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 Mark Davis <[email protected]> 2004-2005 #     etadmin_mod: ([d1p])H. Potter

1 file

  1. etadmin_mod-0.29

    tested during 2004 with our etpub server
    ET Admin Mod Config-file

     (c) Mark Davis <[email protected]> 2004-2005
     etadmin_mod: ([d1p])H. Potter

    Kontakt ueber www.gamesunited.de oder et.d1p.de
     oder via E-Mail an obige Adresse.

     Kommentarzeilen beginnen mit einer Raute (#)
    und werden beim Einlesen der Config ignoriert.

     Last update: 01.01.2005
    # Config Section:
    # debug
    # Debug Ausgabe zum debuggen
    # 0 = aus, 1 = wenig, 2 = viel
    # debug output into the logfile ?
    # 0 = off, 1 = few, 2 = much
    debug            = 2
    # dry Run
    # Dieser Modus ist zum testen. Wenn dieser aktiviert ist,
    # dann werden die RCON befehe nicht an den Server uebergeben,
    # sondern nur ins Logfile geschrieben.
    # This mode is for testing. If you activate this (1), then
    # all commands to the server will only be written to the
    # logfile
    dry_run            = 0
    # et_mod
    # Welcher mod laueft auf dem ET-Server ?
    # Which mod is running on the ET-server ?
    # 0 == etmain
    # 1 == shrub
    # 1 == etpub
    # 2 == etpro
    # 3 == headshod
    et_mod                  = 1
    # logfile
    # Pfad zum Consolen Logfile. Diese Einstellung ist sehr wichtig!
    # Wenn hier was falsches eingestellt wird, dann wird der etadmin_mod
    # nicht funktionieren (er wird einfach nichts machen).
    # Path to the console logfile
    # This setting is very important. If you set this setting to a wrong
    # value, then the etadmin_mod will NOT work.
    #logfile         = /home/france/.etwolf/etpro/etconsole.log
    logfile         = /home/france/.etwolf/etpub/etconsole.log
    #logfile         = /home/france/.etwolf/shrubet/etconsole.log
    # input_type
    # Please choose, how you want the commands to be passed to the ET-server
    # Gueltige Optionen: udp / file
    # Wie sollen die Befehle an den ET-Server uebergeben werden?
    # Valid options: udp / file
    input_type         = udp

    # file Konfiguration / file configuration
    # You can ignore this part, if you choose input_type = udp
    # input_file
    # Bitte hier die Datei angeben, in die die Befehle geschrieben werden sollen.
    # NUR ausfuellen, falls input_type = file !
    # Please choose the file, where the commans have to be written in.
    # ONLY if input_type = file !
    input_file         = server.in
    # ENDE file Konfiguration / END file configuration
    # udp Konfiguration / udp configuration
    # You can ignore this part, if you choose input_type = file
    # server_password
    # Hier bitte das RCON-Server Passwort eintragen.
    # Nur ausfuellen, falls input_type = udp
    # server_password => rcon server password
    # ONLY if input_type = udp !
    # WON'T WORK !
    server_password        = hate
    # server_addr
    # Server IP or Adresse des ET-Servers.
    # Nur ausfuellen, falls input_type = udp
    # IP or hostname of your ET-Server.
    # ONLY if input_type = udp !
    server_addr        =
    # server_port
    # ET-Server UDP-Port (standard ist 27960)
    # Nur ausfuellen, falls input_type = udp
    # Server Port (27960 is default)
    server_port        = 27960
    # ENDE udp Konfiguration / END udp configuration
    # website
    # Hier die Webseite des Clans / Hosters eintragen, wo
    # man die Nicknames registrieren kann.
    # Your website, where players can register their
    # name (if they can).
    website            = http://www.et-mcbeth.com
    # etadmin_serverlist
    # This function updates the serverlist on et.d1p.de
    # Set this to 0, if you don't want your server list there.
    # The serverlist is available here:
    # http://et.d1p.de/etadmin_mod/server_list.php
    etadmin_serverlist    = 1

    # spree_detector
    # Killing Sprees im Spiel erkennen und anzeigen ?
    # (0 == aus, 1 == an)
    # Position und Anzahl  koennen im Block [spree] und [positions]
    # weiter unten konfiguriert werden.
    # Detect multi kills and killing sprees (0/1)
    # Positions and Amount of kills can be configured in the
    # [spree] and [positions] section further below
    spree_detector         = 1
    # for death sprees:
    death_spree_detector     = 1
    # Detect Multikills (UT like, 3 at once)
    # Note: The 3 kills have to be max. 3 seconds away from each other
    multikill_detector      = 1
    # Detect Monsterkills (UT like, 5 at once)
    # Note: 5 kills have to be max. 3 seconds away from each other
    monsterkill_detector    = 1
    # note: the spree_color is deprected. See [spree_messages] instead.
    # Announce first blood    
    first_blood        = 1
    # Displays the last kill of the round
    # in intermission.
    last_blood        = 1

