating mover Changed movers to not kill players or destroy items Added SVG weapon icons files Disabled activatelean by default, and add a switch to the menu Adjusted engineers to pickup up to 8 grenades even without any level upgrades Read the ET: Legacy FAQ, consult our WIKI or join us on our IRC channel #etlegacy @ Libera.chat or on our Discord channel if you are running into trouble.
    Docker hub also contains a dedicated server image for quickly setting up a dedicated server: etlegacy/server
    There is also a Flathub package available
    We have a last gift for you for this year: ET: Legacy 2.79 'Yule log' release. It comes bundled with a shorter, but all the more efficient changelog.

    We want to thank everyone for all your support this year. Additional helping hands have joined the team and made it possible to actually implement shorter release cycles, so those of you that are not using the snapshot builds can still enjoy the newest features and fixes on a more regular basis.
    Utmost respect and thanks also goes out to the admins of the ET: Legacy Competitive community. The effort put into this is incredibly motivating and a huge help. Your regular scrims combined with proper organised cups provides so much valuable hands-on feedback to this project, enabling us to prioritise and tailor features and fixes for the best ET: Legacy experience possible.
    If some of you, dear ET fans, have not joined the ET: Legacy Competitive Discord, but are looking for regular matches, events and friendly banter, make sure to join the lovely folks over at ETL Comp. Discord channel. It may help in avoiding a quadra-panzer wipe withing the first 10 seconds of a match, basically handing the opponent the win. Not that this happened or anything. Just....hypothetical....you know? cough

    This is all for this year. But honestly, the future of this project has never looked more promising as going into 2022. There are so many great things on the horizon for ET: Legacy, so make sure to keep an eye out for news in our Discord, as well as the Competitive one.
    All that's left for us to do is wish you all happy holidays and a pleasant start to 2022.
    Grab the latest release in our Downloads section.

    written by WuTangH 3 weeks ago


       (1 review)



  5. ETL 2 76

    sources :https://www.etlegacy.com/
    toutes versions Windows, Linux and Mac os
    1/etlegacy-v2.76-x86 windows + etl_pak0_patch+etl_2.76-silent-0.9.0-patch
    About This File
    This patch is for ETL 2.76 goes into the Mod Folder of the server it must be carried over to each server mod that includes so far Jaymod, Silent working on others atm
    using default map sounds errors to fix for ETLegacy 2.76 console errors
    Also using default sounds from Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\pak0.pk3 unfound sounds will use a blank.wav
    this is for maps with errors listed below plus there was no issues with Battery or Railgun so far
      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents
    Wurzburg Radar
      Reveal hidden contents
    Siwa Oasis
    etl_pak0_patch.pk3 file size 244 kb
    Initializing Sound Scripts
    ...loading 'sound/scripts/vo_allies.sounds'
    ...loading 'sound/scripts/vo_axis.sounds'
    ...loading 'sound/scripts/goldrush.sounds'
    ERROR: sound file "sound/hitsounds/head.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/hitsounds/team.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/silent/firstblood.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/revive3.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/revive5.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/revive10.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/deaths10.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/deaths20.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/send.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/sendtk.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/sendsk.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/announces/sendenv.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- Mod related fixed
    ERROR: sound file "sound/multiplayer/hurt_barbwire.wav" does not exist or can't be read <----- related fix here https://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1866-etl_pak0_patchpk3/
    LOADING... graphics
    LOADING... maps/goldrush.bsp
    stitched 16 LoD cracks
    ...loaded 25320 faces, 573 meshes, 257 trisurfs, 0 flares, 0 foliages
    LOADING... entities
    LOADING... game media
    LOADING...  - textures
    LOADING...  - models
    LOADING...  - weapons
    LOADING...  - items
    LOADING...  - inline models
    LOADING...  - server models
    LOADING...  - particles
    LOADING...  - classes
    LOADING...  - game media done
    LOADING... flamechunks
    LOADING... clients
    *** You have been authorized "referee" status ***
    2/ETL_Linux_64  64 bit Linux
    is NOT 2.60b compatible!
    64 bit mods only!
    3/ ETLegacy-v2.76-OSX 1.0.0
    Mac OS X
    No Omni-Bot server support!


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