    # Birthday notifications
    birthday_notifications  = 1
    birthdays_file          = etc/birthdays.cfg
    # detect_uneven_teams
    # -------------------
    # displays messages, if teams are not even (+/-3 players).
    # e.g axis 3, allies 6 players -> message
    detect_uneven_teams     = 1
    # This is the first displayed warning, if uneven teams are detected.
    uneven_warning1         = ^1Mhhh. Teams look pretty uneven... ^1Better ^1have ^1a ^1look!
    # This is the second warning. It will be displayed 30 seconds, after
    # the first warning has been displayed. This is the last warning before
    # the escalation command (gets executed on warning 3).
    uneven_warning2         = ^1Teams are still uneven... ^1Please even up teams!
    #uneven_warning2                = ^1Teams are still uneven... ^130 ^1seconds ^1before ^1shuffle ^1with ^1restart!!
    # This is the third warning and gets displayed right after the
    # escalation command (if there is a escalation command set)
    uneven_warning3         = ^1Teams are still uneven... ^1Please even up teams!
    #uneven_warning3                = ^1Teams have been shuffled. Please mind teams next time.
    # Uneven teams escalation rcon command (after 60 seconds uneven teams)
    # Note: This command is executed right before the 3 warning.
    uneven_teams_escalation_cmd =
    #uneven_teams_escalation_cmd = shuffle_teams
    # This is the last messages, that will be repeated every 30 seconds,
    # if teams won't be even.
    # Note: This warning will not be reached, if your escalation command
    #       is a shuffle (like shuffle_teams or ref shuffleteamsxp_norestart).
    uneven_warning4         = ^1Mhhh. Teams still look pretty uneven... ^1Please ^1someone ^1even ^1teams!
    # if you want to protect one or more clantags (the clans-section)
    # set this to one:
    clantag_protector     = 0
    # Let admin level override password of a clantag protection ?
    # The value is the minimum level required for overriding
    # a clantag_protection password.
    # 0 == disables
    # > 0 activated
    admin_ctp_override      = 3
    # enhanced warn command
    # replaces !warn with !warn <name|id> <reason>
    # You can use !dewarn to remove warning(level) from a player
    # !finger / !admintest to show the warning (also shown on server entry)
    # Note: etpub users: you have to disable the !warn function of the shrubbot,
    #              before enabling this feature here
    use_advanced_warn = 0
    # Max amounts of warnings:
    # If limit is reached, player gets kicked / banned
    # 1 == immidiate kick on first warning
    warn_limit = 4
    # When shall warnings decay (in days):
    warn_timeout = 2
    # kick length in minutes.
    # > 5 -> temp ban, else normal kick
    warn_kicklength = 5
    # advanced kick
    # replaces !kick with !kick <name|id> [reason] (shrub like)
    use_advanced_kick = 0

    # admin_greeting
    # Sollen Admins begruesst werden ?
    # Ein Wert von 0 deaktiviert diese Funktion, ansonsten gibt
    # man hier den minimalen Admin Level an, der begruesst werden
    # soll.
    # Durch den Befehl: "setu hp_greeting 0" kann diese bei Bedarf
    # durch den Client abgeschaltet werden. Die standard Begruessungen
    # sind im Block [greetings] weiter unten definiert.
    # Shall Admins be welcomed ?
    # Value = minimum level to be greeted, 0 to deactivate
    # Default: 1
    # Can be deactivated by user command: "setu hp_greeting 0"
    # The greetings are defined in the [greetings] block below
    admin_greeting        = 1
    # name_protector
    # Protect names (0/1)
    name_protector         = 0
    # Datei mit Name=GUID (pro line) fuer namensregistration
    protected_file        = etc/protected.cfg
    # Gib Protector (0/1)
    # Schaut nach Lightweapon Teammate gibs.
    # Funktioniert nur mit shrub mod und Gibs im Logfile
    body_protector         = 0
    # Admin functions (0/1)
    admin_functions        = 1
    # rcon_featback
    # shall the output of rcon commands be displayed ?
    # -1  => disabled
    # > 0 => enabled for this level and above
    rcon_featback           = 1
    # shall the replies of silent
    # commands be private (not visible to other users) ?
    # requires: etpro 3.1.9+
    silent_private_messages = 0
    # Shrub (compatible) Config file (for protected, admins, bans, ...)
    shrubbot_cfg        = /home/france/.etwolf/shrubet/shrubbot.cfg
    # Which char must be put in front of the commands ?
    command_prefix          = @
    # Shall the external program calls / commands (See section [externals])
    # be permission based?
    # - If you set this to 0, all commands are automatically available for everyone.
    # - If you set this to 1, you have to configure every external command
    #   in the permission section
    permission_based_external_commands = 1
    # if you set use_punkbuster = 1
    # then the kicks are made with punkbuster
    # this is recommended, because
    # punkbuster shows the reason in the client, after disconnect.
    use_punkbuster          = 1
    # Default length of a kick
    default_kick_duration   = 5
    # Bans aus dem shrubbot config file durchsetzen (0/1)
    # Kick beim joinen (inkl. 5 Minuten ban).
    # Nur notwendig, falls Shrubbot nicht aktiv !
    manage_bans         = 1
    # unix (unix timestamp) / shrub (seconds since 1.1.2000)
    # Default: unix (unix timestamp)
    ban_timestamp_format    = shrub
    # Activate Seen database (0/1)
    # requires Perl DB::File Module.
    # deactivate, if you don't have it (you get a error on starting)
    # or can't install it on your own.
    seen_db         = 1
    # Seen-DB File:
    # Choose a filename.
    seen_db_file         = var/seen.db
    # Path to the tail binary
    tail             = /usr/bin/tail
    # Votes canceln (0/1)
    cancel_votes        = 1
    # Votes nur alle X Minuten (pro Karte) zulassen (Minuten, 0 = deaktiviert)
    allow_vote_minutes    = 5
    # Cancel_vote
    # 1 == X mins before end of map,
    # 2 == after X% of map time,
    # 3 == X minutes after mapstart (default)
    cancel_mode              = 3
    # Cancel time after "minutes" OR "percent" (default: 10 for cancel_mode 3)
    cancel_time              = 10
    # map_configs
    # -----------
    # directory of map specific configs.
    # you can use set everything in there,
    # but not permissions and dont forget to
    # specify a block ([config], [positions], ...)!
    # default.cfg gets loaded, IF there is NO <mapname>.cfg
    # Else only <mapname>.cfg gets loaded.
    # Therefore you can use default ro reset
    # settings or set defaults again.
    #map_configs        =
    map_configs        = etc/maps
    # loadable configs
    # ----------------
    # There you can put configs, which you can load with !loadconfig
    # be aware, those settings may be temporarely, if map configs
    # overwrite these settings next map again or you do a !readconfig
    loadable_configs     = etc/configs
    # The minimum age (in days) of the Punkbuster ID.
    # If you want to kick newbies or cheaters, that get a new key,
    # set this to a value > 0
    minguidage              = 0
    # Punkbuster Message prefix:
    pb_sv_msgprefix         = ^3PunkBuster Server
    # Detects name stealing / faking,
    # if activated. Also detects the
    # bug with the space in front of the name
    # with pb does not detect atm
    # (for more security of the admin functions)!
    name_stealing_detection = 0
    # name_minlength
    # ---------------
    # Specify the minimum name length here.
    # (Use this, if you don't use punkbuster
    # to check the name length)
    # Values:
    # 0 == deactivated
    # > 0 for length check
    # check is name length >= name_minimum length
    name_minlength          = 0
    # kick_badnames
    # -------------
    # to kick players with a
    # a [bad_names]-part in the name.
    # use this (if you dont use punkbuster
    # to do the job)
    # Values:
    # 0 == deactivated
    # 1 == kick players with bad names immediately (like bad_name_grace_period = 0)
    # 2 == kick players after 30 seconds, if they don't change their name
    kick_badnames           = 2
    # grace period for bad named player to change name (in seconds)
    # this is only useful if kick_badnames is set to '2'
    bad_name_grace_period   = 90
    # detect_sound_exploit
    # --------------------
    # Use this, if you don't use etpro or the headshot mod.
    # Exploiting players will be kicked and banned.
    # They are only banned, if you have manage_bans = 1 or
    # if you use the shrub mod, else they are only kicked for 5 minutes.
    detect_sound_exploit    = 1
    # banners
    # -------
    # Shall the banner messages from
    # the banner section be displayed ?
    banners            = 0
    # If "banners = 1", bannertime configures the
    # duration between the messages.
    bannertime        = 120
    # forceclass_balance
    # ------------------
    # With forceclass_balance, you can restrict
    # the amount of players per class.
    # If you activate this setting, then you can
    # set the amount of players in the
    # class_restrictions section and
    # can define rules (how many players must be
    # on the server to make a class or group available)
    # see  [class_restricions] and [rules] sections
    forceclass_balance    = 1
    # If you set fcb_except_admins to a value higher >0,
    # then admins (with a level higher then this value)
    # are excluded from the forceclass_balance.
    # Set this to 0 to disable exceptions completly.
    fcb_except_admins        = 0
    # How often shall the ingame notices about the
    # rules be displayed.
    # Set this to 0 to deactivate the messages.
    rule_announce_time    = 0
    # For class restriction / rule messages:
    # Supress the change in status messages ?
    # These removes the "XXX has now become (un)available" messages.
    rule_dont_show_change     = 0

    # teamkill_restricion
    # this is experimental feature, which you can
    # use to auto kick players, that make much more
    # tks, then everything else. Aggressive teamkillers
    # are first warned, then kicked.
    # Explanation how it works:
    # For every kill players get a positive
    # score (see tk_kill_bonus), for every teamkill
    # the player gets negative one:
    # -0.65 for a kill with a airstrike or artillery
    # -0.75 for a teamkill with (grenade, panzer, rifle, mortar or mg42)
    # -0.00 for a teamkill with a mine
    # -1 for a normal TK with all other weapons.
    # +1 if you make a revive
    # +"tk_kill_bonus" for a kill
    # lower_limit         0       upper_limit
    #      |----|---------|------------|
    #      ^    ^           ^            
    #      | warning    start
    #     kick         
    # if a player gets under the (tk_lower_limit +1) he gets a warning.
    # As soon as he comes below the tk_lower_limit he gets kicked.
    # If you want to test this feature, then set "tk_warnonly = 1".
    # Normal players tend to play at the upper limit (tk_upper_limit)
    # teamkill_restrictions on(1)/off(0)
    teamkill_restriction    = 1
    # tk_lower_limit is the amount of negative points
    # needed for a player to get kicked.
    tk_lower_limit          = -3
    # tk_upper_limit
    # This is the maximal points, which can be archived as "bonus"
    tk_upper_limit          = 3
    # This is the amount of points, players get for a normal kill
    # to increase the tk_index (max=tk_upper_limit)
    # this option can be seen as a tk/kill percentage.
    # If you want allow one TEAMKILL on 4 kills, then set this to 0.25
    tk_kill_bonus           = 0.25
    # If you set tk_warnokly, then players, that
    # drop below tk_lower_limit are not kicked (only warned)
    # use this for testing, if you unsure about your settings.
    tk_warnonly             = 0
    # If you set tk_except_admins, then admins (all lvl1+)
    # players are excluded from the teamkill_restriction
    tk_except_admins    = 0
    # suicide_limit
    # How many selfkills are allowed:
    # 0 == disabled.
    # > 0 == amount of selfkills / map
    suicide_limit           = 5
    # Warn from X percent (0 - 1.0):
    # after how many self kills,
    # shall a warning be displayed?
    # e.g.
    # example1: suicid_limit = 5, suicide_warn_percentage = 0.66 => warnings after 4th selfkill
    # example2: suicid_limit = 10, suicide_warn_percentage = 0.50 => warnings after 5th selfkill
    suicide_warn_percentage = 0.50
    # If you set suicide_nokick = 1,
    # then players, that make more suicides then allowed
    # are forced into spec instead of getting kicked
    # This ruins their ingame stats (not the stats taken
    # from the logfile)
    suicide_nokick        = 1
    # class_restrictions
    # ------------------
    # Wie viele Spier pro Klasse sind erlaubt?
    # Wenn eine Klasse voll besetzt ist, dann wird der naechste
    # Spieler, der diese Klasse auswaehlt zum Spectator gemacht
    # mit der Aufforderung, eine andere Klasse zu waehlen.
    # -1 = Unbegrenzt (standard)
    #  0 = Klasse deaktiviert
    # >0 = Spieler Limit fuer diese Klasse
    # How many players / class are allowed. Admin's can choose,
    # whatever they want (-1 unlimited)
    # if the limit is exceeded, then the player gets
    # put into spec and has to use a different class.
    # -1 = Unlimited(standard)
    #  0 = Class deactivated
    # >0 = Player limit for that class
    # To do: A timer is planed.
    # Soldier (0):
    0             = -1
    # Medic:
    1             = 3
    # Engi:
    2             = -1
    # Field Ops:
    3             = -1
    # covert ops:
    4             = -1
    # rules (addition of forceclass_balance)
    # -----
    # Wie viele Spieler muessen sich auf dem Server befinden,
    # bevor eine Klasse verwendet werden kann.
    # 0 deaktiviert eine Regel.
    # Bitte beachten, dass fuer jede Regel eine Nachricht alle
    # <rule_announce_time> eingeblendet wird. Daher die Anzahl
    # der Regeln moeglichst gering halten.
    # How many players have to be on the server, before
    # this classes become available:
    # 0 deactivates a rule.
    # Please be aware, that you get a announcement for each rule every <rule_announce_time>
    # time. So try to keep the amount of rules low.
    # This is just for panzer:
    player_minimum_panzer          = 0
    # This is for mortar only.
    player_minimum_mortar          = 0
    # Sniper are coverts with a scoped weapon (FG42, Garand and K43)
    # Coverts with a sten are still allowed then..
    player_minimum_sniper          = 0
    # Includes Mortar, Flamer, MG42 and of course Panzer
    player_minimum_heavyweapons    = 0
    # Engineers with rifles (Garand, K43)
    player_minimum_rifleengi       = 0
    # Complete Covert Class
    player_minimum_covert          = 0

    # Amount of Kill for the different types of killing sprees
    spree             = 5
    rampage         = 10
    dominating         = 15
    unstoppable         = 20
    godlike         = 25
    wicked             = 30
    potter            = 35
    # mount of deaths is negativemount of Deaths for the different types of death sprees (negativ values)
    badday                  = -10
    victim                  = -15
    asskicked        = -20

    # spree_messages (new in 0.25)
    # --------------
    # define your killing / death spree messages here:
    # Note: The color gets reset to whie after a break. You never know,
    # when a breaks happens (depends on the length of the name), place a
    # color code infront of every word.
    # if a spree ends (these names [ends_(kill|teamkill|selfkill)] are fixed):
    # Replacements: <PLAYER>, <KILLER>, <KILLS>
    ends_kill        = <PLAYER>^8's ^8killing ^8spree ^8ended ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills). ^8He ^8was ^8killed ^8by ^7<KILLER>^8!
    ends_teamkill        = <PLAYER>^8's ^8killing ^8spree ^8ended ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills). ^8He ^8was ^8killed ^8by ^1TEAMMATE ^7<KILLER>^8!
    ends_selfkill        = <PLAYER>^8's ^8killing ^8spree ^8ended ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills). ^8He ^8killed ^1himself, ^8what ^8a ^8pity!
    # spree is the only required keyword, everything else can be added like you want.
    # Replacements: <PLAYER>, <KILLS>
    spree            = <PLAYER> ^8is ^8on ^8a ^8killing ^8spree! ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills ^8in ^8a ^8row)
    rampage            = <PLAYER> ^8is ^8on ^8a ^8rampage! ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills ^8in ^8a ^8row)
    dominating        = <PLAYER> ^8is ^8dominating! ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills ^8in ^8a ^8row)
    unstoppable        = <PLAYER> ^8is ^8unstoppable! ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills ^8in ^8a ^8row)
    godlike            = <PLAYER> ^8is ^8godlike!! ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills ^8in ^8a ^8row)
    wicked            = <PLAYER> ^8is ^8wicked ^8sick!!! ^8(^7<KILLS> ^8kills ^8in ^8a ^8row)
    potter            = <PLAYER> ^8is ^8real ^8Potter!!! ^8(Woohoo, ^7<KILLS> ^8kills ^8in ^8a ^8row!)
    # deathsprees messages: (Replacements: <PLAYER>, <DEATHS>
    badday                  = <PLAYER> ^7seems to have a bad day ... (^3<DEATHS>^7 deaths without a ^1kill^7)
    victim                  = <PLAYER> ^7is on the best way to get ^3victim^7 of the day... (^3<DEATHS> ^7deaths w/o kill)
    asskicked               = <PLAYER> ^7really gets his ass kicked! Oh well, ^3<DEATHS> ^7deaths w/o ^1kill^7...
    # positions
    # ---------
    # Konfiguration der Position aller etadmin_mod Nachrichten
    # Configuration of the position of all etadmin_mod messages.
    # Available positions are:
    # ------------------------
    # etmain:
    # - say (chat window, with "console: " in front)
    # shrub / headshot_mod:
    # - chat (chat window,
    # - cpm (left popup area),
    # - cp (center print)
    # - say (chat window, with "console: " in front),
    # etpro:
    # - qsay (chat window,
    # - cpmsay (left popup area) available since 3.0.15+
    # - cp (center print)
    # - bp (banner print area, top of screen)
    # - say (chat window, with "console: " in front)
    # be sure to choose the right "et_mod" above in the config section.
    # Killing sprees: (a s_ infront to not interfere with other positions)
    s_spree            = chat
    s_rampage         = cp
    s_dominating         = cp
    s_unstoppable        = cp
    s_godlike        = cp
    s_wicked         = cp
    s_potter        = cp
    # death spree positions:
    s_badday                = chat
    s_victim                = chat
    s_asskicked        = chat
    # First blood
    first_blood        = cp
    # Last blood
    # dont use cp /cpmsay  for last_blood or
    # it wont be shown in intermission
    # Use: chat / chat / say
    last_blood        = chat
    # Greetings / Begruessungen:
    greetings        = chat
    # Banner messages / Banner Nachrichten ?
    banners            = cpm
    # Forceclass_balance announcements:
    # I recommend cpm with shrub and headshot mod, cpmsay in etpro (3.0.15+)
    announcements           = chat
    # default position for all text output
    default         = chat
    # NEW:
    uneven_teams            = cp
    birthdays               = cpm
    # suicide limit:
    suicide_warnings        = cpm

    # clans
    # -----
    # Hier kann man clan-tags passwörtern zuweisen. Dann koennen
    # nur noch Spieler, welches das Passwort mit
    # setu hp_password "password"
    # gesetzt haben, diesen Tag benutzen.
    # Linke Seite: regulaerer Ausdruck, daher []() schuetzen (mit \), ^ Anfang und $ Ende
    # Here you can passwords to clantags.
    # If you set a password for a clantag, then only players, which
    # have the password set with:
    # setu hp_password "password"
    # use the clan tag.
    # Left side: Regular expression, therefore []() have to be escaped, ^ for start, $ for end of name
    # Examples:
    # Protects: "[tB]..." Names
    #^\[tb\]        = testpass
    # Protects: "...[nC]" Names
    #\[nC\]$        = testpass

    # externals
    # ---------
    # Externe Programme / Befehle
    # External programs / commands
    # Ersetzungen / Replacements. Those replacements also work in the alias section:
    # <PLAYER>        = Name of the calling player (without color codes)
    # <COLOR_PLAYER>    = Name of the calling player (with color codes)
    # <GUID>        = Guid of the calling player (without color codes)
    # <PARAMETER>        = text followed by the command. USE quotes ("<PARAMETER>") to protect your programs !
    # <CLIENT_ID>        = the client id of the calling player.
    # <PART2GUID>        = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the guid of the matching player
    # <PART2CNAME>        = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the name (with colors)
    #              of the matching player
    # <PART2NAME>        = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the name (w/o colors)
    #              of the matching player
    # <PART2ADMINLEVEL>    = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the adminlevel of the matching player
    # <ADMINLEVEL>        = Adminlevel of the calling player
    # Note: If you set permission_based_external_functions = 1, you have to add these commands to the permission
    #       section.
    # Fortune:
    fortune            = /usr/bin/fortune -a -s
    # Server Uptime:
    server_uptime        = /usr/bin/uptime |/usr/bin/cut -f 1 -d ',' |/usr/bin/xargs -iX /bin/echo Server uptime: X
    # For stats to work, you have to install "either"
    # systats      - http://systats.sourceforge.net
    # ets          - http://soul.datamax.bg/~cade/away/ets/, needs patch, see addons directory
    # vsp          - http://www.clanavl.com/vsp
    # Then you also have to configure the ets_stats.pl, systats_stats.pl or vsp_stats.pl
    # in the addons directory.
    # ets stats:
    #stats            = addons/ets_stats.pl "<COLOR_PLAYER>"
    # Systats stats:
    #stats            = addons/systats_stats.pl "<COLOR_PLAYER>"
    # vsp stats (Thx to Lukey):
    #stats             = addons/vsp_stats.pl "<GUID>" "<COLOR_PLAYER>"
    # Admin notify
    # For this to work, you have to configure the notify.sh in the addons-directory.
    #admin            = addons/notify.sh "<COLOR_PLAYER>" "<PLAYER>" "<PARAMETER>"
    # greetings
    # ---------
    # Hier kann man die unterschiedlichen Begruessungen definieren,
    # welche angezeigt werden, wenn ein "Admin" (>level0) den Server
    # betritt. Dazu muss "admin_greeting = 1" im Config-Bereich
    # gesetzt sein.
    # Here you can assign the messages, that will be displayed, when a
    # admin (>level 0)enters the servers. This will only work, if
    # you set "admin_greeting = 1" in the config section.
    # greeting strings:
    # level  =  greeting
    # replacement: <PLAYER> / <COLOR_PLAYER>
    1            = Welcome protected user <COLOR_PLAYER>
    2            = Ohohhh! Admin I<COLOR_PLAYER> ^7entered the game!
    3            = Stand up! Admin II<COLOR_PLAYER> ^7entered the game!
    4            = Stand up! Admin III <COLOR_PLAYER> ^7entered the game!
    5            = ^1Attention! ^3Floormaster ^7<COLOR_PLAYER> ^7entered the game!
    # Default greeting, if no level is set ...
    default            = Everybody welcome <COLOR_PLAYER> ^7!

    # Command alias section  #
    # Shortcuts / Aliases.
    # Ersetzungen / Replacements.
    # <PLAYER>        = Name des aufrufenden Spielers (ohne ColorCodes)
    # <COLOR_PLAYER>    = Name des aufrufenden Spielers (mit ColorCodes)
    # <GUID>        = Guid des aufrufenden Spielers
    # <PARAMETER>        = text followed by the command. USE quotes ("<PARAMETER>") to protect your programs !
    # <CLIENT_ID>        = the client id of the calling player.
    # <PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_(ID|NAME|CNAME|WEAPON)> = last player, you killed
    # <PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_(ID|NAME|CNAME|WEAPON)> = last player, that killed you
    # <PLAYER_CLASS>     = class of calling player
    # <PLAYER_TEAM>     = side / team of calling player
    # <PLAYER>        = Name of the calling player (without color codes)
    # <COLOR_PLAYER>    = Name of the calling player (with color codes)
    # <GUID>        = Guid of the calling player (without color codes)
    # <PARAMETER>        = text followed by the command. USE quotes ("<PARAMETER>") to protect your programs !
    # <CLIENT_ID>        = the client id of the calling player.
    # <PART2GUID>        = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the guid of the matching player
    # <PART2CNAME>        = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the name (with colors)
    #              of the matching player
    # <PART2NAME>        = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the name (w/o colors)
    #              of the matching player
    # <PART2ADMINLEVEL>    = tries to match a player and then replaces the tag with the adminlevel of the matching player
    # <ADMINLEVEL>        = Adminlevel of the calling player
    # Rcon Shortcuts (Work with all mods / etmain)
    start                   = start_match
    swap                    = swap_teams
    reset                   = reset_match
    ref                     = makeReferee "<PLAYER>"
    unref                   = removeReferee "<PLAYER>"
    shuffle                 = shuffle_teams
    shuffle_restart         = shuffle_teams
    restart                 = map_restart
    maprestart              = map_restart
    map_restart             = map_restart
    timelimit               = timelimit <PARAMETER>
    # quote the parameters of the following rcon commands (because of names with spaces):
    kick                    = clientkick "<PART2ID>"
    makeReferee             = makeReferee "<PART2NAME>"
    removeReferee           = removeReferee "<PART2NAME>"
    # Referee Commands (only ETPRO)
    # To kick a player without temporary ban. Change the message, if you like.
    #fkick                    = pb_sv_kick <PART2PBID> 0 "Come back in, if you want"
    # shrub:
    getip                   = chatclient <CLIENT_ID> "^3getip: ^7<PART2IP>"
    # Rcon cvars:
    gravity                 = g_gravity "<PARAMETER>"
    knifeonly               = g_knifeonly "<PARAMETER>"
    knockback               = g_knockback "<PARAMETER>"
    speed                   = g_speed "<PARAMETER>"

    # Moves the calling person into the specific team
    putmeaxis               = forceteam <CLIENT_ID> r
    putmeallies             = forceteam <CLIENT_ID> b
    putmespec               = forceteam <CLIENT_ID> s
    # FUN:
    beer                    = chat "A nice sexy waitress brings ^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^7 a nice cup of beer!"
    pizza                   = chat "Someone calls Mario, and he brings ^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^7 a hot pepperoni pizza!"
    godmode                 = chat "^3Godmode: ^7<PARAMETER>"
    coke                    = chat "^3Ah... A delicious glass of cold Coca Cola[tm] (*thinks ^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^3 while he drinks*)"
    pfstinkt                = chat "^3Uh, that smell of the panzer is pretty strong today ... ^3(^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^3's opinion)"
    bye                     = chat "^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^3 waves his hand to say ^1GOOD BYE^3. We surely meet later!"

    # Only use that one, if you running debian linux
    #moo            = chat "This ET-server has ^3Super Cow Powers^7. Have you ^3mooed^7 today?"
    # Cheats: (!cheats 1/0) (for trickjumps, testing, ...)
    cheats                  = forcecvar sv_cheats <PARAMETER>
    # Use to set the server password. (Better make that silent)
    password                = g_password "<PARAMETER>"
    # New commands (for testing and demostration):
    # you don't tk / kill a admin...
    vkick                   = clientkick "<PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_ID>"
    # stop making owned messages, when you killed me =)
    vmute                   = ref mute "<PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_ID>"
    # for spamming ;)
    owned                   = chat "^1Ha^3ha^5ha^3, i owned ^7<PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_CNAME>^3 with my ^7<PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_WEAPON>^7!!!"
    pants                   = chat "^1No^3no^5noooo^7, i was killed by ^3<PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_CNAME>^7 with a ^3<PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_WEAPON>^7!!!"
    whoami                  = chat "I am <COLOR_PLAYER>^7. I play ^3<PLAYER_CLASS>^7 on the ^3<PLAYER_TEAM>^7 side."
    laser            = forcecvar g_debugbullets <PARAMETER>

    # examples for custom help messages:
    #cmds                    = chat "^3cmds: ^7!admintest, !seen, !time, !help, !rs, !tkindex, !stats, !cmds2 for more ^2fun^7 commands"
    #cmds2                   = chat "^3cmds2:^7 !fortune, !beer, !bye, !coke, !pfstinkt, !smoke, !eat, !moo, !pee, !phone"
    # permissions
    # -----------
    # In diesem Bereich kann man festlegen, welcher Level ueber welche
    # Rechte verfgen soll.
    # Format:
    # level = befehl(, befehl[, befehl], ...)
    # Die Befehle werden vererbt. D.h. Level 1 hat alle Level 0 Befehle,
    # Level 2 hat alle Level 1 und Level 0 Befehle, und so weiter
    # Define the commands for the levels here:
    # Here you can define, which level has access to which functions
    # Format: level = commands (, command[, command], ...)
    # Permissions inherite...
    # Be aware: Use these commands as a addition to the shrubbot.
    # Level 0 (Prole):
    0                       = seen
    # Just for fun:
    0                       = pizza, beer, bye, coke, pfstinkt, moo
    # For teamkill_restriction:
    0                       = tkindex
    # public command lists:
    #0                      =  cmds, cmds2
    # if you set permission_based_external_functions = 1, you have to configure
    # the external function calls in the permission section too.
    # Exactly, like the aliases
    0                      = stats, fortune, admin, server_uptime
    # for longest_spree_display:
    0             = spree_record
    # Level 1 (Protected):
    1                      = owned, pants, whoami
    1                      = putmeaxis, putmespec, putmeallies
    # Level 2 (Admin I):
    2                       = clientkick, fkick
    # Level 3 (Admin II):
    3                       = cp, chat
    3                       = finger, shuffle_restart, shuffle_teams
    # Just for fun (try "!godmode on" ingame):
    #3                       = godmode
    # Level 4 (Admin III)
    4                       = speed, gravity, knifeonly, password, knockback, laser
    4                = timelimit, godmode, map, gametype, crazygravity
    4                = cheats, spree_reset, readconfig
    # for commands to execute while login:
    # example (before connect of in autoexec.cfg):
    # /setu hp_logincmd "!ref"
    4            = logincmd
    # Level 5 (Floormaster):
    5                       = makeReferee, removeReferee
    # for loading etadmin_mod configs
    # there is a default config, which is called off.
    5             = loadconfig
    # Hint:
    # Use "!loadconfig off" to disable the etadmin_mod (with setting a wrong server_password)
    # and !readconfig to reenable etadmin-mod then

    # help
    # ----
    # Hier kann man die Hilfe-Nachrichten der Admin-Commands anpassen,
    # welche angezeigt werden, wenn man !help <cmd> aufruft.
    # Here you can adjust or set the help messages, displayed with
    # !help <cmd>. May still be incomplete.
    admintest        = ^3Usage: ^7!admintest, shows your current level.
    time             = ^3Usage: ^7!time, displays the local time of the server.
    seen            = ^3Usage: ^7!seen <fullname>, shows you the last time a person was seen on the server.
    finger            = ^3Usage: ^7!finger <client_id|part of name>, shows the level / status of a player.
    pub            = ^3Usage: ^7!pub, loads the public settings
    comp            = ^3Usage: ^7!comp, loads the competition settings
    pause            = ^3Usage: ^7!pause, pauses the current game
    unpause            = ^3Usage: ^7!unpause, resumes the current game (with 10 sec countdown)
    allready        = ^3Usage: ^7!allready, makes all players ready (before warmup and in intermission)
    swap            = ^3Usage: ^7!swap, swaps the teams
    swap_teams        = ^3Usage: ^7!swap_teams, swaps the teams
    shuffle            = ^3Usage: ^7!shuffle, shuffles the players and makes a match reset
    shuffle_teams        = ^3Usage: ^7!shuffle_teams, shuffles the players and makes a match reset
    gametype        = ^3Usage: ^7!gametype <TYPE>, set the gametype (2 = SO, 3 = SW, 4 = Cmpgn)
    restart            = ^3Usage: ^7!restart, restarts the current map (without warmup)
    maprestart        = ^3Usage: ^7!maprestart, restarts the current map (without warmup)
    map_restart        = ^3Usage: ^7!map_restart, restarts the current map (without warmup)
    reset            = ^3Usage: ^7!reset, restarts the current map (with warmup again)
    reset_match        = ^3Usage: ^7!reset_match, restarts the current map (with warmup again)
    speclock        = ^3Usage: ^7!speclock, locks the spectators
    specunlock        = ^3Usage: ^7!specunlock, unlocks the spectators
    mutespecs        = ^3Usage: ^7!mutespecs, mutes the specators
    unmutespecs        = ^3Usage: ^7!unmutespecs, unmutes the specators
    timelimit        = ^3Usage: ^7!timelimit <TIME in minutes>, sets the timelimit for current map    
    map            = ^3Usage: ^7!map <MAP>, loads the map. Works only in gametype 2 and 3.
    campaign        = ^3Usage: ^7!campaign <CAMPAIGN>, loads the campaign.
    nextmap                 = ^3Usage: ^7!nextmap, loads the next campaign.
    config            = ^3Usage: ^7!config <NAME>, loads the config with the specific name.
    kick            = ^3Usage: ^7!kick <client_id|part of name>, for kicking someone of the server.
    fkick                   = ^3Usage: ^7!fkick <client_id|part of name>, for a kick without tempban.
    clientkick        = ^3Usage: ^7!clientkick <client_id>, for kicking someone of the server (with the id).
    ban            = ^3Usage: ^7!ban <client_id|part of name> <duration|0> <reason>.
    mute            = ^3Usage: ^7!mute <client_id|part of name>, for muting a specific person.
    unmute            = ^3Usage: ^7!unmute <client_id|part of name>, for unmuting a specific person.
    readconfig        = ^3Usage: ^7!readconfig, reloads alle config files immediately.
    setlevel        = ^3Usage: ^7!setlevel <client_id|part of name> <level>, sets the level of the target
    putspec            = ^3Usage: ^7!putspec <client_id|part of name>, to make someone spectator.
    putaxis            = ^3Usage: ^7!putaxis <client_id|part of name>, to make someone axis.
    putallies        = ^3Usage: ^7!putallies <client_id|part of name>, to make someone allies.
    putteam            = ^3Usage: ^7!putteam <client_id> <r|b|s>, move a player in an other team/spec.
    putclan            = ^3Usage: ^7!putclan <clantag|part of name> <r|b|s>, moves a group of players.
    cancelvote        = ^3Usage: ^7!cancelvote, cancels the current vote.
    passvote        = ^3Usage: ^7!passvote, passes the current vote.
    # Shoutcaster commands:
    ms            = ^3Usage: ^7!ms, makes the calling spectator a shoutcaster
    rs            = ^3Usage: ^7!rs, removes the shoutcaster status of the calling person.
    makeShoutcaster     = ^3Usage: ^7!makeShoutcaster <client_id|part of name>, promote a spectator to shoutcaster.
    removeShoutcaster     = ^3Usage: ^7!removeShoutcaster <client_id|part of name>, demotes a shoutcaster back to spectator.
    ref            = ^3Usage: ^7!ref, promotes you to a referee.
    unref            = ^3Usage: ^7!unref, removes your referee status.
    makeReferee         = ^3Usage: ^7!makeReferee <client_id|part of name>, promote a player to referee.
    removeReferee         = ^3Usage: ^7!removeReferee <client_id|part of name>, demotes a referee to a normal player.
    gravity            = ^3Usage: ^3!gravity <value> (800 is default).
    knifeonly        = ^3Usage: ^3!knifeonly <1|0>, leaves all players just with a knife (after respawn).
    knockback               = ^3Usage: ^7!knockback <value>, changes the knock back of when you get hit (default: 1000)
    speed                   = ^3Usage: ^7!speed <value>, changes speed of movement for players. (High = fast, default: 320)
    cheats                  = ^3Usage: ^7!cheats (1|0), to enable(1) / disable(0) cheats.
    cointoss                = ^3Usage: ^3!cointoss, use to decide who starts the offence / defence.
    # guess some help texts are still missing
    # Bad names
    # ---------
    # Hier kann man (Teil-)Namen eintragen, die man den Spielern nicht erlauben will.
    # You can set (part of) bad names here, which you don't want to allow your players.

    # banner messages
    # ---------------------
    # empty lines or lined with a # in front are not displayed
    # use "banners" to enable / disable and "bannertime" to
    # configure the duration between the messages.
    ^3the following lines
    ^2can be filled with information
    ^4that should be displayed ingame.
    # Automute settings:
    automute        = 1
    # Which lvl of admins are not checked for badwords: (=>)
    automute_override_lvl    = 1
    # added with 0.29t13:
    # If someone gets muted (due to automute or vote or ref), he
    # will immidiatly be muted again on rejoin
    # >>>>> ETPRO ONLY ATM <<<<<<
    persistent_mute        = 1
    # To have a record saved for every map:
    # added with 0.29t14
    persistent_map_spree_record = 1
    # simple_stats
    # !stats shows kills/death/... since player joined.
    # Don't forget to add the permission to lvl0 (or else)
    simple_stats         = 1
    # see file for documentation
    # or here: http://et.d1p.de/etadmin_mod/wiki/index.php/Automute
    badwords_file        = etc/badwords.lst
    # TCP_interface Settings:
    # Activate tcp-interface? (1 = yes, 0 = no)
    # Note: If you change this, you have to restart the etadmin_mod.
    tcp_interface        = 0
    # Maximum of tcp connections.
    # Note: If you change this, you have to restart the etadmin_mod.
    tcp_max_connections    = 10
    # Bind to which IP?
    #   = all available server ips (default)
    # = localhost
    # Note: If you change this, you have to restart the etadmin_mod.
    tcp_bind_addr        =
    # Default = Serverport
    # Note: If you change this, you have to restart the etadmin_mod.
    #tcp_bind_port        = 27960
    # Username / passwort for TCP-Uberadmin
    # (always has highest level and permission to add/delete/change users)
    tcp_admin_username    = admin
    tcp_admin_password    = CHANGETHIS
    # Shall the passwords be crypted in the tcp_database.cfg file?
    # Don't change this after you added some users, or all users, except the
    # the above admin, won't be able to login anymore.
    tcp_crypt_passwords    = 1
    # Maximum Connections from one IP:
    tcp_max_conn_ip        = 3
    # Timeout in seconds on identify.
    tcp_ident_timeout    = 15
    # Intermission Mapvoting.
    # See here:
    # http://et.d1p.de/etadmin_mod/wiki/index.php/Intermission_Mapvoting
    intermission_mapvoting    = 0
    # added in 0.29t17:
    intermission_mapfile    = etc/maps.lst
    # added 13.08.2005 (0.29t9):
    # maps config load order.
    # -----------------------
    # Which config shall be loaded first.
    # 0 = first mapname.cfg, then default.cfg (default)
    # 1 = first default.cfg, then mapname.cfg
    # Be aware: if you have map_configs_order = 1 and map_configs_options = 0,
    #        then only default.cfg will be loaded, never mapname.cfg.
    #        Only, if default.cfg doesn't exist.
    map_configs_order    = 0
    # maps config options
    # ------------------
    # Shall both config files be loaded?
    # 0 = abort after first loaded config file (default)
    # 1 = load both configs after another (default.cfg and mapname.cfg, order see map_configs_order)
    # Note: 1 is useful, if you have a default.cfg, which shall be loaded every map, but sometimes
    # overwritten by a special map config.
    map_configs_options    = 0

    # New permission prefix in 0.29t10:
    # ----------------------
    # tcp: means, just for the tcp-interface
    # game: means just for ingame.
    # no prefix = allowed in tcp-interface and ingame.
    # if you want to use stats (simple_stats), you should add the permission for players to use it
    0     = stats
    # You should add / change these:
    1    = game:putmespec, game:putmeallies, game:putmeaxis
    1    = game:whoami, game:owned, game:pants
    3    = unban, tcp:banlist, tcp:listplayers, tcp:bc
    # added in 0.29t17, mute someone and block unmute votes.
    3    = pmute
    # for kicking other tcp connections (new in 0.29t12):
    5    = tcp:disconnect
    # added with 0.29t13:
    1    = tcp:serverinfo, tcp:listcmds
    # for the etadmin_mod Control Center:
    cc_maps = fdir *.bsp
    # for loading maps with cheats
    4        = devmap
    # for retrieving a list of available maps.
    4         = tcp:cc_maps


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